Template talk:Software page

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Template issues
This template has issues with overflow at smaller sizes. I'm sure you already knew this, but just in case, you could try and use clamp(), min() or max() on your margins, padding and more to try and fix this issue.
Personally I would attempt to fix this myself, but I'm lazy and can't be bothered, so I find it easier to just inform you instead. --Mailmanmicky (talk) 0:11, 25 Feb 2023
Dito. --Popcorn (talk) 1:20, 25 Feb 2023
Fixed. --THE OWL (talk) 13:10, 25 Feb 2023
Great solution! --Popcorn (talk) 22:29, 26 Feb 2023
Hidden categories idea
I noticed that for the hidden categories idea that there are links to categories with the raw parameter text as titles (Ps3). When I did the automatic Category thing for platforms a while back--which can be seen below the current platform text--I used the strings in Template:Software page/Strings
PlatformSwitcher section for the page titles (PlayStation 3). I was wondering if it would be preferred to use that method or use the abbreviations instead.
☑ Resolved. in User talk:THE OWL. --Equalizer5118 (talk) 15:10, 7 Apr 2023
Some odd categories with icons elsewhere
See Half-Life 2: Lost Coast for example. --Lxm6 (talk) 21:21, 9 Apr 2023
This problem was known, but until the transition to the search for products by category is completed, some pages will be broken for a while. --THE OWL (talk) 4:28, 10 Apr 2023
How to suppress For developers links?
See Quake by Id Software, Inc. in 1996 for example. --Lxm6 (talk) 6:28, 7 May 2023
I fixed this in Quake by Id Software, Inc. in 1996.
Now, if you want to remove the link to the development documents, just delete the parameter or leave it without a value. Also, do not specify false for the workshop if the AppID is not specified. --THE OWL (talk) 6:57, 7 May 2023
Updated branch parameters
I changed the branch parameters Source 4, Source 7, and Source 9 to Source 04, Source 07, and Source 09, respectively, to line up with with how these branches are usually abbreviated (stemming from usual abbreviation of years in English). This seems to have broken the automatic categories for these branches, however. --SirYodaJedi (talk) 23:55, 24 May 2023
Looks like you fixed it. Black Mesa and Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines are in the right categories. Pages of other games and mods that are not included in the categories most likely have an uncleaned cache.
Perhaps we should start using the discussion page of the active editor of the desired article or template, so that it quickly notices and fixes the bug, and does not remain silent for weeks. This idea can make a mess on the user discussion pages, so we need a template that will create a notification box. --THE OWL (talk) 20:29, 7 Jun 2023
Show images, videos and other files automatically and cyclically
☒ Unresolved. I find clicking boring with many images or pages. --Lxm6 (talk) 16:42, 13 Jun 2023
Could you describe it in more detail? I don't understand what you mean. --THE OWL (talk) 14:35, 16 Jun 2023
Mediawiki's Media Viewer won't cycle images for me even with JS on. It's even worse without Media Viewer. --Lxm6 (talk) 13:45, 16 Jul 2023
I guess that's because cycling images are not implemented. I doubt that it's possible at all. This is an old MediaWiki, not a modern site. You can't expect too much from this and seriously, who needs it. This site isn't about copying the steam shop pages but still, there are people out here doing a great job for coming close to them. I wouldn't complain about not having cycling images, nor would I complain for any of the other things that aren't perfect on this site. In fact, we should be thankful for all the content that USERS brought up to this site - I like to think that if there's information/functionality missing then there's just no one who knows enough about it. Sorry for answering more questions than you've asked. --Popcorn (talk) 22:50, 16 Jul 2023
Cover Parameters and Automatic Image Detection
Cover Parameters
I want to allow editing as many template elements as possible right on the page, but is this such a good idea for a cover? The table below describes the main parameters that may appear in the future.
Parameter | Description |
{{{cover}}} | Support for specifying the file extension or other cover. |
{{{cover size}}} | The size of the cover. It is useful if a logo is used instead (See ![]() |
{{{cover background}}} | Why not let the background change? For example, you could add a gradient or an animated image behind a logo or something else. |
Automatic Image Detection
In this section, I just want to find out if it's such a good idea to remove automatic image detection? Automatic detection creates a lot of limits, but at the same time, it is more convenient to specify a bunch of identical parameters with identical values. --THE OWL (talk) 14:33, 16 Jun 2023
Potential bug
See File:Potential template bug 01.png --SirYodaJedi (talk) 16:46, 29 June 2023 (PDT)
I have fixed this, but not yet by improving the template. --THE OWL (talk) 11:33, 30 Jun 2023
| type = Package are not Category:Games
☒ Unresolved. I can't fix it easily. --Lxm6 (talk) 13:16, 16 Jul 2023
Metacritic template bug
Metacritic part of this template is broken.
EDIT: fixed. --Kr0tchet (talk) 4:02, 28 Jul 2023
that was an issue with the inputted parameters, not the template itself. --Equalizer5118 (talk) 16:23, 28 Jul 2023
Deck learn more box
deckcompat"</nowiki> on the fake category header (had to make fake because of limitations) and making the learn more button link to #deckcompat, clicking the learn more button will take the user down to the deck compatibility box. I have created a new template to use for the bulleted list. My goal was to imitate the box found by clicking on the "Learn more" button in the Steamdeck compat box found on steam, but it is largely experimental. Feel free to change the look of this new template. The colors and automatically generated text is controlled by the {{{deck}}} parameter, which changes the text accordingly.
While I could have just made a collapsing table, I like the look and function of this better. --Equalizer5118 (talk) 7:51, 3 Aug 2023
REVAMP IDEA Instead of having presets and manual changes on the page end, I am thinking of having a template page (e.g Template:Software page/deckbox) that will have each specific page's rating breakdown. It will function similar to a strings page, where a #switch is used to change the rating breakdown based on the {{{title}}} parameter. This means that the template on each page will not be cluttered with lots of text and arbitrary templates, and instead it is all handled by the template itself. The #default of the switch will be "NA", which will hide the learn more box and instead link the learn more button at the top of the page to the Steamdeck rating website. --Equalizer5118 (talk) 17:59, 8 Oct 2023
(using Template:Message) Maybe add Steam rating, game series, successor, predecessor, Steam features, setting?
Steam rating would be too annoying to keep up-to-date, but series and features would make sense. --SirYodaJedi (talk) 19:18, 26 Apr 2024 --Mr. SystemError (talk) 19:08, 26 Apr 2024 (UTC)
Steamdeck compact infopanel
Should there be translation for Verified, Playable, Unsupported, and Unknown in other languages? i was thinking replacing the line on Steamdeck compact infopanel from <div style= "color:white; font-size:20px;">{{ucfirst:{{{deck|Unknown}}}}}</div>
with <div style= "color:white; font-size:20px;">{{Software page/strings|Deck Test {{ucfirst:{{{deck|Unknown}}} }} }}</div>
--N0one (talk) 16:43, 7 May 2024
(using Template:Message) fine by me, just make sure nothing breaks
I tested this before adding this topic, so nothing broke. --N0one (talk) 19:21, 7 May 2024 --Equalizer5118 (talk) 18:39, 7 May 2024 (UTC)
Nothings broken! (I hope so at least...)
I recently made some edits to this template, and during testing a few pages were loaded with a broken revision, so if you see any pages using this template that have some weird text at the top bar, just purge them, everything's fixed now.
Just posting this message so someone doesn't revert recent edits due to a misunderstanding. --Wisdurm (talk) 20:48, 3 Jun 2024
Is this where Metacritic is so necessary? I basically don't understand the point of this dead service, but since it was here all the time before me, I didn't remove it. --THE OWL 18:32, 18 Jun 2024 (UTC)