User talk:Lxm6

Additional notes: See #Targeted Harassment Of Other Individuals section, or check the block log for more information why this user has been banned.
Redirects are cheap
Don't move pages just because they're "easier to link"; that is what redirects are for. It is preferable for a page name to be what is actually displayed to the end user, as this avoids confusion and inconsistency. --SirYodaJedi (talk) 2:19, 15 Jun 2023
- Moving still can create double redirects, which does break stuff.
- Really, the Template:Windows7 should be Template:Win7.
- Template names are supposed to be short, so that they are easier to type; this is why it's Template:Hl and not Template:Half-Life. We don't need a Template:Apex Legends that is different from Template:Apex. This is the same reason why template names are (usually) lowercase. --User:SirYodaJedi (talk) 16:41, 17 Jun 2023
1. They failed to expain how removing a word Legends is faster than adding brackets around Apex Legends so far.
2. They changed their vague statement 180 degrees in just 2 days. --User:Lxm6 20:10, 17 Jun 2023
langsp}} instead of {{language subpage}}
), but not only that, most people get used to it, similar to programming, coding, etc..., imagine writtening full trademarked brand name while you are programming a software for example, then it's suddenly breaks when you tries to use it or even trying to compiling it, or it might work with some bugs. When it's come to MediaWiki templates, if somebody tries to use a template then putting something with space on it (example being {{Table tools}}
) which most likely breaks if there's "space" after you putting the page name like {{Table tools|Half-Life games}}, but works fine with "_", example: {{Table tools|Half_life_games}}, plus even the URLs itself also doesn't contain any space on it either, again technical limitations. --Kr0tchet (talk) 5:45, 20 Jun 2023
Any correct solution can be copied and pasted... I find this discussion somewhat pointless at the moment as there aren't many big texts or many games posted here to discuss such fine details... --User:Lxm6 (talk) 18:59, 22 Jun 2023
|type=Mod -> |type=Game on many mod pages
Hey man, was just wondering why you changes a lot of pages to use the Game tag when they are labeled as Mods on steam. Mods such as Portal 2: Community Edition are labeled as Mods both on steam and on their official documentation, so I don't quite understand why you changed them... --Equalizer5118 (talk) 18:32, 16 Jul 2023
I said about this elsewhere. --Lxm6 (talk) 18:37, 16 Jul 2023
You're very stubborn, you know that? Aw well, it's more amusing for me. Mailmanmicky (talk) 15:45, 21 July 2023 (PDT)
Don't feed insane trolls. Lxm6 (talk) 15:46, 21 July 2023 (PDT)
Targeted Harassment Of Other Individuals
You are welcome to deny these allegations, yet even a cursory examination of your user page directly corroborates this post.
This post was originally intended to be posted on the main user page in accordance with the Valve Developer Community:Policies and Guidelines "User pages" subsection, relating to the further subsection wherein "A user may also be allowed to edit a user page, without express permission from the owner of the user page, if the intention is to add a notice used to inform an editor on the ill intentions of said user."
This user has performed nonsensical mass edits and harassed other users repeatedly, with no sign that they intend to stop doing so.
This user is an individual that has been banned from other websites for nonsensical mass edits of pages in violation of editing guidelines, and for verbal attacks on editors and community moderators.
This user has employed pseudonyms and sockpuppetry to evade bans and to avoid responsibility for being unable to properly follow editing rules and guidelines on multiple websites in addition to their verbal attacks on others.
Some of their past pseudonyms from other websites that have been tracked down, and which are not currently under investigation for sockpuppetry, include: "Khv2233", "Opv", and "Charged Tank".
Despite protesting that they are a sensible individual, they refuse to have logical and civil conversations with users, and refuse to even consider that their beliefs and edits on subjects may be wrong, even when confronted with sourced evidence to the contrary.
As their user page itself indicates, they are entirely comfortable with bringing unfounded accusations against others while attempting to obfuscate their own identity across so they can't be held accountable for their actions and statements.
I have no other account here. I am posting from this pseudonym, just as they are so fond of making for themselves, in order to protect myself from the same type of childish targeted harassment and intimidation they have carried out against others elsewhere, which I believe they would also level against me. --AlphaOmega (talk) 21:18, 23 July 2023 (PTC)
- I happen to be on an alternate account for the same reason. I thought I'd mention that I managed to find this guy on urban dictionary from a search (under the name "Barkingdog", but it's very clear that it is him), and it's clear he has no intention of ceasing to target other users, and also decided to post the public email address and discord profile linked on the page of the user who banned him. Pseudonym (talk)
- btw just got one of his dictionary reported and removed just for that posted email and discord profile by a VDC admin. Regardless he managed to mess up templates aswell, which might breaks other template that also uses this template, such as moving "Template:Win" or "Template:Windows" to "Template:Windows 11" and etc..., and his excuse was for legal BS that usually doesn't applies to template names, but it is possible to name templates with spaces on it at the cost of breaking some templates unless there was "_" underscore or by using redirect pages that leads to that templates. The same thing also applies to PCGW or something like that, adding useless and nonsensical edit like making minor versions of Unity engine as major versions, or here in VDC by unnecessary changing green to other color on {{Confirm}} template, and similar one like it. --kr0tchet (talk) 08:52, 29 July 2023 (PDT)
- Update: And so he came back and making some nonsensical edit and doing edit war with other people and admins on Dota 2 Wiki, this time he got perm ban. And for LoL Wiki, 6 months ban. --kr0tchet (talk) 23:46, 29 July 2023 (PDT)
- btw just got one of his dictionary reported and removed just for that posted email and discord profile by a VDC admin. Regardless he managed to mess up templates aswell, which might breaks other template that also uses this template, such as moving "Template:Win" or "Template:Windows" to "Template:Windows 11" and etc..., and his excuse was for legal BS that usually doesn't applies to template names, but it is possible to name templates with spaces on it at the cost of breaking some templates unless there was "_" underscore or by using redirect pages that leads to that templates. The same thing also applies to PCGW or something like that, adding useless and nonsensical edit like making minor versions of Unity engine as major versions, or here in VDC by unnecessary changing green to other color on {{Confirm}} template, and similar one like it. --kr0tchet (talk) 08:52, 29 July 2023 (PDT)
- Lxm6 is an immature, idiotic fucking cunt. All they do is whinge and whine and complain at the first sign of crititcism because they can’t take any themselves. They have no accountability, they have no respect and they’re a waste of fucking space. They should fuck off back to were they came from because no one wants them here, or anywhere else, as evidenced by the countless bans they have received on other wikis. In general, fuck Lxm6, they can rot. -- () (talk)
- We all know Lxm6 was an irritating user who deserved the ban; no need to continue to rant on the user talk page after the ban; that's exactly what he would do.
— SirYodaJedi (talk) 11:11, 30 July 2023 (PDT)- Well, guess what guys. Lxm6 tried to create another account, but got IP blocked. [1] Equalizer5118, an idiot who cant spel (talk) 09:00, 17 August 2023 (PDT)
- We all know Lxm6 was an irritating user who deserved the ban; no need to continue to rant on the user talk page after the ban; that's exactly what he would do.