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This user is currently away. Their edits are infrequent and they only check up on the site every so often.

Aight, I'm done. Info dump time.

Hi. I'm a 16 year old from the US, and for the last year I have been a prominent editor on this wiki. I used this site so much I called it my home. Yet, in the last week, I have been scrutinized for actions that are in part not even my fault.

My editing on this site started over a year ago, when I was bored one day and made an account. I started out making small edits on articles, then got more confident and started to make bigger edits. As I edited, I saw the landscape of the wiki change harshly with the additions of new templates such as Template:Software page. I saw these templates and thought they looked alright, a little complicated and incredibly hard to understand, but I started to understand and started to help integrated into the wiki. I didn't know this was inherently wrong, I just saw it as standard and followed it. The same came to take place with the transition from Template:Lang to Template:MultiPage. The first time I edited a page with MultiPage on it, I thought it was broken and almost reverted the edit, till I looked at Recent Changes and saw that it was now being used on many different pages, so I accepted it and moved on despite how annoying editing pages now was. Little did I know this would turn around to bite me later on

My editing career then slowed down a lot, and I got more involved with Portal 2: Community Edition Portal 2: Community Edition. I started contributing to there, eventually getting myself to the position of Quality Assurance tester, which basically means I get to test highly experimental builds before they get released to the rest of the beta testers. I then made the ill fated decision to personalize my user page. I added some bubbles, added my own pictures, and made it my own, as I was allowed to do. This again was another mistake that would lead to today.

I then stepped away for a bit and came back to a newly revised wiki. The corners were rounded, the templates expanded and color coded. On my tiny phone, it was a colored nightmare to navigate. I didn't like it at all, but as this was now standard, may as well follow it.

Then we come to today, the moderator elections. I thought that since I had the necessary qualifications, I may as well apply. Then, I proceeded to get vote bombed by all the other users who vote bombed the other editors of late. Some of these accusations were incredibly unfair, lumping me in with users simply because I contributed to their work or my profile looked too social media-y. Despite my plea, saying how I was just following standards and didn't mean any harm, nor was I trying to transform the wiki into my personal vision-I was just following the standards-they fell on dead ears who see template usage as immediately bad. I even proved my point by removing the colors from the third party section of Template:SDKTools, an edit I have wanted to make for some time now, but to no avail, the users kept their votes based on false information about me. Which leads me to here.

I asked for my mod application to be removed, as I don't want to be a mod in a wiki full of users who hate me. I don't think that even the most basic of editd would be allowed from me, as anything that so much as clips the edge of a point these users hate will warrant a downpour of negative messages from everybody and their dog. Combine that with the toughness of losing a gigantic part of my friends in school and random bouts of self hate, I don't think that this environment would be beneficial to me at all. My home has been destroyed and set alight because I was a good editor who followed what the longer standing editors did and had a profile that wasn't full plain text. So, therefore, I am going on a hiatus from this wiki, because I don't think I want to be attacked by users who are getting way to upset over pixels on a screen. I will fix the damage that I've done to the translate template, before these editors find one more foothold of malice to throw at me, and the I will leave.

I'm not looking for sympathy or apologies, not likely to get it from these users anyways. This is just an explanation for why I have decided to go on hiatus.

So yeah, see ya. Hope y'all are happy. Have a good day/night, even if you don't think I deserve one. :)

-Equalizer (talk) 17:07, 18 June 2024 (PDT)