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This article relates to the software/tool "Counter-Strike 2 Workshop Tools". Click here for more information.
This article's documentation is for Source 2. Click here for more information.


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Enabling the Particle Editor

The particle editor is disabled in CS2 by default. To enable the particle editor, "game/bin/sdkenginetools.txt" and "game/bin/assettypes_common.txt" must both be edited.

In sdkenginetools.txt, delete the lines from "m_ExcludeFromMods = " to "]" inclusive from pet:

	m_Name = "pet"
	m_FriendlyName = "Particle Editor"
	m_Library = "tools/pet.dll"
	m_ToolIcon = "game:tools/images/pet/appicon.ico"
	m_AssetTypes = 
	//m_ExcludeFromMods = 
	//	"csgo",

And in assettypes_common.txt, delete the lines from "m_HideForRetailMods = " to "]" inclusive from the particle asset:

particle_asset = 
	_class = "CResourceAssetTypeInfo"
	m_FriendlyName = "Particle System"
	m_Ext = "vpcf"
	m_IconLg = "game:tools/images/assettypes/particles_lg.png"
	m_IconSm = "game:tools/images/assettypes/particles_sm.png"
	m_CompilerIdentifier = "CompileParticle"
	m_bPrefersLivePreview = true
	m_bUnrecognizedReferencesAreErrors = true
	m_Blocks = 
			m_BlockID = "DATA"
			m_Encoding = "RESOURCE_ENCODING_KV3"
	//m_HideForRetailMods =
	//	"csgo",

Getting Started



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