Particle System Properties

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Category:Particle System


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Properties are values that every particle system has without anything added to it.


Todo: Some of these properties are only in later engine branches. That needs to be documented.
aggregation radius <float>
  • Todo: Description needed.
batch particle systems <bool>
  • Todo: Description needed.
bounding_box_max <vector3>
  • The bounding box for the particle system. It only encloses the exact center of every particle. The particle system will not be rendered if the bounding box is not visible.
bounding_box_min <vector3>
  • The bounding box for the particle system. It only encloses the exact center of every particle. The particle system will not be rendered if the bounding box is not visible.
color <color>
  • The default color for the particle system. The alpha value is ignored.
control point to disable rendering <int>
  • Allows you to choose a control point that, if visible to the client, will disable rendering the particle system. The default value is -1 and will make it render everywhere.
control point to only enable rendering <int>
  • The particle system will only be rendered if the given control point is visible to the player. The default value is -1 and will make it render everywhere.
cull_control_point <int>
  • If the cheat ConVar cl_particle_retire_cost is not 0, the selected control point is used as the vector center to help calculate the size a particle takes up on a client's screen, compared to the maximum area when culling/retiring a particle system.
    Todo: Verify
cull_cost <float>
  • If the cheat ConVar cl_particle_retire_cost is not 0, then it is used as a mulitplier when calculating whether a particle system is using more than the screen's maximum area. If a particle system exceeds the maximum viewspace, it will be culled.
    Todo: Verify
cull_radius <float>
  • If the cheat ConVar cl_particle_retire_cost is not 0, then it is used (mostly) as a mulitplier when calculating whether a particle system is using more than the screen's maximum area. If a particle system exceeds the maximum viewspace, it will be culled.
    Todo: Verify
cull_replacement_definition <string>
  • If the cheat ConVar cl_particle_retire_cost is not 0 and when this particle system is culled/retired, it will be replaced with this one.
    Todo: Verify
draw through leafsystem <bool>
  • Todo: Description needed.
fallback max count <int>
  • Todo: Description needed.
fallback replacement definition <string>
  • Todo: Description needed.
freeze simulation after time <float>
  • Forces the particle system to freeze after the set amount of seconds.
group id <int>
  • Todo: Description needed.
initial_particles <int>
  • The particle will spawn with a specific amount of particles. Similar to the emitter emit_instantaneously.
material <string>
  • The material used for all particles in the system. If you are using multiple renderers they must share this material.
max_particles <int>
  • The limit at which no new particles will be emitted until other particles are removed.
maximum draw distance <float>
  • The maximum distance at which the particle system is rendered. The particle system will not be visible beyond this value.
maximum sim tick rate <float>
  • Todo: Description needed.
maximum time step <float>
  • The maximum time it takes for the system properties to simulate. Use this to achieve a "jitter" or stutter effect in your particle system.
minimum CPU level <int>
  • Todo: Description needed.
minimum free particles to aggregate <int>
  • Todo: Description needed.
minimum GPU level <int>
  • Todo: Description needed.
minimum rendered frames <int>
  • Todo: Description needed.
minimum sim tick rate <float>
  • Todo: Description needed.
minimum simulation time step <float>
  • The time it takes for the particle emitter to "wake up" again and the minimum time it takes for the system properties to simulate. Use this to achieve a "jitter" or stutter effect in your particle system.
name <string>
  • This is the name of the specific particle system.
normal <vector3>
  • Todo: Description needed.
preventNameBasedLookup <bool>
  • Todo: Description needed.
radius <float>
  • The default size of all the spawned particles.
rotation <float>
  • The default rotation of the emitted particles.
rotation_speed <float>
  • Default rotation speed.
screen space effect <bool>
  • Whether or not the particle system is a screen effect.
sequence_number <int>
sequence_number 1 <int>
  • Same as sequence_number, except this controls the second initial sequence in dual-sequence materials.
Sort particles <bool>
  • Whether or not the particles should have their render order sorted each frame. If set to 0, older particles will always render on top of newer ones.
time to sleep when not drawn <float>
  • Todo: Description needed.
view model effect <bool>
  • Makes this particle system and all of its children render as part of the viewmodel. Useful for effects such as first-person weapon muzzleflashes, as otherwise they would always render behind the viewmodel.