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Counter-Strike 2 Workshop Tools/CS2 Sky List

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Note.pngNote:This page is very WIP. Feel free to help out by adding other maps and their values.

This is a list of Counter-Strike 2 skies, along with pictures of each skybox. Sun Angle, Color, Brightness, Indirect Light Multiplier, Sky Color, Sky Intensity, Sky IBL Scale, and Skybox Bounce Multiplier are all settings found in the light_environment of the map referenced in Example Map

Skybox Material is the name of the skybox vmat used by the env_sky of the map referenced in Example Map. Image shown does not necessarily represent actual skybox but is the image found using Source 2 Viewer Source 2 Viewer and decompiling the VTEX.

For most of the example maps, the env_sky is used as the Sky IBL Source inside of the light_environment which is then used to "Estimate Lighting from HDR Skybox" (Done by Right Clicking the light_environment, and going to Selected Entities>Estimate Lighting from HDR Skybox)

Note.pngNote:Estimate Lighting from HDR Skybox requires the source files of the given skybox

For more information on the light_environment entity in CS2 as well as the env_sky entity, please visit the CS2 Lighting Page

Warning.pngWarning: The images on this page only show the skybox sides (left, right, front, back). Skyboxes have much more detail on the top, which may not be accurately reflected on this page; view the skybox in-game or in Hammer to get a better idea of how a sky looks.
Example Map Sun Angle Color Brightness Indirect Light Multiplier Sky Color Sky Intensity Sky IBL Scale Skybox Bounce Multiplier
Inferno sky 01.png
de_inferno de_inferno 63 218 0 255 247 235   3.2 1.75 136 199 255   0.875 1 1.5
Sky de mirage.png
de_mirage de_mirage 60 318 0 255 223 179   3 1.3 130 205 255   1 1 1.5
Sky de annubis.png
de_anubis de_anubis 61 75 0 255 207 156   6.35 1.4 255 255 255   1.76 1 1.33
Sky de vertigo.png
de_vertigo de_vertigo 61 53 0 255 243 218   3.25 1.75 146 173 203   1.65 1 1.5
Sky de nuke.png
de_nuke de_nuke 60 25 0 255 252 239   2.4 1.6 67 122 182   2.2 1.1 2.6
Sky cs office.png
cs_office cs_office 45 345 0 219 230 241   0 1 85 124 173   1 1 1
Cs italy s2 skybox 2.png
cs_italy cs_italy 50 194 0 252 194 159   4 1 45 174 255   2.5 1 1.5
Sky hr aztec 02 lighting.png
de_ancient de_ancient 49 42 0 241 234 209   4 1.5 127 179 200   2.5 1.5 1.25
Sky de dust2.png
de_dust2 de_dust2 50 43 0 255 222 189   2.5 1 211 226 248   0.96 1.2 1.7
Sky de overpass 01.png
de_overpass de_overpass 51 69 0 248 212 171   2.8 1 85 124 173   1 1.4 2.3

See also