Co-Op Door

January 2024
Co-Op doors consist of two triggers that both bots step on to open the door and for each trigger a person sign lights up.
1.) Create a func_instance with the following settings:
Property Name Value Name coop_exit_door VMF Filename instances/coop/coop_team_double_exit_door.vmf
2.) Create a block brush with the Trigger texture. Tie this brush to a trigger_playerteam with the following outputs:
Manual Creation
The Door
1.) Add a prop_testchamber_door with the following settings:
Property Name Value Name door_01
2.) Add a logic_coop_manager with the following settings:
Property Name Value Name coop_man
and outputs:
1.) Add a logic_relay with the following Settings:
Property Name Value Name relay_b_in
and outputs:
2.) Add a logic_relay with the following Settings:
Property Name Value Name relay_b_out
and outputs:
3.) Repeat steps 1-2, but change the following:
Property Name Value Name relay_o_in
Add a logic_relay with the following Settings:
Property Name Value Name relay_o_out
4.) Create a block brush with the Trigger texture applied. Tie this brush to a trigger_playerteam with the following outputs:
Check Boxes
1.) Add a prop_static with the following settings:
Property Name Value World Model models/props/sign_frame02/sign_frame02.mdl
2.) Create a 32L×4W×32H func_brush with the texture signage/signage_coop_teamdoor_orange.
Property Name Value Name checkbox_o
Align it to the left, inside the frame.
3.) Repeat step 2, but use signage/signage_coop_teamdoor_blue for the texture instead.
Align it to the right, inside the frame.
4.) Add two env_texturetoggles with the following settings:
Property Name Value Name textog_o Target Brush(es). checkbox_o
Property Name Value Name textog_b Target Brush(es). checkbox_b
5.) Add two ambient_generics with the following settings:
Property Name Value Name sound_out Sound Name portal.button_down
Property Name Value Name sound_in Sound Name portal.button_up
6.) Add the following outputs to relay_o_in:
Add the following outputs to relay_o_out:
Add the following outputs to relay_b_in:
Add the following outputs to relay_b_out:
You have now created a door that will open only if both co-op partners are in the triggers.