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- L4D2_Instructor_explain_mall_window
- 显示内容1: Shoot out the store window 射击商店橱窗
- L4D2_Instructor_explain_mall_alarm
- 显示内容1: Deactivate the alarm on the third floor 去三楼关闭警报
- L4D2_Instructor_explain_coaster
- 显示内容1: Power up the coaster to start the ride 启动过山车以开始行驶
- L4D2_Instructor_explain_coaster_stop
- 显示内容1: Deactivate the ride to stop the alarm 停止行驶以关闭警报
- L4D2_Instructor_explain_carousel_start
- 显示内容1: Turn on the power to open the gate 启动电源以打开大门
- 显示内容2: Run to the control booth to shut down the carousel 跑到控制室以关闭旋转木马
- L4D2_Instructor_explain_carousel_destination
- 显示内容1: Shut down the carousel 关闭旋转木马
- L4D2_Instructor_explain_gates_are_open
- 显示内容1: The gates are open, run for the safe room! 大门已经打开,跑到安全室!
- L4D2_Instructor_explain_c2m4_ticketbooth
- 显示内容1: Press the button to open the gates 按按钮以打开大门
- 显示内容2: Be ready to fight the horde 准备与丧尸群作战
- L4D2_Instructor_explain_hotel_elevator_doors
- 显示内容1: Pry open the doors to escape... 撬开门以逃生……
- 显示内容2: Be ready to fight the horde 准备与丧尸群作战
- L4D2_Instructor_explain_store_alarm
- 显示内容1: Open the store door... 打开商店大门
- 显示内容2: Be ready to fight the horde 准备与丧尸群作战
- L4D2_Instructor_explain_perimeter1
- 显示内容1: Alarm will sound when perimeter is breached 当边界被破坏时会发出警报
- 显示内容2: Run to the security tower to deactivate the alarm 跑到安全塔以解除警报
- Deactivate the alarm to open the exit doors
- 显示内容1: Deactivate the alarm to open the exit doors 解除警报以打开出口大门
- L4D2_Instructor_explain_float
- 显示内容1: Move the float 移动彩车
- 显示内容2: Be ready to fight the horde 准备与丧尸群作战
- L4D2_Instructor_explain_ferry
- 显示内容1: Call the ferry 呼叫渡船
- 显示内容2: Be ready to fight the horde 准备与丧尸群作战
- L4D2_Instructor_explain_shack
- 显示内容1: Lower the bridge 降下大桥
- 显示内容2: Be ready to fight the horde 准备与丧尸群作战
- L4D_Instructor_explain_DLC3barrels
- 显示内容1: Shoot the barrels! 射击桶!
- 显示内容2: Be ready to fight the horde 准备与丧尸群作战
- L4D_Instructor_explain_onslaught
- 显示内容1: Fight your way to the safe room! 一路杀到安全室!
- L4D2_Instructor_explain_vehicle_arrival
- 显示内容1: Hurry to the rescue vehicle! 快点到救援载具!
- L4D2_Instructor_explain_c3m4_radio1
- 显示内容1: Call for a boat rescue 呼叫救援艇
- L4D2_Instructor_explain_c3m4_radio2
- 显示内容1: Respond to Virgil 回复 Virgil
- L4D2_Instructor_explain_stage_lighting
- 显示内容1: Prepare the stage lighting 准备舞台灯光
- L4D2_Instructor_explain_stage_lighting
- 显示内容1: Set the stage lighting 设置舞台灯光
- L4D2_Instructor_explain_stage_finale_start
- 显示内容1: Begin the rock concert to signal the chopper 开始播放摇滚音乐以向直升机发送信号
- L4D2_Instructor_explain_stage_survival_start
- 显示内容1: Begin the rock concert... 播放摇滚音乐……
- 显示内容2: Be ready to fight the horde 准备与丧尸群作战
- L4D2_Instructor_explain_drawbridge
- 显示内容1: Press the button to lower the drawbridge 按下按钮以降下吊桥
- 显示内容2: Be ready to fight the horde 准备与丧尸群作战
- L4D2_Instructor_explain_pre_drawbridge
- 显示内容1: Use the radio to call for help 使用无线电以寻求帮助
- L4D2_Instructor_explain_c4m4_finale_start
- 显示内容1: Signal the boat with the Burger Tank sign 使用 Burger Tank 广告牌向船发送信号
- L4D2_Instructor_explain_c1m4_finale1
- 显示内容1: You'll need to fill the car with gas 你将要给汽车加油
- 显示内容2: Step 1: Find a gas can 第 1 步:找到一个汽油桶
- 显示内容3: Step 2: Bring the gas can to the car 第 2 步:把汽油桶运输至汽车
- L4D_Instructor_explain_DLC3radio
- 显示内容1: Call the helicopter. 呼叫直升机。
- L4D_Instructor_explain_DLC3radio
- 显示内容1: Open the door. 打开门。
- L4D2_Instructor_explain_survival_help_button
- 显示内容1: Press the button... 按下按钮……
- 显示内容2: Be ready to fight the horde 准备与丧尸群作战
- L4D2_Instructor_explain_survival_help_alarm
- 显示内容1: Activate the alarm... 激活警报……
- 显示内容2: Be ready to fight the horde 准备与丧尸群作战
- L4D2_Instructor_explain_survival_help_radio
- 显示内容1: Use the radio... 使用无线电……
- 显示内容2: Be ready to fight the horde 准备与丧尸群作战
- L4D2_Instructor_explain_hatch
- 显示内容1: Open the hatch 打开舱门
- L4D2_Instructor_explain_c3m4_rescue
- 显示内容1: The rescue boat has arrived, get on board! 救生艇到了,快上船吧!
- L4D2_Instructor_explain_gun_shop_tanker
- 显示内容1: Whitaker will destroy this tanker and clear the path 惠特克将摧毁这艘油车并开辟道路
- L4D2_Instructor_explain_gun_shop
- 显示内容1: Talk to the gun shop owner 与枪店老板交谈
- L4D2_Instructor_explain_store_item
- 显示内容1: Retrieve the cola inside the store 取回商店内的可乐
- L4D2_Instructor_explain_gun_shop_item_get
- 显示内容1: Get the cola 得到可乐
- L4D2_Instructor_explain_return_item
- 显示内容1: Deliver the cola to the gun shop owner 把可乐交给枪店老板
- L4D2_Instructor_explain_help_return_item
- 显示内容1: Escort the cola delivery 为可乐送货保驾护航
- L4D2_Instructor_explain_return_to_elevator
- 显示内容1: Return to the elevator! 回到电梯!
- L4D2_Instructor_save_items
- 显示内容1: You may want to save some items for the return trip 您可能想为回程保留一些物品
- L4D2_Instructor_temp_msg_c4m1
- 显示内容1: Go get fuel and return to the boat 去取燃料然后回到船上
- L4D2_Instructor_temp_msg_c4m3
- 显示内容1: You got the fuel — Return to the boat 你取得了燃料 — 返回到船上
- L4D2_Instructor_explain_c4m4_finale_no_gas
- 显示内容1: You should bring the gas can here before you flip the switch 在你拨动开关之前,你应该把燃料带到这里
- L4D2_Instructor_explain_decon_wait
- 显示内容1: Close the door when everyone is in the trailer 当每个人都在拖车里时关上门
- L4D2_Instructor_explain_decon
- 显示内容1: Release door to exit the trailer 松开门以退出拖车
- L4D2_Instructor_porch_light
- 显示内容1: Turn on porch lights to mark locations with items 打开门廊灯以标记物品的位置
- L4D_Instructor_explain_DLC3currents
- 显示内容1: Beware strong currents! 小心强流!