User:SirYodaJedi/Porting Quake DM maps to Deathmatch Classic

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This is a draft user page. It is a work in progress open to editing by anyone.
Remember to check for any notes left by the tagger at this article's talk page.

This page covers some oddities about porting Quake I deathmatch maps to Deathmatch Classic. Maps can mostly ported directly with minimal edits, but there are some quirks to work out

Uncompiled map file

Blank image.pngTodo: Axial Projection → Valve220


Blank image.pngTodo: porting from WAD2 to WAD3; renaming tool textures


Blank image.pngTodo:
  • renaming * to !
  • setting semi-accurate fog color and density
  • WinQuake tints the palette relative to rgb(130,80,50), but only does it half way; perhaps doubling the luma by setting the fog color to rgb(212,171,145) would be more accurate?


Blank image.pngTodo: method using two scrolling func_illusionary entities (via rendercolor)


Blank image.pngTodo: * light (+ _color) to _light
  • model/sprite based lights (the flame models do exist, but they need to be played back at 1/3 speed)


Blank image.pngTodo: * recreating ambient_* entities as ambient_generic
  • simulating visleaf-based ambient sounds for water and sky

Other entities

  • misc_explobox or misc_explobox2 - using the source MAPs for b_explob or b_exbox2 (respectively), create a func_breakable with health of 20 and an explosion magnitude of 160.