Unforeseen Consequences

Unforeseen Consequences is the third chapter of Half-Life.
Taking place right after the Resonance Cascade, it features a wrecked Anomalous Materials and a slightly less damaged coolant reserve.
The architecture is largely the same as the previous chapter, although in far greater disrepair. Doors should be ajar and test equipment should be in pieces, especially around the spectrometer. As the player gets closer to the coolant reserve, the facility should be slightly less damaged and most machinery should not be in pieces.
Players should feel an acute sense of danger. Lighting and unexpected explosions create a large portion of the atmosphere in Valve's default maps. Only the equipment needed to progress, such as lifts, should be functional or equipped with an emergency service ladder for the player to use.
As in the previous chapter, scientists and security guards should be found, albeit scattered. Dead scientists and blood decals are also common, but should be proportional to the number of scientists found in the last chapter.
The first of the aliens are found here. Headcrabs should be found popping out of vents early on. Vortigaunts and bullsquids should be placed later and sparingly. Zombies should also be placed sparingly and less often as the player gets through the level.
The following .bsps comprise this chapter.
- c1a0c
- c1a1
- c1a1a
- c1a1b
- c1a1c
- c1a1d
- c1a1f

Aftermath of the Anti-Mass Spectrometer.
![]() |
Hazard Course t0a0 |
Black Mesa Inbound c0a0 |
Anomalous Materials c1a0 |
Unforeseen Consequences c1a1 |
Office Complex c1a2 |
"We've Got Hostiles!" c1a3 |
Blast Pit c1a4 |
Power Up c2a1 |
On a Rail c2a2 |
Apprehension c2a3 |
Residue Processing c2a4 |
Questionable Ethics c2a4d |
Surface Tension c2a5 |
"Forget About Freeman!" c3a1 |
Lambda Core c3a2 |
Xen c4a1 |
Gonarch's Lair c4a2 |
Interloper c4a1a |
Nihilanth c4a3 |
Endgame c5a1 |