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trigger_player_respawn_override is a brush entity available in Team Fortress 2 Team Fortress 2.

Entity description

trigger_player_respawn_override is a trigger that overrides the default map-wide respawn wave time of any player that dies within it's volume. They will respawn with the timer set within the trigger's keyvalues rather than any other times set.


Filter Name (filtername) <filter>
A filter entity to test potential activators against.
Start Disabled (StartDisabled) <boolean>
Stay dormant until activated (with theEnableinput).
Respawn Time ([todo internal name (i)]) <float>
The number of seconds before players that die inside the volume of this trigger can respawn. Setting -1 will allow the game to decide.
Respawn Name ([todo internal name (i)]) <entity>
The entity to respawn the player at



Everything (not including physics debris) : [64]

Clients (Survivors, Special Infected, Tanks Left 4 Dead series) : [1]

Only clients in vehicles : [32]
Only clients *not* in vehicles : [512]
Disallow Bots (removed since Left 4 Dead) : [4096]
NPCs (Common Infected, Witches Left 4 Dead series) : [2]
Only player ally NPCs : [16]
Only NPCs in vehicles (respects player ally flag) : [2048]
Physics Objects (not including physics debris) : [8]
Physics debris (include also physics debris) : [1024]
Pushables (Passes entities with classname func_pushable) : [4] Obsolete
Equivalent to using Everything + filter_activator_class that filters func_pushable.


Toggles this trigger between enabled and disabled states.
Enable trigger
Disable trigger
TouchTest  (in all games since Source 2007)
Triggers either the OnTouching or OnNotTouching outputs for whether anything is touching this entity.
Icon-Bug.pngBug:Sleeping prop_physics will never fire "OnTouching". Also applies to entities using prop_physics as base.  (tested in: Half-Life 2)
StartTouch  (in all games since Source 2007) !FGD
Behave as if the !caller entity had just entered the trigger volume. Accepts non-physical entities.
EndTouch  (in all games since Source 2007) !FGD
Behave as if !caller had just exited the trigger volume.
DisableAndEndTouch  (only in Team Fortress 2Source 2013 Multiplayer)
Disables this trigger and calls EndTouch on all currently-touching entities.
Removes this entity from the world.
Removes this entity and all its children from the world.
AddOutput <string>
Evaluates a keyvalue/output on this entity. It can be potentially very dangerous, use with care.
Format: <key> <value>
Format: <output name> <targetname>:<inputname>:<parameter>:<delay>:<max times to fire, -1 means infinite>
FireUser1 to FireUser4
Fire the OnUser outputs; see User Inputs and Outputs.
Clears the parent attachment.
Set the entity's parent.

SetParent <string>
Move with this entity. See Entity Hierarchy (parenting).
SetParentAttachment <string>
Change this entity to attach to a specific attachment point on its parent. The entity will teleport so that the position of its root bone matches that of the attachment. Entities must be parented before being sent this input.
SetParentAttachmentMaintainOffset <string>
As above, but without teleporting. The entity retains its position relative to the attachment at the time of the input being received.
Removes this entity from the the movement hierarchy, leaving it free to move independently.
Toggle the enabled/disabled status of this entity.
SetRespawnTime <float>
The number of seconds before players that die inside the volume of this trigger can respawn.
SetRespawnName <entity>
Set the entity to respawn the player at


Enable / Disable
Enable/disable this entity from performing its task. It might also disappear from view.


OnUser1 to OnUser4
These Outputs each fire in response to the firing of the like-numbered FireUser1 to FireUser4 Input; see User Inputs and Outputs.
Fired when an entity starts touching this trigger. The touching entity must pass this trigger's filters to cause this output to fire.
Fired when an entity starts touching this trigger, and no other entities are touching it. Only entities that passed this trigger's filters are considered.
Fired when an entity stops touching this trigger. Only entities that passed this trigger's filters will cause this output to fire.
Fires when an entity stops touching this trigger, and no other entities are touching it. Only entities that passed this trigger's filters are considered.