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Wartości poniżej zostały użyte tylko w Half-Life 2(no translation

Obliczanie wymiarów w silniku Source
The Source engine "game unit" corresponds to the Grid Unit in Hammer and XSI editors. The Scale used for Source game maps and models is based on the Imperial foot, so Metric measurements do not translate easily.

- Maps, architecture, and some prop models use a scale of 1 foot = 16 units. This means that 1 unit = 0,01905 meters.
- Skyboxes (which are 1/16th scale of ordinary maps) use 1 foot = 1 unit. This means that 1 unit = 0,3048 meters.
- Human character models and certain other models for Source currently use 1 foot = 12 units.
Texturemaps are applied to models and brushwork in the Source engine and are therefore scaled relative to game units.
- At the default texturemap scale (0,25), 1 texture pixel = 0,25×0,25 units (or 4×4 texels = 1 grid unit). E.g., an (undistorted) 512×512 texture covers 128 x 128 game units.
- At the default lightmap scale (16), 1 lightmap pixel = 16×16 units.
Speed is usually given in map-units per second. To convert this to miles per hour, multiply by (15∕352). To convert it to kilometers per hour, multiply by (12 069/176 000)—which is just 15⁄352 multiplied by 1,6092, the conversion factor from miles to kilometers.
Map Grid Units: Quick Reference
Measurements not marked with a ~ are exact.
Grid | Imperial | Metric | Notes |
1 u | ¾ in | 1,905 cm | |
2 u | 1½ in | 3,81 cm | |
4 u | 3 in | 7.62 cm | |
8 u | 6 in | 15,24 cm | |
16 u | 12 in | 30,48 cm | |
28 | 21 in | 53,34 cm | Player view height (crouched) |
32 u | 24 in | 60,96 cm | Player collision width & length |
36 u | 28 in | 68,58 cm | Player collision height (crouched) |
48 u | 42 in | 99,06 cm | "Normal" door width |
~52,49 u | ~39¼ in | 1 m | |
64 u | 48 in | ~1,219 m | Player view height (standing), "normal" corridor width |
72 u | 56 in | ~1,372 m | Player collision height (standing) |
108 u | 81 in | 2,057 m | "Normal" door height |
128 u | 8 ft | ~2,438 m | "Normal" corridor height |
~157,5 u | ~118 in | 3 m | |
256 u | 192 ft | ~4,877 m | |
~262,5 u | ~197 in | 5 m | |
512 u | 384 in | ~9,754 m | |
~524,9 u | ~32 ft 10 in | 10 m |
Grid | Metric |
1 u | 2,54 cm |
2 u | 5,08 cm |
4 u | 10,16 cm |
8 u | 20,32 cm |
16 u | 40,64 cm |
32 u | 81,28 cm |
~39,37 u | 1 m |
64 u | ~1,626 m |
~118,1 u | 3 m |
128 u | ~3,251 m |
5 m | |
256 u | ~6,502 m |
~393,7 u | 10 m |
512 u | ~13,00 m |
Unit | Hammer | Metric | Other/Notes |
1 skybox grid unit | 1 u | 0,341 m | Or 16 u within the main map |
100 meters | ~328,1 u | 1 hm | |
¼ mile | 1 320 u | 0,402 km | 402,3 m |
1 mile | 5 280 u | 1,609 km | please don't make a skybox this big |
1 hectare | ~107 640 u² (~328 u × ~328 u) | 10 000 m² (100 m × 100 m) | |
2 hectares | ~215 280 u² (~464 u × ~464 u) | 20 000 m² |
Player Collision Hull
These are the numerical values related to dimensions while mapping. They include the minimum space required for player passage. See also Player Hull .
Ground Obstacle Height
This is the maximum height, in units, an object can be while still allowing the player to walk over it.
- Crouched: 18
- Standing: 18
Overhead Obstacle Height
This is the minimum distance, in units, that can be between the ground and an object while still allowing the player to pass underneath.
Minimum Path Size
This is the minimum size, in units, that can be between two objects while still allowing the player to pass between them.
- Width: 33 (Between collision surfaces oriented along the x or y axis.)
- Width: 46 (Walls rotated 45 degrees to grid.)
- Width: 65 (On-axis width between walls skewed to 45 degrees relative to grid.)
- Height: 37
This is the maximum slope angle, in degrees from the horizontal, that the player can scale. Anything steeper than this is un-climbable.
- Gradient: 45,573°
- Automatic pick up item (ammo/weapon): 25 from center, i.e., 9 units beyond the Player Collision Hull.
- Max Distance to +use switch/door-handle/etc.: 82 units.
Player Viewpoint
Field of View

fov_desired xx
in versions running on the 
fov xx
in versions pre-Orange Box, where xx is the number in degrees.- Player default = 75°
- View Model = 54° (
) - Suit Zoom = 25°
- Crossbow = 20°
- HL2 Jeep = 90° (
Eye Level
This is the height above the floor on which the player is standing.
- Crouch: 28 units (+ Jump = 49 units)
- Stand/Walk/Run/Sprint: 64 units (+ Jump = 85 units)
- Jump: adds 21 units.
Player Movement Data
These are the numerical values for the various settings related to movement in Half-Life 2.
- Crouching: 63,3̅ (~2,7 mph, ~4,3 km/h)
- Walking: 150 (~6,4 mph, ~10,3 km/h)
- Running: 190 (~8,1 mph, ~13 km/h)
- Sprinting : 320 (~13,6 mph, ~21,9 km/h)
- Surface Swim Speed: 152 (~6,5 mph, ~10,4 km/h)
- Surface Swim Fast Speed: 256 (~11,3 mph, ~17,6 km/h)
- Surface Swim Slow Speed: 120 (~5,1 mph, ~8,2 km/h)
- Aux power flashlight: 43 seconds
- Speed: 320 units per second (~13,6 mph, ~21,9 km/h)
- Max Distance: 2560 (160 ft, ~48,8 m)
- Max Duration: 8 seconds
- Recovery time: 8 seconds
Sprinting With Flashlight
- Max Distance: 1920 (120 ft, ~36,6 m)
- Max Duration with flashlight: 6 seconds
Vertical (To High Point)
This is the maximum height, in units, an object can be while still allowing the player to jump on top of it.
Step | +Jump | +Jump-Crouch | |
Crouching | 18 | 21 | 21 |
Standing | 18 | 20 | 56 |
Walking | 18 | 20 | 56 |
Running | 18 | 20 | 56 |
Sprinting | 18 | 20 | 56 |
Step | +Jump | +Jump+C | +C+Jump-C | |
Crouching | 18 | 56 | — | — |
Standing | 18 | 52 | 61 | 65 |
Walking | 18 | 52 | 61 | 65 |
Running | 18 | 52 | 61 | 65 |
Sprinting | 18 | 52 | 61 | 65 |
Step | +Jump | +Jump-Crouch | |
Crouching | 18 | 21 | 21 |
Standing | 18 | 30 | 68 |
Walking | 18 | 30 | 68 |
Running | 18 | 30 | 68 |
Sprinting | 18 | 30 | 68 |
Horizontal (To Equal Height)
This is the maximum distance, in units, that can be between two objects of the same height, while still allowing the player to jump from one object to the other.
- Stationary: 84
- Stationary crouched: 40
- Crouched: 99 now 62
- Walking: N/A (will not jump while walking}
- Running: 176
- Running crouch-jump: 225
- Sprinting crouch-jump: 272
High Point to Low Point
This is the distance while falling to a lower point.
- Taking no damage: Drop 185 : Span 415.
- Taking 98 damage: Drop 692 : Span 540.
Jumping Using the Gravity Gun
Firing a single shot straight down at a prop_physics model (props_debris/metal_panel01a.mdl
) = 350 units
Jumping, pulling, then firing, then pulling, and firing again = 400+ units
Falling Damage
This is the damage taken when falling straight down.
- Terminal velocity: 3500 (~149mph, ~240 km/h)

Swimming Underwater
- Speed: 152 (~6,5 mph, ~10,4 km/h)
- Sinking Speed (no keys): 48 (~2,0 mph, ~3,3 km/h)
- Max Distance (no damage): 2523 (~158 ft, ~48 m)
- Max Distance (still alive): 3848 (~241 ft, ~73 m)
- Max Depth & return to surface (no damage): 1325 (~82,8 ft, ~25 m)
- Max Depth & return to surface (10 hp remaining): 2000 (125 ft, ~38 m)
Swimming Underwater With Flashlight
- Max Distance (no damage): 2170 (~136 ft, ~41 m)
- Max Distance (still alive): 3535 (~221 ft, ~67 m)
- Max Depth & return to surface (no damage): 1190 (~74 ft, ~23 m)
- Max Depth & return to surface (still alive): 1850 (~116 ft, ~35 m)
- Buggy speed normal: 821,3 (~35 mph, ~56 km/h)
- Buggy reverse: 469,3 (~20 mph, ~32 km/h)
- Buggy speed turbo: 1173,3 (~50 mph, ~80 km/h)
- Climb angles: ramp = 3900 l × 1670 h, 564 l × 504 h
- Climb angle from stopped: 63 deg
- Climb angle no turbo: 66 deg
- Climb angle turbo: 50° long, 42° short
- Jump distance normal: 216
- Jump distance turbo: 860
- Overhead obstacle height: 90
- Minimum path width: 118
- Stall depth: 40, sputters at 37
- Airboat forward: 797,9 (~34 mph, ~55 km/h)
- Airboat reverse: 797,9 (~34 mph, ~55 km/h)
- Climb angle no full throttle momentum: 55
- Jump distance same height: 856
- Overhead obstacle height: 86
- Minimum path width: 86
Muscle Car
See also