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A team flag. Don't worry; it's supposed to look like that.

item_teamflag is a point entity available in Team Fortress 2 Team Fortress 2. This is the "flag" in Team Fortress 2, also known as "intelligence". It is also used for the bomb in the Mann vs. Machine gamemode, the australium in Special Delivery, the reactor core in Robot Destruction and the pickup objectives in Player Destruction.


Name (targetname) <string>
The name that other entities refer to this entity by, via Inputs/Outputs or other keyvalues (e.g. parentname or target).
Also displayed in Hammer's 2D views and Entity Report.
See also:  Generic Keyvalues, Inputs and Outputs available to all entities

Return time (in seconds) (ReturnTime) <integer>
Length of time (in seconds) before dropped flag/intelligence returns to base.
Trail effects (trail_effect) <choices>
Trail effect to use when play is carrying the flag.
  • 0 : None
  • 1 : Both
  • 2 : Paper trail only
  • 3 : Color trail only
Neutral flag (Invade) (NeutralType) <choices>
Only used for the Invade game type. When should a dropped Invade flag become neutral?
  • 0 : Never
  • 1 : Default (30 seconds)
  • 2 : Half of the Return Time.
Scoring style (Invade) (ScoringType) <choices>
Only used for the Invade game type. When the Invade flag is captured, how should the team be rewarded? 'Score' is the team score in the scoreboard. 'Capture count' is the team capture count used in the HUD.
  • 0 : Increment score
  • 1 : Increment capture count
Return Between Waves (ReturnBetweenWaves) <boolean>
Visible When Disabled (VisibleWhenDisabled) <boolean>
Makes the flag model show even if the flag is disabled.
Icon (flag_icon) <material>
The HUD icon to use for the flag.
Paper Particle (flag_paper) <string>
The particle effect to use for the paper trail.
Trail Effect (flag_trail) <string>
The particle effect to use for the color trail.
Model (flag_model) <studiomodel>
The model to use for the flag. Defaults to models/flag/briefcase.mdl
Warning.pngWarning:The entity code does an expensive lookup to see if the model exists on disk, and if not, fallbacks to the default model. This may cause noticeable lag when spawning multiple of the flags at once. To workaround this, do not set this property and instead set it after spawning with SetModel in VScript.
tags (tags) <string>
Tags used for the AI bomb carrier to avoid nav areas that have matching tags. Tags need to be separated by empty space.
Initial Team (TeamNum) <choices>
Which Team the entity belongs / is assigned to on spawn
  • 0: None
  • 1: Spectator/Halloween Souls Team Fortress 2
  • 2: RED Team Fortress 2
  • 3: BLU/Robots Team Fortress 2
  • 5: Halloween Bosses (only in Team Fortress 2) !FGD

Game Type (GameType) <choices>
Type of game this flag will be used for.
  • 0 : CTF
  • 1 : Attack/Defend
  • 2 : Territory Control
  • 3 : Invade
  • 4 : Resource Control
  • 5 : Robot Destruction
  • 6 : Player Destruction !FGD
Start Disabled (StartDisabled) <boolean>
Stay dormant until activated (with theEnableinput).


Force the flag to be dropped if it's being carried by a player.
ForceGlowDisabled <integer>
Input should be 0 or 1. Controls whether the flag has its normal glow.
Force the flag to be dropped if it's being carried by a player, then reset the flag to its original location.
Force the flag to be dropped if it's being carried by a player, then reset the flag to its original location silently (no messages sent to players).
Force the flag to be dropped if it's being carried by a player, and disable the flag, then reset the flag to its original location silently (no messages sent to players).
SetReturnTime <integer>
Set the length of time (in seconds) before a dropped flag returns to base
ShowTimer <integer>
Shows the timer icon for the length of time specified
Disables the flag's outline


SetTeam <integer>
Changes the entity's Team keyvalue.


Enable / Disable
Enable/disable this entity from performing its task. It might also disappear from view.


Sent when the flag is returned via timer.
Sent when the flag is picked up.
Icon-Bug.pngBug:In Player Destruction mode, this does not fire if the player is already carrying a flag.  [todo tested in ?]
Sent when the flag is picked up. Passes the player as activator.
Sent when the flag is picked up by RED.
Sent when the flag is picked up by BLU.
Sent when the flag is dropped.
Sent when the flag is dropped. Passes the player as activator.
Sent when the flag is captured.
Sent when the flag is captured. Passes the player as activator.
Sent when the flag is captured by RED.
Sent when the flag is captured by BLU.
Sent when the flag is touched by a player on the same team.
Note.pngNote:Other Keyvalues / Inputs / Outputs are same as prop_dynamic.

See also