Talk:Item teamflag

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hmm, says theres king of the hill mode, i just tried it but doesn't work for me..anything else i gotta add? or is it just not supported? --Frostbite 19:31, 27 Sep 2007 (PDT)

I think it requires different entity's or something along the lines of that. After all its just the beta!--Gear 19:49, 27 Sep 2007 (PDT)
I don't really get how King of the Hill and a flag are related... I'd do it with a capture point with instant capture timer. --Baliame 15:19, 28 Sep 2007 (CET)
I tried doing something like KOTH, (more like keep-away) using a system of entities and OnUser outputs on players. Unfortunately, it seems that item_teamflag does not recognize that the person who picks it up or drops it is an !activator. --4LT 04:25, 26 Jun 2008 (PDT)

New item_teamflag fields

Looking at the item_teamflag in sd_doomsday there's 5 new fields (with the values found in the map):

  • flag_icon : ../hud/objectives_australiumpanel
  • flag_paper : player_australium_socktrail
  • flag_trail : australiumtrail
  • ReturnBetweenWaves : 1
  • VisibleWhenDisabled : 1

Should these be added to the wiki now, or when hammer updates to officially support them? Also Game Type has a new value of 4 which would of course be for Special Delivery.--Samp20 10:22, 3 July 2012 (PDT)

Moving Flag

Achieve roaming flags without addition flag entities. There are several ways to make a flag change position. OnReturn or OnCapture AddOutput Origin X Y Z (moves to those coordinates) Or using a point_teleport and Addoutput Target flag_name and then tell the Point_Teleport to teleport. —Ninjaofsauce (talk) 02:44, 13 January 2021 (PST)

Flag Facts

While a carrier has the flag, the item_teamflag is parented to the player and doesn't seem to catch when using filter_activator_class. You cannot teleport a carried flag, without forcing a drop first. \ Interestingly enough, if you clearparent on an item_teamflag while carried, it's model with freeze in that position, but the player will continue to carry the flag. Upon cap the frozen model disappears. Will add more as I butt my head against these entities--Ninjaofsauce (talk) 22:06, 18 January 2021 (PST)

Undocumented keyvalue from Mannpower

"ShotClockMode" is a keyvalue used for the flag in ctf_hellfire. Not yet entirely sure on which elements it all enables, but I assume it forces the flag to remember its current returntime after being picked up again, and not resetting it. Might also have some of Mannpower's other elements tied into it, such as resetting once touched by the team that owns it, and having a "poison" mechanic upon being held for too long? Could be good to add once confirmed what it does.--Seelpit 18:19, 10 February 2023 (CET)