TF2/Flag Game Types

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The item_teamflag supports 7 separate game types: CTF, Attack/Defend, Territory Control, Invade, Special Delivery, Robot Destruction and Player Destruction.

Note.pngNote:Currently all modes, with the exception of CTF, are broken to various degrees and may require workarounds to function. There are currently no fixes available for the scoring systems and the flag modes that don't have any announcer sounds systems.
Note.pngNote:Flag's listed below as neutral are item_teamflags with the "Team" property value set to "Any".

Tf2 tflag gametype.JPG


A team flag.
A team flag.


Capture The Flag. The ctf_2fort / ctf_well style game type, take the flag from the enemy base to your own to capture it 3 times.


  • Return timer? Yes
  • Pickup own flag? No
  • Pickup enemy flag? Yes
  • Pickup neutral flags? Yes
  • Capture in own zone? Yes
  • Capture in enemy zone? No
  • Capture in neutral zone? Yes
  • Carrier Speed penalty? No
  • Announcer sounds? Yes
  • Scoring system? 1 capture points for each capture
  • Color of intel briefcase on HUD for Red team: Blue
  • Color of intel briefcase on HUD for Blue team: Red
  • Cannot capture while both team is holding the flag?: No

Messages to flag carrier on screen

  • "Your INTELLIGENCE has been PICKED UP!"
  • "The ENEMY INTELLIGENCE was dropped!"
  • "Your INTELLIGENCE has been dropped!"
  • "The ENEMY INTELLIGENCE was returned!"
  • "Your INTELLIGENCE has been returned!"
  • "Take the INTELLIGENCE back to YOUR BASE"
  • "You cannot TELEPORT while carrying the ENEMY INTELLIGENCE!"
  • "You cannot be INVULNERABLE while carrying the ENEMY INTELLIGENCE!"


  • Neutral flag shows up blue on the HUD when picked up by members of the Red team.

Example Map

CTF (Mannpower)


Capture The Flag. The ctf_hellfire / ctf_gorge / ctf_thundermountain style game type, take the flag from the enemy base to your own to capture it 7 times.


  • Return timer? Yes
  • Pickup own flag? No
  • Pickup enemy flag? Yes
  • Pickup neutral flags? Yes
  • Capture in own zone? Yes
  • Capture in enemy zone? No
  • Capture in neutral zone? Yes
  • Carrier Speed penalty? Yes
  • Announcer sounds? Yes
  • Scoring system? 1 capture points for each capture
  • Color of intel briefcase on HUD for Red team: Blue
  • Color of intel briefcase on HUD for Blue team: Red
  • Cannot capture while both team is holding the flag?: Yes

Messages to flag carrier on screen

  • "Your INTELLIGENCE has been PICKED UP!"
  • "The ENEMY INTELLIGENCE was dropped!"
  • "Your INTELLIGENCE has been dropped!"
  • "The ENEMY INTELLIGENCE was returned!"
  • "Your INTELLIGENCE has been returned!"
  • "Take the INTELLIGENCE back to YOUR BASE"
  • "You cannot TELEPORT while carrying the ENEMY INTELLIGENCE!"
  • "You cannot be INVULNERABLE while carrying the ENEMY INTELLIGENCE!"


  • Neutral flag shows up blue on the HUD when picked up by members of the red team.


A robot bomb.


Gameplay similar to TFC's Avanti and Dustbowl. One team tries to capture the other team's command points with a flag. The other defends their command points from capture, and used in Mann Vs. Machine for the atom bomb.


  • Return timer? Yes
  • Pickup own flag? Yes
  • Pickup enemy flag? No
  • Pickup neutral flags? No
  • Capture in own zone? Yes
  • Capture in enemy zone? No
  • Capture in neutral zone? Yes
  • Carrier Speed penalty? No
  • Announcer sounds? Missing
  • Scoring system? 30 kills added to carriers tally for each capture
  • Color of intel briefcase on HUD for Red team: Blue
  • Color of intel briefcase on HUD for Blue team: Red

Messages to flag carrier on screen

  • "Take the flag to the Command Point."
  • "Flag has returned to base."
  • "You secured Command Point 1!"
  • "Attackers Secured Command Point !!"
  • "You cannot TELEPORT while carrying the ENEMY INTELLIGENCE!"
  • "You cannot be INVULNERABLE while carrying the ENEMY INTELLIGENCE!"


  • The CTF "Playing to: 3" message in the HUD that doesn't work for the game type
  • The In-Game messages to the flag carrier tell the player to take their "flag" to the next command point, but the in-game "flag" is an intelligence briefcase.
  • The command points numbers only work in the attackers in the captures messages ("You secured Command Point 1"), not for the directions to the next capture point messages ("Take the flag to the Command Point" rather then "Take the flag to the Command Point 1") or the Defenders loss of capture point messages ("Attackers Secured Command Point !!").
  • Broken scoring system. 30 kills are added to the "Kills" tally of the player that captures a command point, but no points are added to their overall score.
  • Friendly intel shows up incorrectly colored on the HUD. eg: red intelligence show up blue when picked up by a member of the red team


  • The missing announcer sounds can be added in by including wav files along with the map using the names the game mode is looking.
    • eg: "sound\vo\attack_defend_intel_teamstolen.wav"
  • "Playing to: X" can be fixed using the logic_auto entity's OnMultiNewMap and OnMultiNewRound outputs to issue a server-side command via point_servercommand's Command input and passing "tf_flag_caps_per_round X" where X is the max value of the math_counter entities used in your map to determine when a team wins.

Example Map

This link is broken as of now --Gatelych83 (talk) 20:41, 3 December 2017 (UTC)

Territory Control


Most likely a carry over of the gameplay from TFC's Canalzone 2 (CZ2) into TF2. Two teams fight to gain control of all command points in the map and the first team to control all the command points wins the round. Command points could be recaptured at any time.


  • Return timer? Yes
  • Pickup own flag? Yes
  • Pickup enemy flag? No
  • Pickup neutral flags? No
  • Capture in own zone? Yes
  • Capture in enemy zone? No
  • Capture in neutral zone? Yes
  • Carrier Speed penalty? No
  • Announcer sounds? No
  • Scoring system? No
  • Color of intel briefcase on HUD for Red team: Blue
  • Color of intel briefcase on HUD for Blue team: Red

Messages to flag carrier on screen

  • "You cannot TELEPORT while carrying the ENEMY INTELLIGENCE!"
  • "You cannot be INVULNERABLE while carrying the ENEMY INTELLIGENCE!"


Possible example map



A possible variant of TFC's Push - Football map, one neutral flag is in the center of the map that both teams fight over. To score, a team must pickup the flag and take it to the capture area in the other team's base.


  • Return timer? Yes
  • Pickup own flag? Yes
  • Pickup enemy flag? No
  • Pickup neutral flags? Yes
  • Capture in own zone? Yes
  • Capture in enemy zone? No
  • Capture in neutral zone? Yes
  • Carrier Speed penalty? No
  • Announcer sounds? Missing
  • Scoring system? 1 round win is added to the carries team on capture as well as 10 kills to the carrier's "Kills" tally
  • Neutral flags takes on the color of the team picks that it up
  • Neutral flags turn white again after being dropped for more then 30 seconds
  • Neutral flags timer animation turns grey after being dropped for more then 30 seconds
  • Neutral flags cannot be picked up by the other team until dropped for more then 30 seconds
  • Color of intel briefcase on HUD for Red team: Blue
  • Color of intel briefcase on HUD for Blue team: Red

Messages to flag carrier on screen

  • "You PICKED UP the FLAG! Take it to the ENEMY BASE!"
  • "Your team PICKED UP the FLAG!"
  • "The ENEMY has PICKED UP the FLAG!"
  • "You dropped the FLAG!"
  • "The FLAG was dropped!"
  • "The FLAG has become NEUTRAL! Get the FLAG!"
  • "The FLAG has returned"
  • "You CAPTURED the FLAG!"
  • "Your team CAPTURED the FLAG!"
  • "The ENEMY captured the FLAG!"
  • "Take the flag to the ENEMY BASE."
  • "You cannot TELEPORT while carrying the ENEMY INTELLIGENCE!"
  • "You cannot be INVULNERABLE while carrying the ENEMY INTELLIGENCE!"


  • The CTF "Playing to: 3" message in the HUD that doesn't work for the game type
  • The In-Game messages to the flag carrier tell the player to take their "flag" to the enemy base, but the in-game "flag" is an intelligence briefcase.
  • Flag's return timer animation brakes if the return time is set under 30 seconds
  • Broken scoring system. 1 round win point is added to the carrier's team on capture rather then a capture point. 10 kills are also added to the carrier's "Kills" tally, but no points are added to their overall score.
  • Friendly intel shows up incorrectly colored on the HUD. eg: red intelligence show up blue when picked up by a member of the red team
  • If intel has team set to either of teams, only that team can cap it (contrariwise than in standard ctf)


  • Subtract the round win point that is added with an "OnCapture > tf_gamerules > Add(COLOR)TeamScore > -1" output on the "func_capturezone"
  • The missing announcer sounds can be added in by including wav files along with the map using the names the game mode is looking.
    • eg: "sound\vo\invade_intel_teamdropped.wav"
  • "Playing to: X" can be fixed using the logic_auto entity's OnMultiNewMap and OnMultiNewRound outputs to issue a server-side command via point_servercommand's Command input and passing "tf_flag_caps_per_round X" where X is the max value of the math_counter entities used in your map to determine when a team wins.

Possible example map

Special Delivery / King of the Hill

A flag.
A halloween ticket.


A possible variant of TFC's Flagrun map in which both teams fight over control of four flags in the map. To win, a team had to bring all 4 flags to the capture points in their own base before the enemy team did the same.


  • Return timer? Yes
  • Pickup own flag? Yes
  • Pickup enemy flag? Yes
  • Pickup neutral flags? Yes
  • Capture in own zone? Yes
  • Capture in enemy zone? Yes
  • Capture in neutral zone? No
  • Carrier Speed penalty? No
  • Announcer sounds? No
  • Scoring system? No
  • No dropped flag annotation in the upper right corner of the screen as with other game types
  • Color of intel briefcase on HUD for Red team: Blue
  • Color of intel briefcase on HUD for Blue team: Red

Messages to flag carrier on screen

  • "You cannot TELEPORT while carrying the ENEMY INTELLIGENCE!"
  • "You cannot be INVULNERABLE while carrying the ENEMY INTELLIGENCE!"


Possible example map

Robot Destruction

Player Destruction

Chart of game types

Literal Value 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Description CTF Attack/Defend Territory Control Invade Special Delivery / King of the Hill Robot Destruction Player Destruction
Return Timer? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Pickup own Flag? No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Pickup enemy Flag? Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes
Pickup neutral ("Any") flags? Yes No Yes No Yes Yes
Carrier Speed Penalty? No No No No No No No
Announcer Sounds? Yes Missing Missing No No Yes No
Scoring System? Team points 30 kills/capture 10 kills/capture No Team points Team points Team points

See also