Half-Life 2: Lost Coast Sky List

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These skyboxes are available to Half-Life 2: Lost Coast Half-Life 2: Lost Coast and mods utilizing its content. These skies are HDR capable.

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Sky lostcoast hdr.png
Example Map Ideal Sun Angle Ideal Sun Pitch Ideal Brightness Ideal Ambience Ideal HDR Brightness (Scale) Ideal HDR Ambience (Scale) Ideal Sun Spread Angle
d2_lostcoast 25 345 0 -32 253 236 198 400  136 155 191 255  -1 -1 -1 1 (1) -1 -1 -1 1 (1) 0
Environment articles:
Skies and environment maps Skybox (2D)Skybox (3D)HDR SkiesSkybox with TerragenSkybox with Terragen - AdvancedList of skies
Terrain and displacement mapping DisplacementsCreating Holes in DisplacementsDigital Elevation ModelsCreating custom terrain with Worldmachine

See also