Limo Estaĵa
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Also, please make sure the article tries to comply with the alternate languages guide.Formito el rezonoj de memorasigno, estas limigo al kvantito de estaĵoj ke povate estrebliĝi de Source.
The combined size (in bytes) of a map's entity data should also be considered, even if the number of entities is within safe limits. Multaj kvantitoj da entdata povas noteble longtempe ŝutiĝi el servilo al malservilo. Tio eble kaŭzi erarhaltojn.
GoldSrc limoj
The default edict limit is 900, but this can be raised to 2048 by editing the mod's liblist.gam to include edicts "2048"
This can safely be done for singleplayer mods, but should not be relied upon for multiplayer maps for existing games.[Klarigu]
In Sven Co-op, the limit has been raised to 8192.
Source limoj
Maksimumo de 4096 estaĵoj povas ekzisti unuope. Tiu sumo disiĝos al du grupoj de 2048:
- Non-networked entities, which exist only on the client or server (e.g. death ragdolls on client, logicals on server).
- Estaĵoj kun asociaj edict -oj, kiuj povas transiri la dividon de kliento/servilo.
- En Garry's Mod, povas ekzisti maksimume 16384 estaĵoj, disiĝos al du grupoj de 8192.
- En Portal 2, povas ekzisti maksimume 8192 estaĵoj.
- En Counter-Strike: Global Offensive kaj Teama Fortreso 2, la defaŭlta limo estas 4096.
If the game tries to assign a 2049th edict it will exit with an error message, but if it tries to create a 2049th non-networked entity it will merely refuse and print a warning to the console. The logic behind this may be that an entity spawned dynamically (i.e. not present in the map) but not assigned an edict probably isn't too important.
The two entity lists are created by CBaseEntityList::CBaseEntityList()
. Neither of those values can be changed without breaking compatibility with the engine.
, or detail props do not count toward either limit.report_entities
and cl_showents
to get an idea of how many entities are present at that current state.VMF limoj
Hammer itself has no entity limit, but VBSP 's is 8192 (16384 in Eksterterula Svarmo, 2048 in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive).
This is double the combined total accepted by the engine, which may be because it at first treats internal entities (such as prop_static and env_cubemap) like normal entities, or perhaps because it generates a lot of detail props .
VBSP also recommends an entdata size limit of 384KB, but this is in no way enforced.
Source 2 limoj
In Source 2, specifically S&box, networked entity limit is 16384.
Ne ekzistas apere limo por mapkomputigaĵoj aŭ ĝi ligis retan estaĵan limon.