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Class hierarchy

env_model is a point entity available in Day of Defeat Day of Defeat, Cry of Fear Cry of Fear, Paranoia Paranoia, and Spirit of Half-Life Spirit of Half-Life.

It is used to place a model (usually an MDL) on a map, with optional animation and no collision. In the official FGD file it is descibed as a "new alternative to cyclers".

Icon-Important.pngImportant:Env_models do not have any collision, and will not cast shadows with normal compilers.
PlacementTip.pngWorkaround:A few options:
  • Create a brush-based collision mesh and tie it to a func_wall with renderamt set to 0 (aka invisible) ZHLT light flags to "Opaque", and zhlt_striprad set to 1 (aka enabled). This will also cast lightmap shadows, unless alphatest ({) textures are used.
    Note.pngNote:Will use up an extra edict; use sparingly.
  • Use NULL brushes on a func_detail, and ensure the env_model's origin is not inside of the brushes.
  • Use clip brushes. Note that clip brushes can be shot through, so this should only be done for certain niche situations. Additionally, this method will not cast lightmap shadows.
    Note.pngNote:NULL and clip brushes will use the default footstep sounds when stepped on; the func_wall method should be used for non-concrete surfaces, such as tanks or sandbags.

Key Values

Name (targetname) <string>
The targetname that other entities refer to this entity by.
Pitch Yaw Roll (Y Z X) (angles) <angle>
This entity's orientation in the world. Pitch is rotation around the Y axis, yaw is the rotation around the Z axis, roll is the rotation around the X axis.
Model (model) <model path>
Model to display (MDL, BSP, or SPR). Relative to mod folder.
Skin (skin) <integer>
Display different skins of the model if aviable.
Body (body) <integer>
Display different sub-models of the model if aviable.
Sequence when on (m_iszSequence_On) <string>
Displays the animation sequence of the model when on.
Behaviour when on (m_iAction_On) <choices>
Behaviour of the model when on.
Value Description
0 Freeze when sequence ends
1 Loop
2 Change state when sequence ends
Sequence when off (m_iszSequence_Off) <string>
Displays the animation sequence of the model when off.
Behaviour when off (m_iAction_Off) <choices>
Behaviour of the model when off.
Value Description
0 Freeze when sequence ends
1 Loop
2 Change state when sequence ends
Render FX (renderfx) <choices>
Render FX mode to use, for special effects.
Value Description
0 Normal
1 Slow Pulse
2 Fast Pulse
3 Slow Wide Pulse
4 Fast Wide Pulse
5 Slow Fade Away
6 Fast Fade Away
7 Slow Become Solid
8 Fast Become Solid
9 Slow Strobe
10 Fast Strobe
11 Faster Strobe
12 Slow Flicker
13 Fast Flicker
14 Constant Glow
15 Distort
16 Hologram (Distort + fade)
Render Mode (rendermode) <choices>
Render Mode to use.
Value Description
0 Normal
1 Color
2 Texture
3 Glow
4 Solid
5 Additive
Render Amount (0-255) (renderamt) <integer>
Controls transparency when using another render mode then normal. 0 is completely invisible, and 255 is opaque. If render mode is solid, then all values except 0 are opaque.
Render Color (R G B) (rendercolor) <color255>
Color to use by the specified render mode.
Also used on brush entities to control the speed of scrolling textures; see func_conveyor for more information.


Copy lighting from (VHLT+) (zhlt_copylight) <targetname>
Copies the lighting from the named entity to the nearest lightmap luxel below this entity's origin.
Tip.pngTip:To avoid having the copied lighting visibly affecting the brush lighting, put a 16x16x1 func_detail with zhlt_noclip enabled directly below this model's origin. Texture the top face with black_HIDDEN, and the rest of the faces with SKIP.
Note.pngNote:Not compatible with entities using the effect flag EF_INVLIGHT.
Model shadows (UMHLT, SDHLT) (zhlt_studioshadow) <boolean>
Enable to cast shadows from MDLs found in the model KV.
Model shadow mode (SDHLT) (zhlt_shadowmode) <choices>
0 - Use Bounding Box
1 - Use triangles (default)
2 - Use Bounding boxes of triangles


Initially Off : [1]
Drop to Floor : [2]

See also