Effect flags (GoldSrc)

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A set of bitflags for configuring client-side visual effects.


#define	EF_BRIGHTFIELD			1	// swirling cloud of particles
#define	EF_MUZZLEFLASH 			2	// single frame ELIGHT on entity attachment 0
#define	EF_BRIGHTLIGHT 			4	// DLIGHT centered at entity origin
#define	EF_DIMLIGHT 			8	// player flashlight
#define EF_INVLIGHT				16	// get lighting from ceiling
#define EF_NOINTERP				32	// don't interpolate the next frame
#define EF_LIGHT				64	// rocket flare glow sprite
#define EF_NODRAW				128	// don't draw entity
#define EF_NIGHTVISION			256 // player nightvision
#define EF_SNIPERLASER			512 // sniper laser effect
#define EF_FIBERCAMERA			1024// fiber camera


The "pollen" or "firefly" particles that appear when a monster is placed inside a wall.


A single-frame elight with the RGB(255,192,64) at attachment 0.


Emits a dlight of RGB(250,250,250) and a random radius of 400 to 431 from the origin.


Emits a dlight of RGB(100,100,100) and a random radius of 200 to 231 from the origin.


Get MDL lighting from the ceiling instead of from the floor. This has no effect if the model is currently receiving sunlight from a light_environment. Keep in mind that only world brushes (including func_group and func_detail) contribute to MDL lighting.


Don't interpolate on the next frame.
Warning.pngWarning:Causes crashes.

EF_LIGHT : [64]

Emits a dlight of RGB(100,100,100) and a radius of 200 from the entity origin, and render 🖿sprites/animglow01.spr using glow rendermode if present.

EF_NODRAW : [128]

Entity is completely ignored by the client, and stops drawing the entity.
Icon-Important.pngImportant:Can cause prediction errors if a player proceeds to collide with it on the server.
Confirm:Do flags 256, 512, and 1024 work in all games, or only Condition Zero Deleted Scenes Deleted Scenes?

FGD entries

These can either be added individually to a entity as needed, or made a BaseClass at the top of the FGD to be inherited.

J.A.C.K. J.A.C.K.

effects(choices) : "Effect Flags" : 0 : "For configuring visual effects. If you want to combine effects, simply type in the sum of the effect numbers, e.g., '72' for 64+8." =
	0 : "0 - None"
	1 : "1 - EF_BRIGHTFIELD" : "swirling cloud of particles"
	2 : "2 - EF_MUZZLEFLASH" : "single frame ELIGHT on entity attachment 0"
	4 : "4 - EF_BRIGHTLIGHT" : "DLIGHT centered at entity origin"
	8 : "8 - EF_DIMLIGHT" : "player flashlight"
	16 : "16 - EF_INVLIGHT" : "get lighting from ceiling, instead of from floor"
	32 : "32 - EF_NOINTERP" : "don't interpolate the next frame"
	64 : "64 - EF_LIGHT" : "rocket flare glow sprite"
	128 : "128 - EF_NODRAW" : "don't draw entity"
	256 : "256 - EF_NIGHTVISION" : "player nightvision"
	512 : "512 - EF_SNIPERLASER" : "sniper laser effect"
	1024 : "1024 - EF_FIBERCAMERA" : "fiber camera"

TrenchBroom TrenchBroom

effects(flags) : "Effect Flags"  =
	0 : "0 - None"
	1 : "1 - EF_BRIGHTFIELD: swirling cloud of particles"
	2 : "2 - EF_MUZZLEFLASH: single frame ELIGHT on entity attachment 0"
	4 : "4 - EF_BRIGHTLIGHT: DLIGHT centered at entity origin"
	8 : "8 - EF_DIMLIGHT : player flashlight"
	16 : "16 - EF_INVLIGHT : get lighting from ceiling, instead of from floor"
	32 : "32 - EF_NOINTERP : don't interpolate the next frame"
	64 : "64 - EF_LIGHT : rocket flare glow sprite"
	128 : "128 - EF_NODRAW : don't draw entity"
	256 : "256 - EF_NIGHTVISION : player nightvision"
	512 : "512 - EF_SNIPERLASER : sniper laser effect"
	1024 : "1024 - EF_FIBERCAMERA : fiber camera"

External links