Console Command List/S

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Command Default Cheat? Help Text
save Saves current game.
say Display player message. (Screenshot example)
say_team Display player message to team
scene_allowoverrides 1 When playing back a choreographed scene, allow per-model expression overrides.
scene_flatturn 1 None
scene_flush Flush all .vcds from the cache and reload from disk.
scene_forcecombined 0 When playing back, force use of combined .wav files even in english.
scene_maxcaptionradius 1200 Only show closed captions if recipient is within this many units of speaking actor (0==disabled).
scene_print 0 When playing back a scene, print timing and event info to console.
scene_showfaceto 0 When playing back, show the directions of faceto events.
scene_showlook 0 When playing back, show the directions of look events.
scene_showmoveto 0 When moving, show the end location.
+score Show scores ep2 engine
-score Show scores ep2 engine
+scores Show scores classic
-scores Show scores classic
scr_centertime 2 None
screenshot Take a screenshot.
sensitivity 3 Mouse sensitivity.
server_game_time Gives the game time in seconds (server's curtime)
servercfgfile 0 None
setang Snap player eyes to specified pitch yaw <roll:optional> (must have sv_cheats).
setmaster None
setmodel Changes's player's model
setpause Set the pause state of the server.
setpos Move player to specified origin (must have sv_cheats).
shake Shake the screen.
shake_show 0 Displays a list of the active screen shakes.
shake_stop Stops all active screen shakes.
+showbudget None
-showbudget None
+showbudget_texture None
-showbudget_texture None
showbudget_texture 0 Enable the texture budget panel.
+showbudget_texture_global None
-showbudget_texture_global None
showhitlocation 0 None
showinfo Shows a info panel: <type> <title> <message> [<command>]
Icon-Bug.pngBug:Does not function in Source 2013 Source 2013 (Including Counter-Strike: Source and Team Fortress 2) [1].  [todo tested in?]
Todo: Make page.
showpanel Shows a viewport panel <name>
showparticlecounts 0 Display number of particles drawn per frame
+showscores Show scores, any GS/Source
-showscores Show scores, any GS/Source
showsniperdist 0 None
showsniperlines 0 None
showtriggers 0 Yes Shows trigger brushes
showtriggers_toggle Toggle show triggers
+showvprof None
-showvprof None
singlestep 0 Yes Run engine in single step mode ( set next to 1 to advance a frame )
sk_airboat_drain_rate 10 None
sk_airboat_max_ammo 100 None
sk_airboat_recharge_rate 15 None
sk_allow_autoaim 1 None
sk_ally_regen_time 0 Time taken for an ally to regenerate a point of health.
sk_ammo_qty_scale1 1 None
sk_ammo_qty_scale2 1 None
sk_ammo_qty_scale3 0 None
sk_antlion_health 30 None
sk_antlion_jump_damage 5 None
sk_antlion_swipe_damage 5 None
sk_antlionguard_dmg_charge 20 None
sk_antlionguard_dmg_shove 10 None
sk_antlionguard_health 500 None
sk_apc_health 750 None
sk_apc_missile_damage 15 None
sk_auto_reload_time 3 None
sk_autoaim_scale1 1 None
sk_autoaim_scale2 0 None
sk_barnacle_health 35 Barnacle spawn health.
sk_barney_health 35 None
sk_battery 15 None
sk_bullseye_health 35 None
sk_citizen_giveammo_player_delay 10 None
sk_citizen_heal_ally 30 None
sk_citizen_heal_ally_delay 20 None
sk_citizen_heal_ally_min_pct 0 None
sk_citizen_heal_player 25 None
sk_citizen_heal_player_delay 25 None
sk_citizen_heal_player_min_forced 10 None
sk_citizen_heal_player_min_pct 0 None
sk_citizen_health 40 None
sk_citizen_player_stare_dist 72 None
sk_citizen_player_stare_time 1 None
sk_citizen_stare_heal_time 5 None
sk_combine_ball_search_radius 512 None
sk_combine_guard_health 70 None
sk_combine_guard_kick 15 None
sk_combine_s_health 50 None
sk_combine_s_kick 10 None
sk_combineball_guidefactor 1 None
sk_combineball_seek_angle 15 None
sk_combineball_seek_kill 0 None
sk_crow_health 1 None
sk_crow_melee_dmg 0 None
sk_crowbar_lead_time 0 None
sk_dmg_homer_grenade 20 None
sk_dmg_inflict_scale1 1 None
sk_dmg_inflict_scale2 1 None
sk_dmg_inflict_scale3 0 None
sk_dmg_pathfollower_grenade 0 None
sk_dmg_sniper_penetrate_npc 0 None
sk_dmg_sniper_penetrate_plr 0 None
sk_dmg_take_scale1 0 None
sk_dmg_take_scale2 1 None
sk_dmg_take_scale3 1 None
sk_dropship_container_health 750 None
sk_dynamic_resupply_modifier 1 None
sk_env_headcrabcanister_shake_amplitude 50 None
sk_env_headcrabcanister_shake_radius 1024 None
sk_env_headcrabcanister_shake_radius_vehicle 2500 None
sk_fraggrenade_radius 250 None
sk_gunship_burst_dist 768 None
sk_gunship_burst_min 800 None
sk_gunship_burst_size 15 None
sk_gunship_health_increments 5 None
sk_headcrab_fast_health 10 None
sk_headcrab_health 10 None
sk_headcrab_melee_dmg 5 None
sk_headcrab_poison_health 35 None
sk_healthcharger 50 None
sk_healthkit 25 None
sk_healthvial 10 None
sk_helicopter_burstcount 12 How many shot bursts to fire after charging up. The bigger the number, the longer the firing is
sk_helicopter_drone_speed 450 How fast does the zapper drone move?
sk_helicopter_firingcone 20 The angle in degrees of the cone in which the shots will be fired
sk_helicopter_grenadedamage 30 The amount of damage the helicopter grenade deals.
sk_helicopter_grenadeforce 55000 The physics force that the helicopter grenade exerts.
sk_helicopter_grenaderadius 275 The damage radius of the helicopter grenade.
sk_helicopter_health 5600 None
sk_helicopter_roundsperburst 5 How many shots to fire in a single burst
sk_homer_grenade_radius 100 None
sk_ichthyosaur_health 200 None
sk_ichthyosaur_melee_dmg 8 None
sk_jeep_gauss_damage 15 None
sk_manhack_health 25 None
sk_manhack_melee_dmg 20 None
sk_manhack_v2 1 None
sk_max_357 12 Size of clip
sk_max_alyxgun 150 Size of clip
sk_max_ar2 60 Size of clip
sk_max_ar2_altfire 3 Size of clip
sk_max_buckshot 30 Size of clip
sk_max_crossbow 10 Max number of arrows
sk_max_gauss_round 30 None
sk_max_grenade 5 None
sk_max_pistol 150 Size of clip
sk_max_rpg_round 3 None
sk_max_smg1 225 Size of clip
sk_max_smg1_grenade 3 None
sk_max_sniper_round 30 None
sk_metropolice_health 40 None
sk_metropolice_simple_health 26 None
sk_metropolice_stitch_along_hitcount 2 None
sk_metropolice_stitch_at_hitcount 1 None
sk_metropolice_stitch_behind_hitcount 3 None
sk_metropolice_stitch_distance 1000 None
sk_metropolice_stitch_reaction 1 None
sk_metropolice_stitch_tight_hitcount 2 None
sk_npc_arm 1 None
sk_npc_chest 1 None
sk_npc_dmg_357 30 None
sk_npc_dmg_airboat 3 None
sk_npc_dmg_alyxgun 3 Damage done to NPCs from weapon_alyxgun
sk_npc_dmg_ar2 3 None
sk_npc_dmg_buckshot 3 None
sk_npc_dmg_combineball 15 None
sk_npc_dmg_crossbow 10 None
sk_npc_dmg_crowbar 5 None
sk_npc_dmg_dropship 2 Dropship container cannon damage.
sk_npc_dmg_fraggrenade 75 None
sk_npc_dmg_grenade 75 None
sk_npc_dmg_gunship 40 None
sk_npc_dmg_gunship_to_plr 3 None
sk_npc_dmg_helicopter 6 Damage helicopter shots deal to everything but the player
sk_npc_dmg_helicopter_to_plr 3 Damage helicopter shots deal to the player
sk_npc_dmg_pistol 3 None
sk_npc_dmg_rpg_round 50 None
sk_npc_dmg_smg1 3 None
sk_npc_dmg_smg1_grenade 50 None
sk_npc_dmg_sniper_round 100 None
sk_npc_dmg_stunstick 40 None
sk_npc_head 3 None
sk_npc_leg 1 None
sk_npc_stomach 1 None
sk_pathfollower_grenade_radius 0 None
sk_player_arm 1 None
sk_player_chest 1 None
sk_player_head 3 None
sk_player_leg 1 None
sk_player_stomach 1 None
sk_plr_dmg_357 40 None
sk_plr_dmg_airboat 3 None
sk_plr_dmg_alyxgun 5 Damage done to players from weapon_alyxgun
sk_plr_dmg_ar2 8 None
sk_plr_dmg_buckshot 8 None
sk_plr_dmg_crossbow 100 None
sk_plr_dmg_crowbar 10 None
sk_plr_dmg_fraggrenade 125 None
sk_plr_dmg_grenade 150 None
sk_plr_dmg_pistol 5 None
sk_plr_dmg_rpg_round 100 None
sk_plr_dmg_smg1 4 None
sk_plr_dmg_smg1_grenade 100 None
sk_plr_dmg_sniper_round 20 None
sk_plr_dmg_stunstick 10 None
sk_plr_grenade_drop_time 30 None
sk_plr_health_drop_time 30 None
sk_plr_num_shotgun_pellets 7 None
sk_rollermine_shock 10 None
sk_rollermine_stun_delay 3 None
sk_rollermine_vehicle_intercept 1 None
sk_scanner_dmg_dive 25 None
sk_scanner_health 30 None
sk_smg1_grenade_radius 250 None
sk_stalker_health 50 None
sk_stalker_melee_dmg 5 None
sk_strider_health 350 None
sk_strider_num_missiles1 5 None
sk_strider_num_missiles2 7 None
sk_strider_num_missiles3 7 None
sk_suitcharger 75 Dedicated to both the func_recharge and the item_suitcharger entity.
sk_suitcharger_citadel 500 Dedicated to both the func_recharge and the item_suitcharger entity.
sk_suitcharger_citadel_maxarmor 200 Dedicated to both the func_recharge and the item_suitcharger entity.
sk_vortigaunt_armor_charge 30 None
sk_vortigaunt_dmg_claw 10 None
sk_vortigaunt_dmg_rake 25 None
sk_vortigaunt_dmg_zap 50 None
sk_vortigaunt_health 100 None
sk_weapon_ar2_alt_fire_duration 2 None
sk_weapon_ar2_alt_fire_mass 150 None
sk_weapon_ar2_alt_fire_radius 10 None
sk_zombie_dmg_both_slash 25 None
sk_zombie_dmg_one_slash 10 None
sk_zombie_health 50 None
sk_zombie_poison_dmg_spit 20 None
sk_zombie_poison_health 175 None
skill 1 Game skill level (1-3).
slist List servers on your LAN.
slot0 None
slot1 None
slot10 None
slot2 None
slot3 None
slot4 None
slot5 None
slot6 None
slot7 None
slot8 None
slot9 None
smoke_trail 1 None
smoothstairs 1 Smooth player eye z coordinate when climbing stairs.
snapto None
snd_async_fullyasync 0 All playback is fully async (sound doesn't play until data arrives).
snd_async_spew_blocking 0 Spew message to console any time async sound loading blocks on file i/o.
snd_disable_mixer_duck 0 None
snd_duckerattacktime 0 None
snd_duckerreleasetime 2 None
snd_duckerthreshold 0 None
snd_ducktovolume 0 None
snd_flushasync Flush all async .wav data
snd_foliage_db_loss 4 None
snd_gain 1 None
snd_gain_max 1 None
snd_gain_min 0 None
snd_memasync Show async memory stats
spec_track 0 Tracks an entity in spec mode
snd_mixahead 0 None
snd_mixvol Set named Mixgroup to mix volume.
snd_musicvolume 1 Music volume
snd_noextraupdate 0 None
snd_obscured_gain_dB -2 Yes None
snd_pitchquality 1 None
snd_profile 0 None
snd_rebuildaudiocache Rebuilds all audio caches (_other, _other_rebuild, _sharedprecache, level caches) from reslists
snd_refdb 60 None
snd_refdist 36 None
snd_restart Restart sound system.
snd_show 0 Yes Show sounds info
snd_showclassname 0 None
snd_showmixer 0 None
snd_showstart 0 Yes None
snd_soundmixer 0 None
snd_surround_speakers 0 None
snd_visualize 0 Yes Show sounds location in world
snd_vox_captiontrace 0 Shows sentence name for sentences which are set not to show captions.
snd_vox_globaltimeout 300 None
snd_vox_sectimetout 300 None
snd_vox_seqtimetout 300 None
snd_writemanifest If running a game, outputs the precache manifest for the current level
sndplaydelay None
sniperspeak 0 None
sniperviewdist 35 None
soundfade Fade client volume.
soundinfo Describe the current sound device.
soundlist List all known sounds.
soundpatch_captionlength 2 How long looping soundpatch captions should display for.
soundscape_fadetime 3 Time to crossfade sound effects between soundscapes
soundscape_flush Flushes the server & client side soundscapes
speak Play a constructed sentence.
spec_mode Set spectator mode
spec_next Spectate next player
spec_player Spectate player by name
spec_pos dump position and angles to the console
spec_prev Spectate previous player
spec_scoreboard 0 None
+speed None
-speed None
spike generates a fake spike
startdemos Play demos in demo sequence.
startmovie Start recording movie frames.
startupmenu Opens initial menu screen and loads the background bsp, but only if no other level is being loaded, and we're not in developer mode.
status Display map and connection status.
step_spline 0 None
stop Finish recording demo.
stopdemo Stop playing back a demo.
stopsound Stops all playing sounds
stopsoundscape Stops all soundscape processing and fades current looping sounds
+strafe None
-strafe None
strider_always_use_procedural_height 0 None
strider_ar2_altfire_dmg 25 None
strider_distributed_fire 1 None
strider_eyepositions 0 None
strider_free_knowledge 0 None
strider_free_pass_cover_dist 120 None
strider_free_pass_duration 2 None
strider_free_pass_move_tolerance 320 None
strider_free_pass_refill_rate 0 None
strider_free_pass_start_time 3 None
strider_idle_test 0 None
strider_immolate 0 None
strider_pct_height_no_crouch_move 90 None
strider_peek_eye_dist 1 None
strider_peek_eye_dist_z 4 None
strider_peek_time 0 None
strider_peek_time_after_damage 4 None
strider_show_cannonlos 0 None
strider_show_focus 0 None
strider_show_weapon_los_condition 0 None
strider_show_weapon_los_z 0 None
strider_test_height 0 None
stuffcmds Parses and stuffs command line + commands to command buffer.
suitvolume 0 None
surfaceprop Reports the surface properties at the cursor
sv_accelerate 10 None
sv_airaccelerate 10 None
sv_allowdownload 1 Allow clients to download files
sv_allowupload 1 Allow clients to upload customizations files
sv_alltalk 0 Players can hear all other players, no team restrictions
sv_alternateticks 0 None
sv_autojump 0 None
sv_autoladderdismount 1 Automatically dismount from ladders when you reach the end (don't have to +USE).
sv_autosave 1 Set to 1 to save game on level transition. Does not affect autosave triggers.
sv_backspeed 0 How much to slow down backwards motion
sv_bounce 0 Bounce multiplier for when physically simulated objects collide with other objects.
sv_cacheencodedents 1 If set to 1, does an optimization to prevent extra SendTable_Encode calls.
sv_cheats 0 Allow cheats on server if set to 1
sv_contact 0 Contact email for server sysop
sv_debug_player_use 0 Visualizes +use logic. Green cross=trace success, Red cross=trace too far, Green box=radius success
sv_debugmanualmode 0 Make sure entities correctly report whether or not their network data has changed.
sv_debugresponses 0 Show verbose matching output (1 for simple, 2 for rule scoring)
sv_deltaprint 0 Print accumulated CalcDelta profiling data (only if sv_deltatime is on)
sv_downloadurl 0 Allows Downloading of files via a webserver
sv_deltatime 0 Enable profiling of CalcDelta calls
sv_dumpresponses 0 Dump all response_rules.txt and rules (requires restart)
sv_filterban 1 Set packet filtering by IP mode
sv_findsoundname Find sound names which reference the specified wave files.
sv_footsteps 1 Play footstep sound for players
sv_forcepreload 0 Force server side preloading.
sv_friction 4 World friction.
sv_gravity 600 World gravity.
sv_hltv 0 Enables HLTV on this server.
sv_infinite_aux_power 0 Yes None
sv_instancebaselines 1 Enable instanced baselines. Saves network overhead.
sv_ladderautomountdot 0 When auto-mounting a ladder by looking up its axis, this is the tolerance for looking now directly along the ladder axis.
sv_lan 0 Server is a lan server ( no heartbeat, no authentication, no non-class C addresses, 9999.0 rate, etc.
sv_logbans 0 Log server bans in the server logs.
sv_massreport 0 None
sv_maxrate 0 Max bandwidth rate allowed on server, 0 == unlimited
sv_maxspeed 320 None
sv_maxunlag 1 Maximum lag compensation in seconds
sv_maxupdaterate 60 Maximum updates per second that the server will allow
sv_maxvelocity 3500 Maximum speed any ballistically moving object is allowed to attain per axis.
sv_minrate 0 Min bandwidth rate allowed on server, 0 == unlimited
sv_minupdaterate 10 Minimum updates per second that the server will allow
sv_netvisdist 10000 Yes Test networking visibility distance
sv_noclipaccelerate 5 None
sv_noclipduringpause 0 Yes If cheats are enabled, then you can noclip with the game paused (for doing screenshots, etc.).
sv_noclipspeed 5 None
sv_npc_talker_maxdist 1024 NPCs over this distance from the player won't attempt to speak.
sv_password 0 Server password for entry into multiplayer games
sv_pausable 0 Is the server pausable.
sv_precachegeneric Usage: sv_precachegeneric <name> [ preload ]

Add file to precache list.

sv_precacheinfo Show precache info.
sv_precachemodel Usage: sv_precachemodel <name> [ preload ]

Add model to precache list.

sv_precachesound Usage: sv_precachesound <name> [ preload ]

Add sound to precache list.

sv_pushaway_clientside_size 15 Minimum size of pushback objects
sv_rcon_banpenalty 0 Number of minutes to ban users who fail rcon authentication
sv_rcon_maxfailures 10 Max number of times a user can fail rcon authentication before being banned
sv_rcon_minfailures 5 Number of times a user can fail rcon authentication in sv_rcon_minfailuretime before being banned
sv_rcon_minfailuretime 30 Number of seconds to track failed rcon authentications
sv_region -1 The region of the world to report this server in.
sv_robust_explosions 1 None
sv_rollangle 0 Max view roll angle
sv_rollspeed 200 None
sv_sendtables 0 Force full sendtable sending path.
sv_show_crosshair_target 0 None
sv_showhitboxes -1 Yes Send server-side hitboxes for specified entity to client (NOTE: this uses lots of bandwidth, use on listen server only).
sv_showladders 0 Show bbox and dismount points for all ladders (must be set before level load.)
sv_skyname 0 Current name of the skybox texture
sv_soundemitter_filecheck Report missing wave files for sounds and game_sounds files.
sv_soundemitter_flush Flushes the sounds.txt system (server only)
sv_soundemitter_trace 0 Show all EmitSound calls including their symbolic name and the actual wave file they resolved to
sv_soundscape_printdebuginfo print soundscapes
sv_specaccelerate 5 None
sv_specnoclip 1 None
sv_specspeed 3 None
sv_stats 1 Collect CPU usage stats
sv_stepsize 18 None
sv_stopspeed 100 Minimum stopping speed when on ground.
sv_stressbots 0 If set to 1, the server calculates data and fills packets to bots. Used for perf testing.
sv_strict_notarget 0 If set, notarget will cause entities to never think they are in the pvs
sv_suppress_viewpunch 0 None
sv_teststepsimulation 1 None
sv_thinktimecheck 0 Check for thinktimes all on same timestamp.
sv_timeout 65 After this many seconds without a message from a client, the client is dropped
sv_unlag 1 Enables player lag compensation
sv_unlockedchapters 14 Highest unlocked game chapter.
sv_visiblemaxplayers -1 Overrides the max players reported to prospective clients.
sv_voicecodec 0 Specifies which voice codec DLL to use in a game. Set to the name of the DLL without the extension.
sv_voiceenable 1 None
sv_wateraccelerate 10 None
sv_waterdist 12 Vertical view fixup when eyes are near water plane.
sv_waterfriction 1 None