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January 2024
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env_headcrabcanister is a point entity available in Half-Life 2 Half-Life 2, Half-Life 2: Episode One Half-Life 2: Episode One, Half-Life 2: Episode Two Half-Life 2: Episode Two, and Half-Life 2: Deathmatch Half-Life 2: Deathmatch. The canister is a mortar shell containing a payload of headcrabs. The mortar shell inflicts damage within a radius of where it lands and releases headcrabs after impact. Inputs and keyvalues offer control over impact damage and when the headcrabs are released, among other options.

For an example of their use, see the shantytown in d1_canals_05.

Note.pngNote:This entity is also in the code for . Its functionality is not guaranteed.


No Impact Sound : [1]
No Launch Sound : [2]
Start Impacted : [4096]
Land at initial position : [8192]
Wait for input to open : [16384]
Wait for input to spawn headcrabs : [32768]
No smoke : [65536]
No shake : [131072]
Remove on impact : [262144]
No impact effects : [524288]


Name (targetname) <string>
The name that other entities refer to this entity by, via Inputs/Outputs or other keyvalues (e.g. parentname or target).
Also displayed in Hammer's 2D views and Entity Report.
See also:  Generic Keyvalues, Inputs and Outputs available to all entities

Which headcrab to Spawn? (HeadcrabType) <choices>
Select which headcrab will jump out the canister.
  • 0: Normal headcrabs
  • 1: Fast Headcrabs
  • 2: Poison Headcrabs
Headcrab count (HeadcrabCount) <integer>
Number of headcrabs to spawn on impact.
Min Refire time (MinSkyboxRefireTime) <float>
Min number of seconds before the canister is refired. This will only work for canisters placed in the skybox.
Max Refire time (MaxSkyboxRefireTime) <float>
Max number of seconds before the canister is refired. This will only work for canisters placed in the skybox.
Canister count (SkyboxCannisterCount) <integer>
Number of canisters to produce and fire across the skybox. The target should be positioned inside the skybox. 0 means fire continuously, forever.
Impact damage (Damage) <float>
Max damage the canister applies on impact.
Impact damage Radius (DamageRadius) <float>
Max radius of the impact damage for the canister.
Smoke duration (SmokeLifetime) <float>
Duration that the canister smokes. -1 means always smoke.
Launch Position Name (LaunchPositionName) <targetname>
If the canister should launch to its origin from another point within the world, this should specify an info_target at the launch origin.
Flight Speed (FlightSpeed) <float>
Speed to fly through the air.
Flight Time (FlightTime) <float>
Time to fly through the air in seconds.
Starting Height (StartingHeight) <float>
Relative height from the landing position at which the canister should be launched. Positive values mean launch it above the impact point, negative values mean launch it below.


Fires the canister.
Opens the canister (must be called after the OnImpacted output is fired).
Spawns headcrabs (must be called after the OnImpacted output is fired and after OpenCanister is triggered, if the Wait for Input to open' flag is checked).)
Causes the smoke effect to stop.


OnLaunched <targetname>
Fired when the canister is launched. This output automatically puts the targetname of the canister into the parameter box for inputs, if the mapper does not override the parameter with something else.
Fires when canister hits the ground.
Fires when canister has finished opening.


Cvar/Command Parameters or default value Descriptor Effect
sk_env_headcrabcanister_shake_amplitude 50 Arbitrary decimal (float) Crash effect's shake amplitude. Though the default is 50, the shake amplitude can only go up to 16.
sk_env_headcrabcanister_shake_radius 1024 Hammer units Radius the player must be within for the screen shake effect to occur. Shake amplitude is gradually decreased the farther away from the explosion the player is.
sk_env_headcrabcanister_shake_radius_vehicle 2500 Hammer units As above, but when in a vehicle.