is a console command available in
Counter-Strike: Source and
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.
buy is a non-cheat command for players to purchase weapons and equipment with their funds while they are allowed to buy, i.e. if the mp_buytime hasn't expired yet and if they are inside a func_buyzone.
Note:The command buy also exists in
but simply opens the buy menu. For that purpose,
have the command buymenu instead.
Confirm: Does
actually have a buymenu that will pop up, or is the command vestigial there?
buy <item alias>
If the command is invoked with invalid or no arguments, it prints a list of valid arguments.
There is the alternative syntax buy <?> <int>.
Todo: What is the first parameter for? Appears to work with any first non-empty parameter.
Example:"buy awp" tries to buy an AWP.
Buy aliases in
"buy 1 <int>"
"buy <item>"
Item slot that is purchased from
0 |
1 |
2 |
glock, hkp2000, usp_silencer |
Glock-18 / P2000 / USP-S
3 |
elite |
Dual Berettas
4 |
p250 |
5 |
tec9, fn57, fiveseven |
Tec-9 / CZ75-Auto / Five-SeveN
6 |
deagle |
Desert Eagle / R8 Revolver
7 |
8 |
mac10, mp9 |
MAC-10 / MP9
9 |
mp7 |
MP7 / MP5-SD
10 |
ump45 |
11 |
p90 |
12 |
bizon |
13 |
14 |
galilar, famas |
Galil AR / FAMAS
15 |
ak47, m4a1, m4a1_silencer |
AK-47 / M4A4 / M4A1-S
16 |
ssg08 |
17 |
sg556, aug |
SG-553 / AUG
18 |
awp |
19 |
g3sg1, scar20 |
G3SG1 / Scar-20
20 |
nova |
21 |
xm1014 |
22 |
mag7 |
Sawed-Off / MAG-7
23 |
m249 |
24 |
negev |
25 |
Riot Shield (only in Hostage Rescue)
26 |
molotov, incgrenade |
27 |
decoy |
Decoy Grenade
28 |
flashbang |
29 |
hegrenade |
High Explosive Grenade
30 |
smokegrenade |
Smoke Grenade
31 |
32 |
vest |
Kevlar Vest
33 |
vesthelm |
Kevlar + Helmet
34 |
taser |
Zeus x27
35 |
defuser |
Defuse Kit / Rescue Kit
36 |
37 |
Example:"buy awp" or "buy 1 18" tries to buy an AWP.
Note:Everything has a string alias except for the Riot Shield. Use "buy 1 25" to buy it via command.
Deprecated:Can't buy heavyarmor anymore, independent of mp_weapons_allow_heavyassaultsuit, even though heavyarmor is still listed when invoking buy with invalid or no arguments.
Related Console Commands and Variables
ConCommand/ConVar |
Default value |
autobuy |
ConCommand |
Attempts to purchase items with the order listed in cl_autobuy. Buys at most one primary and at most one secondary.
cl_autobuy |
"" |
A space-delimited list of buy aliases (see above) in the order in which autobuy will attempt to purchase them. See csgo/autobuy.txt .
rebuy |
ConCommand |
Attempts to repurchase items with the order listed in cl_rebuy. By default, this results in trying to buy the exact loadout that the executing player had when they had bought something for the last time.
cl_rebuy |
"" |
A space-delimited list of item categories in the order in which rebuy will attempt to repurchase them. Categories are: PrimaryWeapon, PrimaryAmmo, SecondaryWeapon, SecondaryAmmo, Defuser, Armor, HEGrenade, Flashbang, SmokeGrenade, NightVision ( Molotov, IncGrenade, Decoy, Taser). See csgo/rebuy.txt .
mp_buytime |
1.5 90 |
The time in minutes / seconds from the start of the round that players are still allowed to buy.
mp_buy_anywhere |
0 |
Determines which teams are allowed to buy anywhere in the map and not just in func_buyzones.
- 1: Both
- 2: Ts only
- 3: CTs only
- else: None
sv_buy_status_override |
-1 |
Overrides which teams are allowed to buy at all. Changing this value takes effect in the next round.