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Game Definition Files


SDK会在你开始制作一个MOD时,自动生成一个gameinfo文件. 这将会使得你有一个很好的开头, 但是别以为你可以一劳永逸,你还需要在适当的时候编辑它

Warning.png警告:金源游戏没有gameinfo.txt,使用Hammer 3.4版修改半条命地图
Note.png注意:如果一个数值含有空格或者制表符,请使用 "引号"进行标注。




Game <string(en)>
Title <string(en)>
GameLogo <boolean(en)> (存在于自 半衰期2:第二章 以来)



Type <string(en)>
NoDifficulty <boolean(en)>
HasPortals <boolean(en)> (存在于自 半衰期2:第二章 以来)
NoCrosshair <boolean(en)>
AdvCrosshair <boolean(en)>
待完善: 如何使用?
NoModels <boolean(en)>
NoHIModel <boolean(en)>
隐藏在金源(en)中使用的cl_himodels 切换复选框。只有在cl_himodels首先存在的情况下才会正常显示
Hidden_Maps <subkey(en)>
子键值中的地图名不会出现在“创建服务器”界面中。不过这并不阻止玩家通过控制台读取地图。语法为地图名 1,每行一个条目。不需要包括扩展名,请记住使用 { 和 } 开始和结束子键值。
CommandLine <subkey(en)> (仅存在于 Mapbase 中)
mod的启动参数列表。语法为-launchoption "value",每行一个参数。请记住使用 { 和 } 开始和结束子键值。



Developer <string(en)> Obsolete
已弃用。 MOD的开发者。通常是MOD团队的名字,或者作者的名字。在目前的Steam版本上不起作用。
Developer_URL <string(en)> Obsolete
已弃用。 你的或者mod的主页链接。必须以http://为开头, 在目前的Steam版本上不起作用。
Manual <string(en)> Obsolete
已弃用。 模组手册的网址,也可以是一个本地文件。在目前的Steam版本上不起作用。
Icon <string(en)>



Nodegraph <boolean(en)> (存在于自 半衰期2:第二章 以来)
GameData <string(en)>
InstancePath <string(en)> (存在于自 2013 以来)
SupportsDX8 <boolean(en)> (存在于自 求生之路 以来)
SupportsVR <boolean(en)> (存在于自 2013 以来)
SupportsXBox360 <boolean(en)> (存在于自 求生之路 以来)
游戏是否支持 Xbox 360。
证实:这是否能够让玩家在游戏中使用Xbox 360手柄?



SteamAppID <integer(en)>
Mod本体的Steam AppID(en)。MOD可以访问该游戏/工具的所有内容,除非安装了被指定的游戏/工具,否则mod就无法运行,MOD也将和游戏本体同步运行。如果你正在将你的mod上传至Steam,则该键值应该为你mod的AppID。反之,如果你的mod本体是起源2013 多人分支 起源2013 多人分支,则该应为243750;如果你的mod本体是起源2013 起源2013,则应为243730;如果你的mod本体是异形丛生 异形丛生,则应为630。如果你不进行源代码修改,则使用你mod的本体的AppID,
Note.png注意:大多数年代久远的起源mod会使用Source 2006的AppID 215和Source 2007的AppID 218。如果你正在制作一个新mod,你不应该使用这些AppID,因为它们显然是已过时的起源引擎分支,已被Source 2013和Alien Swarm所取代。只能用它们来支持旧版的功能。

AdditionalContentId <integer(en)> Obsolete
已弃用。 mod可以访问的另一游戏的AppID。此功能已添加到源代码中,但不知何故从未在V社的其他游戏中使用;您必须进行代码修改才能使用此键值。如果您需要使用它读取多个游戏的资源,请进行以下更改(en)
Icon-Bug.png错误:游戏可以理解此键值,但SDK工具不能。目前,最好的解决方案是将游戏内容复制到电脑上的某个位置并在SearchPath部分中添加其绝对路径。记得在发布mod之前删除这些路径。  [todo tested in?]
ToolsAppId <integer(en)> Obsolete
已弃用。 这是目前正在使用的SDK的AppID。





The directory, which is the value of the key, will either be relative to the SteamAppID's root directory (i.e. where the executable of the game is located), relative to GameInfo.txt or absolute. A example of each one respectively would be this:

Game       |All_Source_Engine_Paths|HL2 // Go to the executable directory, and mount a folder called HL2 in it.
Game       |GameInfo_Path|. // Go to the directory of where GameInfo.txt is located, and mount the folder it's in.
Game       "C:\MyFolderOfContent\content" // Mount this absolute directory, useful for mounting content temporarily.
Note.png注意:In order to mount a VPK(en) file, you need to add the VPK's name at the end of the directory with the .vpk extension. If the VPK is a multi-chunck VPK, then put the name of the VPK in without the "_dir" or "_###" at the end.

The 2 variables above will start the search in a certain directory, |All_Source_Engine_Paths| will start the directory within the root folder, and |GameInfo_Path| will start it in the folder where GameInfo.txt is located. Both of these variables can be appended with any number of folders. There are also some special commands you can append in addition to the folders and variables, the known ones are:

  • ../
    Goes back one folder, this will useful for mounting other games' content like Portal(en), since AdditionalContentID is deprecated. If you wanted to mount Portal, and your game is in, say for example "<SteamFolder>\SteamApps\Common\MyGame\FolderWhereGameInfoIs", you would create a search path like this to mount it's content:
// Start in the executable directory, then go back one folder so we're in Common, and then go into Portal/portal and mount portal_pak.vpk
Game       |All_Source_Engine_Paths|../Portal/portal/portal_pak.vpk 

Here is also an example of how to mount a SourceMod(en):

// Start in the executable directory, then go back two folders so we're in SteamApps, and then go into SourceMods and mount the MySourceMod folder.
Game       |All_Source_Engine_Paths|../../SourceMods/MySourceMod

  • .
    This stops the search in the current directory, this should only be used if you want to directly mount where |All_Source_Engine_Paths| or |GameInfo_Path| are. An example of both:
// Mount both |All_Source_Engine_Paths| and |GameInfo_Path| variables' path.
Game       |All_Source_Engine_Paths|.
Game       |GameInfo_Path|.

  • /*
    Mount every sub-folder and VPK(en) in the current directory, this command is what makes the custom folder work in most update to date Source games. An example of it's use:
// Mount the custom folder's sub-folders and VPKs.
Game       |GameInfo_Path|custom/*


In most older Source games, the only keys for search pathing is Game and Platform, while these keys will suit most search pathing, in Source 2013 a few new keys where introduced that add more control.

Tip.png提示:Insurgency(en) and Day of Infamy(en) use the same search pathing system as Source 2013, so commands and keys that work in Source 2013 will work for them as well!


  • Game
    Adds the path as a simple search path. Will add any content it finds. Also writes sound.cache file in each Game directory.
  • Game_Write Template:2013 add:zh-cn
    Marks the search path as a Game write path. It marks the directory as the default directory for writing (what exactly?) for this game.
    证实:Does this do anything?
  • GameBin Template:2013 add:zh-cn
    A special key that requires that the path lead to a game's binary files (where Server.dll and Client.dll are located), and will use any other DLL files it finds. This should lead to your own mod's Bin folder, or the game you're basing it off's Bin folder if you're not building your own DLLs.
  • Platform
    Adds a special search path to the folder containing core engine files, this will usually lead to the game's Platform folder.
  • Mod Template:2013 add:zh-cn
    Marks the search path as a Mod path. This is usually where the game executable is. Essential for displaying chapter list in New Game menu, and probably for something else.
  • Mod_Write Template:2013 add:zh-cn
    Marks the search path as a Mod write path. This is usually where GameInfo.txt is. It marks the directory as the default directory for writing save files and downloadlists for this mod.
  • Default_Write_Path
    Marks the search path as a Default write path. This is usually where GameInfo.txt is. It marks the directory as the default directory for writing config.cfg, node graphs, screenshots and some other files for this mod. Also a fallback for when either Mod_Write or Game_Write isn't specified.
  • VPK Template:Contagion add:zh-cn
    Used to mount a VPK(en) by name. Do not put .vpk at the end.

In Source 2013, you may also append keys to each other by separating each key name by a + sign, this way if you need to use one directory for multiple keys, instead of writing this:

Game      |GameInfo_Path|MyFolder
Mod       |GameInfo_Path|MyFolder

It can instead be shortened like this:

Game+Mod  |GameInfo_Path|MyFolder

This saves you time from having to retype the directory over again.


Source automatically creates localized search paths. If you mount the folder HL2, then when your mod runs in French HL2_French is automatically mounted just above it, overriding any content in HL2.

待完善: Does this also apply for the mod folder?


一个能够正常在 起源2013 起源2013 游戏中使用的 GameInfo.txt

	game 		"HALF-LIFE 2"
	title 		"HALF-LIFE'"
	type		singleplayer_only
	supportsvr	1

		SteamAppId				220		// This will mount all the GCFs we need (240=CS:S, 220=HL2).
		// The code that loads this file automatically does a few things here:
		// 1. For each "Game" search path, it adds a "GameBin" path, in <dir>\bin
		// 2. For each "Game" search path, it adds another "Game" path in front of it with _<langage> at the end.
		//    For example: c:\hl2\cstrike on a french machine would get a c:\hl2\cstrike_french path added to it.
		// 3. For the first "Game" search path, it adds a search path called "MOD".
		// 4. For the first "Game" search path, it adds a search path called "DEFAULT_WRITE_PATH".

		// Search paths are relative to the base directory, which is where hl2.exe is found.
		// |gameinfo_path| points at the directory where gameinfo.txt is.
		// We always want to mount that directory relative to gameinfo.txt, so
		// people can mount stuff in c:\mymod, and the main game resources are in
		// someplace like c:\program files\valve\steam\steamapps\half-life 2.
			// First, mount all user customizations.  This will search for VPKs and subfolders
			// and mount them in alphabetical order.  The easiest way to distribute a mod is to
			// pack up the custom content into a VPK.  To "install" a mod, just drop it in this
			// folder.
			// Note that this folder is scanned only when the game is booted.
			game+mod			hl2/custom/*

			// We search VPK files before ordinary folders, because most files will be found in
			// VPK and we can avoid making thousands of file system calls to attempt to open files
			// in folders where they don't exist.  (Searching a VPK is much faster than making an operating
			// system call.)
			game_lv				hl2/hl2_lv.vpk
			game+mod			hl2/hl2_sound_vo_english.vpk
			game+mod			hl2/hl2_pak.vpk
			game				|all_source_engine_paths|hl2/hl2_textures.vpk
			game				|all_source_engine_paths|hl2/hl2_sound_misc.vpk
			game				|all_source_engine_paths|hl2/hl2_misc.vpk
			platform			|all_source_engine_paths|platform/platform_misc.vpk

			// Now search loose files.  We'll set the directory containing the gameinfo.txt file
			// as the first "mod" search path (after any user customizations).  This is also the one
			// that's used when writing to the "mod" path.
			mod+mod_write+default_write_path		|gameinfo_path|.

			// Add the HL2 directory as a game search path.  This is also where where writes
			// to the "game" path go.
			game+game_write		hl2

			// Where the game's binaries are
			gamebin				hl2/bin

			// Last, mount in shared HL2 loose files
			game				|all_source_engine_paths|hl2
			platform			|all_source_engine_paths|platform

使用 XBLAH's Modding Tool 编辑 GameInfo 文件

The mod information can be edited with XBLAH's Modding Tool(en) through a comprehensive UI without requiring the modder to mess with text files. It includes all the major keys of Source SDK 2013 Single-player and Source SDK 2013 Multi-player, more than enough for the majority of Source modders.

This can be accessed within the tool through Modding > Game info.
