is a point entity available in Half-Life 2.
Striders are the largest known creatures in the Combine arsenal. Simply parading a Strider down a street can be enough to give players a sense of unease, but they are unwieldy and should be used only after great care and consideration. A Strider on every street corner is a great way to destroy their effect!
A Strider has three forms of attack: its Pulse turret, which will slowly strafe across targets, its Warpspace cannon that will evaporate all dynamic entities it touches (but needs to be triggered by the mapper), and its legs, which in the right circumstances can stomp down on NPCs and 'impale' or skewer them.

A Strider is a Flying NPC that uses info_node_air_hint of type "Strider Node" for navigation. It can only move in straight lines between these entities (though it can turn freely).
It is also very large, and requires plenty of space in order to move around. They need at least 300 units to fit on the ground and around 540 to stand upright. Striders do not require open terrain however: their long legs allow them to cross over nearly anything up to a certain height.
- Scanners can be used to extend a Strider's line of sight when properly flagged. Every time they take a photo, the location of the target NPC/player is transmitted to nearby Striders through an entity called bullseye_strider_focus, which they will then hate.
- In Episode One, Striders have a new attack. They're capable of firing much faster and accurately than they could in Half-Life 2. They are better at tracking the players movements as well.

Dedicated Console Variables
- npc_strider_height_adj <int>
- Adjust strider's z axis of its origin (Default: 0).
- npc_strider_shake_ropes_magnitude <float>
- Magnitude at which the strider's footsteps will shake ropes (Default: 150).
- npc_strider_shake_ropes_radius <float>
- Radius in which ropes will shake by the footsteps (Default: 1200).
- sk_strider_health <int>
- Strider spawn health (Default: 350).
- sk_strider_num_missiles1 <float>
- Rockets required to take down an easy strider (Default: 5).
- sk_strider_num_missiles2 <float>
- Rockets required to take down a medium strider (Default: 7).
- sk_strider_num_missiles3 <float>
- Rockets required to take down a hard strider (Default: 7).
- strider_always_use_procedural_height <bool>
- Uses calculated height if not set (Default: 0).
- strider_ar2_altfire_dmg <float>
- The amount of damage an AR2 grenade (combine ball) does to a strider. (Default: 25)
- strider_distributed_fire <bool>
- Switch targets once in a while. (Default: 1)
- strider_eyepositions <bool>
- Draw a 3D cross at the standing and crouched eye positions (Default: 0).
- 'strider_free_knowledge <float>
- Todo: Add a description for this variable.(Default: 0)
- strider_free_pass_cover_dist <float>
- Todo: Add a description for this variable.(Default: 120)
- strider_free_pass_duration <float>
- Todo: Add a description for this variable.(Default: 2)
- strider_free_pass_move_tolerance <float>
- Todo: Add a description for this variable.(Default: 320)
- strider_free_pass_refill_rate<float>
- Todo: Add a description for this variable.(Default: 0)
- strider_free_pass_start_time<float>
- Todo: Add a description for this variable.(Default: 3)
- strider_idle_test <bool>
- Disables minigun and sets the schedule to standing idle (Default: 0).
- strider_immolate <bool>
- Unused: Strider immolation toggle(Default: 0).
- strider_pct_height_no_crouch_move <float>
- A percentage used while calculating ideal crouch height (Default: 90).
- strider_peek_eye_dist<float>
- Eye distance (Default: 1).
- strider_peek_eye_dist_z<float>
- Eye distance z (Default: 4).
- strider_peek_time <float>
- Gives players this much time before shooting at them (player in slot 1 only)(Default: 0).
- strider_peek_time_after_damage <float>
- Gives players this much time before shooting at them after being attacked (player in slot 1 only)(Default: 4).
- strider_show_cannonlos <bool>
- Draw cannon's line of sight (Default: 0).
- strider_show_focus <bool>
- Draw a 3d cross at the origin of the strider's target (Default: 0).
- strider_show_weapon_los_condition <bool>
- Draw weapon's line of sight (condition)(Default: 0).
- strider_show_weapon_los_z <bool>
- Draw weapon's line of sight (z)(Default: 0).
- strider_test_height <float>
- Sets the strider's ideal height to this if it's greater than .1 (Default: 0).
- Only works with strider_always_use_procedural_height on.
- Disable physics (reduce CPU) (disablephysics) <boolean>
- Model (model) <choices>
- Standard Strider: models/combine_strider.mdl
- The Strider that fights Dog: models/combine_strider_vsdog.mdl
Wait Till Seen : [1]
- Prevents this NPC from seeing (or being seen) until it enters a player's viewcone.
Gag : [2]
- Won't make IDLE sounds until it's angry.
Fall to ground (unchecked means teleport to ground) : [4]
Drop Healthkit : [8]
- Causes this NPC to drop an item_healthvial upon dying.
Efficient : [16]
- Don't acquire enemies or avoid obstacles
Wait For Script : [128]
- Forces this NPC to "wait" in an idle state until it finishes playing a scripted_sequence.
Long Visibility/Shoot : [256]
- By default, increases a NPC's sight range to
units and allows it to attack from anywhere within that distance.
Fade Corpse : [512]
Think outside PVS : [1024]
- Allows this NPC to run its regular AI outside of any player's PVS.
Template NPC : [2048]
- Marks this NPC as a template for entities like npc_template_maker. The NPC will not spawn on its own. This is not needed for point_template.

input does this.Don't drop weapons : [8192]
Ignore player push : [16384] (in all games since )
- Entity won't give way to player.
- 65536 : Can Stomp Player
Note:This doesn't mean the strider won't step on the player, it just means the strider will not try to stab the player.
- SetMinigunTime <float>
- Time to shoot at any set minigun target.
- SetMinigunTarget <targetname>
- Strider will shoot minigun at this target.
- SetCannonTarget <targetname>
- Strider will shoot cannon at this target.
- FlickRagdoll
- Strider will flick anyone it's skewered.
- StartPatrol
- Start patrolling back and forth along the current track.
- StopPatrol
- Stop patrolling back and forth along the track. This will cause the helicopter to come to rest at the track which he's currently flying toward.
- ChooseFarthestPathPoint
- When tracking an enemy, choose the point on the path furthest from the enemy, but still in firing range.
- ChooseNearestPathPoint
- When tracking an enemy, choose the point on the path nearest from the enemy.
- Crouch
- Crouch down.
- Stand
- Stand up from crouch.
- DisableCrouchWalk
- Disables the ability of the Strider to Crouchwalk.
- EnableCrouchWalk
- Enables the ability of the Strider to Crouchwalk.
- SetTargetPath <targetname>
- Set a path for the Strider to move along. The Strider will first move to the closest point on the path.
Tip:Striders will not deviate from this path by default (even in combat). The only way to make them deviate is through scout scanners or inputs.
- ClearTargetPath
- Clear the Strider patrol path.
- CrouchInstantly
- Crouch instantly. This makes the Strider pop to a crouch. Do not do this where players can observe.
- EnableAggressiveBehavior
- Enables Striders' new minigun attack (New with HL2 Episode One!). The Strider will fire more rapidly and with greater precision.
- DisableAggressiveBehavior
- Stop using aggressive behavior. (Revert to normal)
- StopShootingMinigunForSeconds <float>
- Stop shooting the minigun for a period of time (specify seconds as parameter).
- DisableCrouch
- Prevents the Strider from crouching.
- DisableMoveToLOS
- Prevents the Strider from seeking Line of Sight to target. Essentially, this prevents the Strider from switching between standing and crouching on its own. Use Crouch/CrouchInstantly or Stand to manually change its state.
- ActivateSpeedModifier !FGD
- DisableSpeedModifier !FGD
- Break
- Smash into pieces. If this is not possible, disappear.
- BecomeRagdoll (in all games since
- Remove itself and instantly become a ragdoll with zero force (just go limp). OnDeath, etc. outputs will NOT be fired.
- ForceInteractionWithNPC <string> <string> (in all games since
- Force the NPC to use a dynamic interaction with another NPC. Syntax is <targetname> <dynamic interaction>.
- ForgetEntity <targetname>
- Clears out the NPC's knowledge of a named entity.
- UpdateEnemyMemory (in all games since
- Update (or create) this NPC's memory of of the given entity.
- GagEnable
- GagDisable
- Gagged NPCs won't speak (or moan, caw, etc.) unless made to be a choreographed scene.
- HolsterWeapon (in all games since
- UnholsterWeapon (in all games since
- Force the NPC to holster or unholster their weapon. Ignored if the NPC is scripting or if the NPC doesn't use weapons.
- HolsterAndDestroyWeapon (in all games since
- Same as
, except the weapon is destroyed once it has been concealed.
- IgnoreDangerSounds <float>
- Ignore danger sounds for the specified number of seconds.
- InsideTransition !FGD
- OutsideTransition !FGD
- SetBodyGroup <integer>
- HACK: Sets this NPC's body group (from 0–n).
- SetEnemyFilter <string>
- SetHealth <integer>
- Set the NPC's health.
- SetMaxLookDistance <float> (only in
- Sets the maximum look distance for the NPC. Defaults are 2048 and 6000 for long range NPCs.
- SetRelationship <string|targetname or classname> <string|disposition> <int|rank>
- Changes whether this NPC likes or dislikes certain others. Used like the ai_relationship entity, with this NPC as the subject.
- Values for
: HateD_FR
: FearD_LI
: LikeD_NU
: Neutral
- SetSquad <string>
- Change the name of this NPC's squad. Leaving the parameter blank will remove the NPC from any existing squad.
- StartScripting
- StopScripting
- Enter/exit scripting state, where NPCs ignore a variety of stimulus that would make them break out of their scripts. They ignore danger sounds, ignore +Use, don't idle speak or respond to other NPCs' idle speech, and so on.
- Wake
- Wakes up the NPC if it is sleeping.
- KilledNPC !FGD
- Tells the entity it killed something. Despite the name, this can include a player. This input will be automatically sent by the victim when they die.
- physdamagescale <float>
- Scales damage energy when this character is hit by a physics object. With a value of 0 the NPC will take no damage from physics.

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