Counter-Strike: Global Offensive/Places for a Navigation Mesh
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This page documents information about a game or software,
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, that is no longer available for purchase or download digitally.
It is covered here for historical and technical reference.

It is covered here for historical and technical reference.
This is a list of the standard place names that can be used with a nav mesh in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.
They can be obtained by invoking nav_use_place with no argument.
AbovePit Admin Airplane Alley Apartment Apartments APlatform ARamp Arch Atrium Attic Back BackAlley BackAlleys BackCourtyard BackDoor BackEntrance BackHall BackofA BackofB BackRoad BackRoom BackWay BackYard Balcony Banana BankExterior BankInterior Barn BarnRoof Basement Bathroom BDoors Beach Bedroom BigForest BigOffice BoatBar BoatHouse BoatStorage Bodyshop BombSite BombsiteA BombsiteB BombsiteC BPlatform Bricks Bridge Bunker Canal Cart Catwalk ComputerRoom ConferenceRoom Connector Construction Control Courtyard Crane Crates Crawlspace Crows CTBar CTCorridorDown CTCorridorUp CTRed CTSideLower CTSideUpper CTSpawn DeadTrees Deck Decon Den DirtRoad DoubleDoors Downstairs Driveway Ducts Dumpster EastForest ElectricalBox Elevator Entrance Entryway ExtendedA FamilyRoom FarSide Field Floor50 Floor51 Forklift Fountain Foyer Front FrontCourtyard FrontDoor FrontEntrance FrontHall FrontRoom FrontYard Garage Garden GasStation Gate GateHouse Glade Graveyard GroundLevel GuardHouse Hay Heaven Helicopter Helicopters Hell Hole HostageRescueZone House Hut HutRoof InsertionA InsertionB InsertionC InsertionD Inside Ivy Kitchen Ladder LadderBottom LadderTop LeftAlley Library LittleOffice LivingRoom LoadingDock Lobby LockerRoom Loft Logs LongA LongDoors LongHall LowerCarousel LowerCatwalks LowerMid LowerPark LowerTunnel Main MainHall Market MeetingRoom Mid MidArch MidCarousel Middle MidDoors Mines MotorBoats Observation Office Outside OutsideLong OutsideTunnel Overpass PalaceAlley PalaceInterior PalaceTunnel Patio Pipe Pit Playground PopDog Porch PowerLines ProjectorRoom Quad Radio Rafters Rafts Ramp Rear Red RedHouse Restroom RightAlley River Road Roof Ruins Scaffolding SeaCliff SeaRock SecondMid Secret SecurityDoors Sewers Shed Shop Short ShortStairs Side SideAlley SideDoor SideEntrance SideHall SidePath SideRoom SideYard Silo SmallForest SniperBox SnipersNest Squeaky Stairs Stairwell StorageRoom Street TCorridorDown TCorridorUp Tmain TopofMid Tower Toxic TRamp Trophy Truck TSideLower TSideUpper TSpawn TStairs Tunnel Tunnel1 Tunnel2 Tunnels TunnelStairs UnderA Underground Underpass UpperCarousel UpperCatwalks UpperPark UpperTunnel Upstairs Vault Vending VendingMachines Villa1stFloor Villa2ndFloor Village VipRescueZone Walkway Wall Warehouse Water WestForest Window Windows WineCellar Yellow YellowHouse