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Source SDK Base 2013

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Source 2013 Source SDK Base 2013 - Singleplayer and Source SDK Base 2013 - Multiplayer are tools available to all Steam users which, as the name suggest, is locked to Source 2013 engine branch, to prevent incompatible engine updates from making your mod unusable.

Tip.pngTip:Despite the names, both Source SDK Base 2013 - Singleplayer and Source SDK Base 2013 - Multiplayer (Source 2013 Multiplayer only) can be used for singleplayer.
The Multiplayer branch provides additional features (static prop lightmaps, BSP compression, more ambient cubes per visleaf, and slightly newer code), which may be desirable over the Singleplayer branch if not using a base mod such as Mapbase and not making a single-player mod that does not modify game code.
Team Fortress 2 branch TF2 branch version of Source SDK Base 2013 - Multiplayer makes some changes which break singleplayer mode, such as save loading not working correctly[1] and attempting to load any map with maxplayers (singleplayer) and cl_localnetworkbackdoor both set to 1 will also crash the game[2].

SDK Base versions

There are two versions of Source SDK Base(s) 2013:

Note.pngNote:This branch originally runs on Source 2013 Multiplayer, but it has been upgraded to Team Fortress 2 branch Team Fortress 2 branch, which might be incompatible with mods built on legacy version of Source 2013 Multiplayer (that runs on Source 2013 Multiplayer).
To downgrade to legacy version of Source SDK Base 2013 Multiplayer, follow the instructions:
  1. Open Steam, go to Source SDK 2013 Multiplayer, right click Properties
  2. A window will open. Go to "Betas", select previous2021 beta branch.
  3. Steam will automatically re-download the files. Once it's done, run Source SDK Base 2013 MP as normal, or use it's tools.
Note.pngNote:By default, many sourcemods (including Mapbase Mapbase), will crash when launched, unless you select the upcoming branch.
To select upcoming branch, follow the instructions:
  1. Open Steam, go to Source SDK 2013 Singleplayer, right click Properties
  2. A window will open. Go to "Betas", select upcoming beta branch.
  3. Steam will automatically re-download the files. Once it's done, try to launch the mod again.
Note.pngNote:Currently, as of March 4, 2025, this branch hasn't been updated yet to received new features from Half-Life 2 20th Anniversary Update (radial fog, classic particles, etc.) or Team Fortress 2 branch.

Setting up & compiling code

To set up Source SDK 2013 and compiling mods, see:

SDK Base Content

Singleplayer branch

Multiplayer branch