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This entity is not in the Counter-Strike: SourceDay of Defeat: SourceTeam Fortress 2Left 4 DeadLeft 4 Dead 2Counter-Strike: Global Offensive FGD by default.
See below for instructions on making it available.
Path corner.png

path_corner is a point entity available in all Source Source games.

Class hierarchy
Clarify: path_track vs path_corner

Entity description


  • A path_corner is a corner in a path, either for a func_train or an NPC. path_corners can be chained together to form complex routes. To create a path_corner chain simply shift+drag an existing path_corner. The values will automatically be filled in. To manually make a chain (or link one up in a circle), edit the Next stop target property.
  • A path_corner_crash is identical to a path_corner, but can be enabled and disabled for a crash point; when an NPC is searching for a crash point, it will not search for generic path_corners
In code, it is represented by theCPathCornerclass, defined in thepathcorner.cppfile.


A path_corner can be a destination for an NPC. When told to, NPCs will stop other movement and walk steadily towards a path_corner. It is entirely scripted behavior. Note that the Train Speed and wait values do not affect NPCs.

To make an NPC move to a path_corner edit the Target Path Corner keyvalue, either in Hammer or through the I/O system. Alternatively, an NPC can be made to follow a path_corner chain by using the aiscripted_schedule or scripted_sequence entities.

  • See also Assaults for an alternative way to create NPC routes without using path_corner.

Limitations and bugs

  • A path_corner (or the first path_corner on a chain) must be within 576 units for NPCs to find it.
  • It is either difficult or impossible to tell an NPC which direction to face once they've reached a path corner. If this is important, you may want to consider using Assaults instead.


Note that the example map does not have any info_nodes. They are not needed to have an NPC follow a path.


Name (targetname) <string>
The name that other entities refer to this entity by, via Inputs/Outputs or other keyvalues (e.g. parentname or target).
Also displayed in Hammer's 2D views and Entity Report.
See also:  Generic Keyvalues, Inputs and Outputs available to all entities

Next stop target (target) <string>
Wait here (secs) (wait) <float>
New train speed (speed) <float>
Leave at zero to leave path follower's speed the same


Wait for retrigger : [1]
Teleport to THIS path_corner : [2]


SetNextPathCorner <targetname>
Set target path_corner


Fires when a path follower passes this point. (!activator is the train)

FGD Code

The path_corner entity is not in defined the base.fgd that all games share. It only exists in the halflife2.fgd.
You may copy the FGD entry from the expand box below to the bottom of your base.fgd to make it appear in Hammer Hammer.

FGD entry from halflife2.fgd 

See also