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This entity is not in the FGD by default.
See below for instructions on making it available.
Class hierarchy

func_train is a brush entity available in all Source Source games.

It is a leftover from Quake Quake that ping-pongs between the start and end of a series of path_corners. It was mostly replaced by func_tracktrain in GoldSrc GoldSrc, but was still used for looping auto-scrolling backgrounds. In Source, the introduction of parenting has rendered this method obsolete[How?]. However, the entity is still functional.

Tip.pngTip:This entity is not affected by the turning inaccuracy issues that func_tracktrain is, making it a good alternative for fast-moving objects.
Icon-Bug.pngBug:It will always try to play sounds, regardless of whether they are actually specified. This can be set to Default.Null with a volume of 0 to play no sound.  [todo tested in?]


Note.pngNote:For Keyvalues and Inputs affecting brush rendering, see Brush entity/Rendering related keyvalues and inputs

Name (targetname) <string>
The name that other entities refer to this entity by, via Inputs/Outputs or other keyvalues (e.g. parentname or target).
Also displayed in Hammer's 2D views and Entity Report.
See also:  Generic Keyvalues, Inputs and Outputs available to all entities

Spawn path_corner (target) <targetname>
The name of the first path_corner in the train's path. The train will spawn at this path_corner.
Speed (speed) <float>
Speed at which the train moves.
Movement Sound (noise1) <string>
The sound to play when the train moves.
Stop Sound (noise2) <string>
The sound to play when the train stops moving.
Sound Volume (0-10) (volume) <float>
Volume of the sounds emitted when moving and stopping.
Crush Damage (dmg) <float>
Amount of damage to deal to entities blocking the train.


Non-solid : [8]


Toggle movement
Start movement
Stop movement

FGD Code

@SolidClass base(Targetname, Origin, RenderFields) line(255 255 0, targetname, target) {{=}} func_train: "An old entity leftover from Quake. It follows a series of path_corner entities."
	spawnflags(flags) {{=}}
		8 : "Non-solid" : 0
	target(target_destination) : "Spawn path_corner" : : "The name of the first path_corner in the train's path. The train will spawn at this path_corner."
	speed(float) : "Speed" : "50" : "Speed at which the train moves."
	noise1(sound) : "Movement Sound" : "Default.Null" : "The sound to play when the train moves. This must be specified, but can be set to 'Default.Null' to play no sound."
	noise2(sound) : "Stop Sound" : "Default.Null" : "The sound to play when the train stops moving. This must be specified, but can be set to 'Default.Null' to play no sound."
	volume(float) : "Sound volume (0-10)" : "10" : "Volume of the sounds emitted when moving and stopping."
	dmg(float) : "Crush Damage" : "0" : "Amount of damage to deal to entities blocking the train."

	// Inputs
	input Toggle(void) : "Toggle movement"
	input Start(void) : "Start movement"
	input Stop(void) : "Stop movement"