Console commands
< Nav Mesh(Redirected from Nav create place on ground)
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These commands can be bound to a key in a config file for faster workflow. For example, Left 4 Dead (L4D) has nav_mode.cfg.
Mesh generation
Command | Description |
nav_mark_walkable | Mark the current location as a walkable position. These positions are used as seed locations when sampling the map to generate a Navigation Mesh. |
nav_clear_walkable_marks | Erase any previously placed walkable positions. |
nav_generate | Generate a Navigation Mesh for the current map and save it to disk. [[ |
nav_generate_incremental | Run the generation process from walkable markers instead of on the entire mesh. Newly created areas will usually connect to preexisting areas. |
nav_generate_incremental_range <Integer> | Generates nav mesh in range specified (units?). The center of the is defined by the walkable mark. |
nav_auto_build_area | Build out high-precision areas around the edit cursor and create them. |
nav_save | Saves the current Navigation Mesh to a NAV file. |
nav_load | Loads navigation mesh from the current map's NAV file. |
nav_analyze | Loads the Navigation Mesh for the current map. [[
nav_max_view_distance | Modify the distance used to test visibility for all nav areas when generating.
![]() |
Selection commands
Command ! | Description |
nav_add_to_selected_set | Add current area to the selected set. Usually the area selected is the one pointed at. |
nav_add_to_selected_set_by_id | Selects the nav by area number / id. This is useful for reports in the console regarding UpdateBlocked and possible flow errors. |
nav_begin_deselecting | Start continuously removing from the selected set. |
nav_end_deselecting | Stop continuously removing from the selected set. |
nav_begin_selecting | Start continuously adding to the selected set. |
nav_end_selecting | Stop continuously adding to the selected set. |
nav_begin_drag_deselecting | Start dragging a selection area. |
nav_end_drag_deselecting | Stop dragging a selection area. |
nav_begin_drag_selecting | Start dragging a selection area. |
nav_end_drag_selecting | Stop dragging a selection area. |
nav_toggle_in_selected_set | Selects the nav mesh area that the gun in-game crosshair is pointing at. This command is typically bound to a key for sake of convenience. For example, nav_mode.cfg file found in the L4D config folder binds this command to the Z key. |
nav_clear_selected_set | Clears selection of all selected nav mesh areas that were visually highlighted. In other words, this command de-selects the nav mesh areas selected. |
nav_flood_select | Selects/highlights all nav meshes that are connected, starting with the nav mesh that the in-game gun crosshair is pointing at. This does not mean that all nav mesh areas are selected. |
select_with_attribute | Selects/highlights all nav mesh areas marked with one attribute specified. |
Editing commands
Command | Description |
nav_delete | Deletes the currently highlighted or marked area, or selected set. |
nav_delete_marked | Deletes the currently marked Area (if any). |
nav_split | To split an Area into two, align the split line using your cursor and invoke the split command. |
nav_subdivide | Divides a selected set or the area that the crosshair is hovering over. |
nav_make_sniper_spots | Chops the marked area into disconnected sub-areas suitable for sniper spots. |
nav_chop_selected | Chops all selected areas into their component 1x1 areas |
nav_merge | To merge two Areas into one, mark the first Area, highlight the second by pointing your cursor at it, and invoke the merge command. |
nav_mark | Marks the Area or Ladder under the cursor for manipulation by subsequent editing commands. |
nav_unmark | Clears the marked Area or Ladder. |
nav_begin_area | Defines a corner of a new Area or Ladder. To complete the Area or Ladder, drag the opposite corner to the desired location and issue a 'nav_end_area' command.
![]() |
nav_end_area | Defines the second corner of a new Area or Ladder and creates it. |
nav_connect | Creates a one-way connection from a marked area to the second Area. To make a two-way connection, also connect the second area to the first.
![]() nav_connect will try to bidirectionally connect the first selected area to every subsequently selected area. |
nav_disconnect | Removes connections between a marked area and highlighted area.
![]() nav_disconnect will try to disconnect connections between the first selected area and every subsequently selected area. |
nav_disconnect_outgoing_oneways | Disconnect all outgoing one-way connections for a highlighted area, or selected set. |
nav_splice | Makes a joint area between a marked/selected area and a highlighted/marked area. |
nav_corner_select | Select a corner of the currently marked Area. Use multiple times to access all four corners. |
nav_corner_raise nav_corner_raise <Hammer units> |
Raises the selected corner of the currently marked area or selected set. |
nav_corner_lower nav_corner_lower <Hammer units> |
Lowers the selected corner of the currently marked area or selected set. |
nav_corner_place_on_ground | Places the selected set, selected corner of the currently marked area, or the marked area itself, on the ground. |
nav_shift <x, y, z> | Shifts the selected areas by the specified amounts. |
nav_begin_shift_xy | Begin shifting the Selected Set. |
nav_end_shift_xy | Finish shifting the Selected Set. |
nav_simplify_selected | Temporarily forces nav_split_place_on_ground to 1, keeps nav_coplanar_slope_limit_displacement and <nav_coplanar_slope_limit> to at least 0.5, and nav_snap_to_grid to 1. It then strips analyzed data and subdivides the selected areas into 1x1 area, performs nav_generate_incremental on them without generating any areas, and finally recombines them before reselecting the resulting nav areas.
nav_save_selected nav_save_selected <name> |
Stores a selected set in a KeyValues file at maps/<map name or <name>>_selected_<number up to 1000>.txt . ![]() <name> exists, the file is saved with nav_save_selected instead of <name> . [todo tested in ?] |
nav_merge_mesh <filename> | Imports nav areas from the specified KeyValues file in maps/ .
Attribute Modification Commands
Attributes modify the nav area with commands that modify NPC behavior, such as a forced crouch, following a specific path, disallowing spawn, etc. Many attributes also have their own command, such as nav_crouch. The command "mark CROUCH" is the same as the command nav_crouch.
Command | Description |
mark <Attribute> nav_mark_attribute <Attribute> |
Marks the area with an attribute, such as CROUCH, PRECISE, NO_MOBS, etc. |
nav_clear_attribute <Attribute> | Clears attribute specified. If clear_attribute does not work to clear an attribute specified, this command might work. |
clear_attribute <Attribute> | Clears attribute specified. If nav_clear_attribute does not work to clear an attribute specified, such as PLAYER_START, this command might work. |
wipe_attributes | Clears all attributes on the selected part of the nav mesh. |
wipe_nav_attributes | Clears all nav attributes on the selected part of the nav mesh. |
nav_crouch | Toggles the 'must crouch in this area' flag used by the AI system. |
nav_fog_mark | Sets fog value for selected areas. |
nav_fog_pick | Sets fog value for selected areas. |
nav_fog_select_place | Selects all areas with the given fog place. |
nav_gen_cliffs_approx | Mark cliff areas, post-processing approximation. |
nav_precise | Toggles the 'don't avoid obstacles' flag used by the AI system. |
nav_jump | Toggles the 'traverse this area by jumping' flag used by the AI system. |
nav_no_jump | Toggles the 'don't jump in this area' flag used by the AI system. |
nav_stop | Toggles the 'must stop when entering this area' flag used by the AI system. |
nav_walk | Toggles the 'traverse this area by walking' flag used by the AI system. |
nav_run | Toggles the 'traverse this area by running' flag used by the AI system. |
nav_avoid | Toggles the 'avoid this area when possible' flag used by the AI system. |
nav_transient | Toggles the 'area is transient and may become blocked' flag used by the AI system. |
nav_dont_hide | Toggles the 'area is not suitable for hiding spots' flag used by the AI system. |
nav_stand | Toggles the 'stand while hiding' flag used by the AI system. |
nav_no_hostages | Toggles the 'hostages cannot use this area' flag used by the AI system. |
Place name commands
Command | Description |
nav_toggle_place_mode | Toggle the editor into and out of place mode. Place mode allows the labelling of nav areas with place names. |
nav_set_place_mode | Sets the editor into or out of place mode. Place mode allows the labelling of nav areas with place names. |
nav_use_place <place> | If used with no argument, all available places will be listed. If a place argument is given, the current place is set. |
nav_place_pick | Sets the current place to the place of the area under the cursor. |
nav_toggle_place_painting | Toggles place painting mode. When place painting, pointing at an area will assign the current place to it. |
nav_place_floodfill | Sets the place of the area under the cursor to the current place, and 'flood-fills' the place to all adjacent areas. Flood-filling stops when it hits an area with the same place, or a different place than that of the initial area. |
nav_place_replace <place1> <place2> | Assigns the second place name to all areas that currently have the first place name assigned. |
nav_place_list | Lists all place names used in the map. |
nav_mark_unnamed | Mark an area with no place name. Useful for finding stray areas missed when place painting. |
Other commands
Additional Console Variables
Command | Description |
nav_area_bgcolor <R G B A> | RGBA color to draw as the background color for nav areas while editing. |
nav_area_max_size | Max area size created in nav generation. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
nav_blockers_can_affect_flow | ![]() |
nav_create_area_at_feet | Anchor nav_begin_area Z to editing player's feet. ![]() |
nav_create_place_on_ground <Boolean> | If set to 1, nav areas will be placed flush with the ground when created by hand. |
nav_coplanar_slope_limit <Value> | Metric to determine whether adjacent walkable samples are planar and can be used to create a single planar nav area. If the dot product of two adjacent candidate's unit normals is equal to or greater than <Value>, they are considered co-planar and can be merged. Therefore, <Value> can range from 0 to 1. |
nav_coplanar_slope_limit_displacement | ![]() |
nav_corner_adjust_adjacent | Radius used to raise/lower corners in nearby areas when raising/lowering corners. ![]() |
nav_debug_blocked | ![]() |
nav_debug_finale_area | ![]() |
nav_displacement_test | Checks for nodes embedded in displacements (useful for in-development maps). ![]() |
nav_draw_limit <Count> | The maximum number of areas to draw in edit mode. ![]() |
nav_edit <Boolean> | Set to one to interactively edit the Navigation Mesh. Set to zero to leave edit mode. |
nav_generate_fixup_jump_areas | Convert obsolete jump areas into 2-way connections. ![]() |
nav_flood_select_tolerance | Allowable z distance of selectable areas from the start area. ![]() |
nav_fog_edit | ![]() |
nav_generate_fencetops | Autogenerate nav areas on fence and obstacle tops. ![]() |
nav_restart_after_analysis <Boolean> | If set to 1, when nav nav_restart_after_analysis finishes, restart the server. Turning this off can cause crashes, but is useful for incremental generation. |
nav_show_approach_points <Boolean> | Show Approach Points in the Navigation Mesh. |
nav_show_area_info <Duration> | Duration in seconds to show nav area ID and attributes while editing |
nav_show_danger <Boolean> | Show current 'danger' levels. |
nav_show_player_counts <Boolean> | Show current player counts in each area. |
nav_slope_limit <Z> | The ground unit normal's Z component must be greater than this for nav areas to be generated. |
nav_snap_to_grid <Boolean> | If set to 1, snap to the nav generation grid when creating new nav areas |
nav_split_place_on_ground <Boolean> | If set to 1, nav areas will be placed flush with the ground when split. |
nav_quicksave <Boolean> | Set to one to skip analyzing encounter spots and sniper spots (red lines). In ![]() ![]() |
Team Fortress 2
Cvar/Command | Parameters or default value | Descriptor | Effect |
tf_show_actor_potential_visibility | 01 | <bool> | Shows areas potentially visible to a demographic (Purple for both teams, red for RED team, and blue for BLU team). |
tf_show_bomb_drop_areas | 0 disables, 1 enables | Shows areas where BLU bots can get to and can drop the bomb. | |
tf_show_blocked_areas | 0 disables, 1 enables | Shows areas blocked by a demographic (Purple for both teams, red for RED team, blue for BLU team). | |
tf_show_control_points | 0 disables, 1 enables | Show areas that a control point (not payload) is on in yellow, and adjacent areas in dark yellow. | |
tf_show_in_combat_areas | 0 disables, 1 enables | Shows areas that are in combat from dark red to red depending on the amount of combat. | |
tf_show_enemy_invasion_areas | 0 disables, 1 enables | Shows the areas that the enemy team will invade. | |
tf_show_incursion_flow | 0 disables, 1 enables | Shows paths (as vectors within tf_show_incursion_flow_range) a team takes to get to the capturable point (1 shows RED team paths, 2 shows BLU team paths). | |
tf_show_sentry_danger | integer | how sentry danger areas (colored red for RED sentries and blue for BLU sentries). 1:Use m_sentryAreas. 2:Check all nav areas. | |
tf_show_sniper_areas | 0 disables, 1 enables | Shows (purple for both teams, red for RED team, and blue for BLUE team) areas that aren't within tf_show_sniper_areas_safety_range units of the enemy invasion area. | |
tf_show_sniper_areas_safety_range | 0 disables, 1 enables | The range in which sniper spots withinin the invasion areas are not shown through tf_show_sniper_areas. | |
tf_show_train_path | 0 disables, 1 enables | Shows the train track path for the payload cart. | |
tf_show_incursion_flow_gradient | integer | Shows the path a team takes to get to the capture-able point as gradient colors (1 shows RED team paths in red, 2 shows BLU team paths in blue). | |
tf_show_incursion_flow_range | integer | The range in which incursion flow vectors are visible. | |
tf_show_incursion_range | 0 disables, 1 enables | Highlight areas with incursion distances between tf_show_incursion_range_min and tf_show_incursion_range_max cvar values. | |
tf_show_incursion_range_min | Hammer units | Minimum range to show incursion distances within with tf_show_incursion_range. | |
tf_show_incursion_range_max | Hammer units | Maximum range to show incursion distances within with tf_show_incursion_range. |