Script Functions

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SquirrelLua Jabroni Brawl: Episode 3 Jabroni Brawl: Episode 3's implementation of VScript is built on Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Counter-Strike: Global Offensive's. This list only contains classes, functions and variables that differ from CS:GO's implementation.

Please note this article is written with Squirrel Squirrel in mind.


Instance Type Value Description
EJBGameMode table
The gamemode of the match.
ERoundState table
State of the round.
EJBRoundMutator table
Mutator of the round. This only exists when Battle Royale is the current gamemode.
ELifeState table
State of an entity's lifespan.
EJBCharacterCond table
Special conditions for players.
EJBWeaponCond table
Special conditions for weapons.
EJBPossessType table
Spectator monster types.




Function Signature Description
GetLifeState int GetLifeState() Returns the current life state of the entity.
SetName void SetName(string name) Sets the target name of the entity.
SetParent void SetParent(handle parent) Sets the parent of the entity.
SetParentAttachment void SetParentAttachment(handle parent, int index) Sets the parent of the entity, as well as the attachment point (by index).
Bonemerge void Bonemerge(handle target) Starts following an entity via bonemerge.


A client-side version of Entities now exists, with the following methods: First, Next, FindByClassname, and GetByIndex.


Function Signature Description
Create handle Create(string classname, table keyvalues) Creates and spawns an entity by classname, with the keyvalues from the given table.
CreateNoSpawn handle CreateNoSpawn(string classname, table keyvalues) Creates an entity by classname without spawning it, with the keyvalues from the given table.
GetByIndex handle GetByIndex(int index) Gets the entity at the given index.



Function Signature Description
GetUserID int GetUserID() Returns player's user ID.
GetNetworkIDString string GetNetworkIDString() Returns player's Steam ID as a string.
GetAccountID int GetAccountID() Returns player's account ID.
GetPlayerName string GetPlayerName() Returns player's network name.
IsFakeClient bool IsFakeClient() Returns true if this is a fake client.


In JBEP3, the PlayerVoiceListener instance has been implemented.



Function Signature Description
AddCondition void HasCondition(int condition) Adds the given condition to the weapon.
HasCondition bool HasCondition(int condition) Returns true if the weapon has the given condition.
RemoveCondition void RemoveCondition(int condition) Removes the given condition from the weapon.
RemoveAllConditions void RemoveAllConditions() Removes all conditions from the weapon.



Function Signature Description
AddCondition void AddCondition(int condition) Adds the given condition to the player.
HasCondition bool HasCondition(int condition) Returns true if the player has the given condition.
RemoveCondition void RemoveCondition(int condition) Removes the given condition from the player.
ResetConditions void ResetConditions() Removes all conditions from the player.
GetPossessType int GetPossessType() Returns the spectator monster type of the player.


Vectors can have each component negated with the - operator.

Example: -Vector(1, -2, 3) will evaluate to Vector(-1, 2, -3)


Function Signature Description
constructor Vector Vector() Creates a new vector (zeroed).
constructor Vector Vector(float x, float y, float z) Creates a new vector with the specified coordinates.
operator + Vector Vector + Vector Returns result of the summary.
operator + Vector Vector + float Returns a new vector with each component increased by a given number.
operator - Vector Vector - Vector Returns result of the subtraction.
>operator - Vector Vector - float Returns a new vector with each component decreased by a given number.
operator * Vector Vector * Vector Returns result of the multiplication.
operator * Vector Vector * float Returns a new vector with each component multiplied by a given number.
operator / Vector Vector / Vector Returns result of the division.

Throws an error on attempt to divide by zero.

operator / Vector Vector / float Returns a new vector with each component divided by a given number.

Throws an error on attempt to divide by zero.

tostring string tostring() Returns a human readable string.

Example output: (vector: (0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000))

ToKVString string ToKVString() Returns a string that can be used when creating an entity or firing an input.

Example output: 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000

ToQAngle QAngle ToQAngle() Returns a new QAngle.
IsValid bool IsValid() Returns true if the vector is valid, false otherwise.
Invalidate void Invalidate() Sets each component to NaN.
IsZero bool IsZero() Returns 'true' if the vector has zero length, 'false' otherwise.
Zero void Zero() Sets each components to zero.
Random void Random(float min, float max) Randomizes each component's value within the specified range.
Scale Vector Scale(float mult) Returns a new vector with each component multiplied by a given number.
Lerp Vector Lerp(Vector other, float frac) Returns vector interpolated a given amount between itself and another given vector.
Length float Length() Returns length of the vector.
LengthSqr float LengthSqr() Returns the squared length of the vector.
Length2D float Length2D() Returns the length of the vector, only considering the X and Y axes.
Length2DSqr float Length2DSqr() Returns the squared length of the vector, only considering the X and Y axes.
LargestComponent int LargestComponent() Returns index of the largest component.
LargestComponentValue float LargestComponentValue() Returns value of the largest component.
SmallestComponent int SmallestComponent() Returns index of the smallest component.
SmallestComponentValue float SmallestComponentValue() Returns value of the smallest component.
Min Vector Min(Vector other) Returns the minimum between this and a given vector.
Max< Vector Max(Vector other) Returns the maximum between this and a given vector.
Normalize float Normalize() Normalizes the vector, and returns the vector length.
DistTo float DistTo(Vector other) Returns the distance between the vector and a given vector.
DistToSqr float DistToSqr(Vector other) Returns the squared distance between the vector and a given vector.
Dot float Dot(Vector other) Returns the dot product of the vector and a given vector.
Cross Vector Cross(Vector other) Returns the cross product of the vector and a given vector.
ProjectOnto >Vector ProjectOnto(Vector other) Returns the vector projected onto a given vector.
Rotate Vector Rotate(QAngle angles) Returns the vector rotated by a given QAngle.


Member Type Description
x float Cartesian X axis.
y float Cartesian Y axis.
z float Cartesian Z axis.



Function Signature Description
constructor QAngle QAngle() Creates a new QAngle (zeroed).
constructor QAngle QAngle(float pitch, float yaw, float roll) Creates a new QAngle with the specified coordinates.
operator + QAngle QAngle + QAngle Returns result of the summary.
operator + QAngle QAngle + float Returns a new QAngle with each component increased by a given number.
operator - QAngle QAngle - QAngle Returns result of the subtraction.
operator - QAngle QAngle - float Returns a new QAngle with each component decreased by a given number.
operator * QAngle QAngle * QAngle Returns result of the multiplication.
operator * QAngle QAngle * float Returns a new QAngle with each component multiplied by a given number.
operator / QAngle QAngle / QAngle Returns result of the division.

Throws an error on attempt to divide by zero.

operator / QAngle QAngle / float Returns a new QAngle with each component diivided by a given number.

Throws an error on attempt to divide by zero.

tostring string tostring() Returns a human readable string.

Example output: (qangle: (0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000))

ToKVString string ToKVString() Returns a string that can be used when creating an entity or firing an input.

Example output: 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000

IsValid boolean IsValid() Returns true if the QAngle is valid, false otherwise.
Invalidate void Invalidate() Sets each component to NaN.
Random void Random(float min, float max) Randomizes each component's value within the specified range.
Scale QAngle Scale(float mult) Returns a new QAngle with each component multiplied by a given number.
Length float Length() Returns the length of the QAngle.
LengthSqr float LengthSqr() Returns the squared length of the QAngle.
Normalize void Normalize() Clamps each component in range (-180..180]
NormalizePositive void NormalizePositive() Clamps each component in range [0..360)
Forward Vector Forward() Returns a normal vector in the direction that the QAngle points.
Right Vector Right() Returns a normal vector pointing to the right of the direction that the QAngle points.
Up Vector Up() Returns a normal vector pointing upwards of the direction that the QAngle points.


Member Type Description
x float Rotation on the X axis.
y float Rotation on the Y axis.
z float Rotation on the Z axis.
pitch float Same as x.
yaw float Same as y.
roll float Same as z.

Global classes



Function Signature Description
GetLocalPlayer handle GetLocalPlayer() Client-side only. Gets the local player.
IsClientConnected bool IsClientConnected(int index) Server-side only. Returns true if the client at the given index is connected.
IsClientInGame bool IsClientConnected(int index) Server-side only. Returns true if the client at the given index is in-game.
IsFakeClient bool IsFakeClient(int index) Server-side only. Returns true if the client at the given index is fake.
IsClientSourceTV bool IsClientSourceTV(int index) Server-side only. Returns true if the client at the given index is SourceTV.
GetMaxClients int GetMaxClients() Returns the maximum number of clients.
GetPlayerByIndex handle GetPlayerByIndex(int index) Gets the player at the given index. Index starts at 1.
GetPlayerByUserID handle GetPlayerByUserID(int userid) Gets a player from the given user ID.
GetPlayerBySteamID handle GetPlayerBySteamID(string steamid) Gets a player from the given Steam ID. Uses the STEAM_X:Y:Z format.
GetPlayerByAccountID handle GetPlayerByAccountID(int accountid) Gets a player from the given Steam account ID.



Function Signature Description
GetFloat float GetFloat(string convar) Returns the given convar as a float.
GetString string GetString(string convar) Returns the given convar as a string.
GetClientConVarValue string GetClientConVarValue(string convar, int index) Returns the given convar for the entity at the given index as a string.
SetValue void SetValue(string convar, variant value) Sets the value of the given convar to the given value. Supported types are bool, int, float, string.



Function Signature Description
IsMultiplayer bool IsMultiplayer() Returns true if the current gamemode is multiplayer.
IsTeamplay bool IsTeamplay() Returns true if the current gamemode is team-based.
IsCoOp bool IsCoOp() Returns true if the current gamemode is cooperative.
GetRoundState int GetRoundState() Returns the state of the current round.
IsInWaitingForPlayers bool IsInWaitingForPlayers() Returns true if the game is currently waiting for players before starting.
GetModeID int GetModeID() Returns the ID of the current gamemode.
GetModeName string GetModeName() Returns the short name of the current gamemode.
GetModeNameLong string GetModeNameLong() Returns the long name of the current gamemode.
GetRoundMutator int GetRoundMutator() Returns id of the current round's mutator.

Global functions

Printing and drawing

Function Signature Description
__DevMsg void __DevMsg(int developerLevel, string message) Prints the given message to the developer console if the current developer level is equal to or greater than the given developer level.
DevMsg void DevMsg(string message) Prints the given message to the developer console if the current developer level is equal to or greater than 1.
DevMsg2 void DevMsg2(string message) Prints the given message to the developer console if the current developer level is equal to or greater than 2.
DevMsg3 void DevMsg3(string message) Prints the given message to the developer console if the current developer level is equal to or greater than 3.
DebugDrawText void DebugDrawText(Vector origin, string text, bool bViewCheck, float duration) Draw text in 3D, at the given origin.
DebugDrawScreenTextLine void DebugDrawScreenTextLine(float x, float y, int lineOffset, string text, int r, int g, int b, int a, float duration) Draw text in 2D, at the given X and Y coordinates, with a line offset.
DebugDrawLine_vCol void DebugDrawLine_vCol(Vector start, Vector end, Vector rgb, bool zTest, float duration) Draw a debug line between the given positions.
DebugDrawCircle void DebugDrawCircle(Vector center, float radius, Vector rgb, bool zTest, float duration) Draw a debug circle, at the given origin.
DebugDrawBoxDirection void DebugDrawBoxDirection(Vector center, Vector min, Vector max, Vector forward, Vector rgb, float alpha, float duration) Draw a debug forward box.
DebugDrawClear void DebugDrawBoxDirection() Try to clear all the debug overlay info.


Function Signature Description
IsServerRealm bool IsServerRealm() Returns true if the script is running on a server.
IsDedicatedServer bool IsDedicatedServer() Returns true if the script is running on a dedicated server.
DispatchSpawn void DispatchSpawn(handle entity) Spawns an entity that has been created but not spawned yet.

Removed functions

Function Signature Description Reason
CreateProp handle CreateProp(string classname, Vector origin, string model, int animation) Create a prop with the specified class and model. Both prop_physics, prop_dynamic as well as some other entity classes with models work. Does not precache the model. Broken, and no longer needed with the addition of Create and CreateNoSpawn.
GetDeveloperLevel int GetDeveloperLevel() Gets the level of the developer mode. Equivalent to developer(). Removed in favor of developer().

Global hooks

Function Signature Description
OnGameEvent void OnGameEvent(string eventName, table eventData) Called whenever an event is triggered. Can be used to control various events with varying conditions. eventData will hold the elements for various conditions of the event.

See also