CS:GO VScript Examples

It is covered here for historical and technical reference.
The following are example VScripts for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.
Find the closest player to a known entity
// find an entity named "button_01" and store its handle (or null if not found)
button <- Entities.FindByName( null, "button_01" )
// find the nearest player within 512 hammer units to the button's origin and store their handle (or null if not found)
player <- Entities.FindByClassnameNearest( "player", button.GetOrigin(), 512 )
Functions to distinguish bots and human players
To test players other than the activator, give the functions a parameter that replaces activator

loop fail.// returns true if the activator is a bot
function IsBot()
if (!activator) return false
local ent = null
while ( ent = Entities.FindByClassname(ent, "cs_bot") )
if (ent == activator) return true
return false
// returns true if the activator is a human player
function IsHuman()
if (!activator) return false
local ent = null
while ( ent = Entities.FindByClassname(ent, "player") )
if (ent == activator) return true
return false
// returns true if the activator is a human player or a bot
function IsPlayer()
// both bots and human players have the classname "player" in this case
return activator && activator.GetClassname() == "player"

typeof(activator) == "instance" && activator.IsValid()
before calling activator.GetClassname()
.Equip players
A slightly modified version from csgo/scripts/vscripts/warmup/warmup_arena.nut
// equips the specified players with the specified weapon class
function GiveGun( weapon, playerarray )
local equipper = Entities.CreateByClassname( "game_player_equip" )
// set flags and keyvalues
equipper.__KeyValueFromInt( "spawnflags", 5 ) // "Use Only" and "Only Strip Same Weapon Type"
equipper.__KeyValueFromInt( weapon, 0 )
// equipper.__KeyValueFromInt( "weapon_knife", 0 )
// equipper.__KeyValueFromInt( "item_kevlar", 0 )
foreach (player in playerarray)
EntFireByHandle( equipper, "Use", "", 0, player, null ) // each player "Use"s the equipper
EntFireByHandle( equipper, "Kill", "", 0.1, null, null ) // equipper is no longer needed, so remove it
Iterating over all hostages
On hostage scenario maps, it is up to the mapper whether to use hostage_entity or info_hostage_spawn for their hostages. In VScript, using the function Entities.FindByClassname(handle, classname) to iterate over all hostages requires two loops because both classnames must be searched for using that function. However, no matter how the handle of a hostage hostage was obtained, the following applies: hostage.GetClassname() == "hostage_entity". Using this fact, an iteration over all hostages can be done as seen in the following. In this example, a global function IsAnyHostageBeingCarried is defined that returns true whenever there is a CT carrying a hostage.

::IsAnyHostageBeingCarried <- function()
for (local hostage = Entities.First(); hostage = Entities.Next(hostage); )
if (hostage.GetClassname() == "hostage_entity")
if (hostage.IsBeingCarried())
return true
return false
Turn decoys into nukes
The following script is a think script, it can be attached to any entity.
The Think function will be executed as long as the entity is alive and has its thinkfunction
keyvalue set to "Think".
// This can be found in hammer's sound picker
const EXPLOSION_SOUND = "c4.Explode"
// Called after the entity is spawned
function Precache()
self.PrecacheScriptSound( EXPLOSION_SOUND )
// Every 0.1 seconds this function checks for decoy_projectiles in the map
// When found, it checks if the decoy is standing still
// If true create an env_explosion, trigger it and kill the decoy
function Think()
local decoy = null
while( ( decoy = Entities.FindByClassname( decoy, "decoy_projectile" ) ) != null )
if( decoy.GetVelocity().LengthSqr() == 0 )
local owner = decoy.GetOwner()
local origin = decoy.GetOrigin()
local explosion = Entities.CreateByClassname( "env_explosion" )
explosion.__KeyValueFromInt( "iMagnitude", 2000 )
explosion.SetOrigin( origin )
explosion.SetOwner( owner )
EntFireByHandle( explosion, "Explode", "", 0.1, owner, owner )
DispatchParticleEffect( "explosion_c4_500", origin, origin )
decoy.EmitSound( EXPLOSION_SOUND )
Create a timer to call a function independently
timer <- null
function OnTimer()
// Called after the entity is spawned
function OnPostSpawn()
if( timer == null )
timer = Entities.CreateByClassname( "logic_timer" )
// set refire time
timer.__KeyValueFromFloat( "RefireTime", 0.1 )
local scope = timer.GetScriptScope()
// add a reference to the function
scope.OnTimer <- OnTimer
// connect the OnTimer output,
// every time the timer fires the output, the function is executed
timer.ConnectOutput( "OnTimer", "OnTimer" )
// start the timer
EntFireByHandle( timer, "Enable", "", 0, null, null )
See also
External links
- Squirrel (programming language) - Wikipedia Article on Squirrel
Squirrel Reference Manual