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Initial release
Dec 06, 2024
Stable release
Dec 22, 2024
Written in
Operating system
Radar generator • Overview generator • Map tool
Target engine(s)
Source 2
Free software

RadGen (Radar Generator) is a tool for Counter-Strike 2 Counter-Strike 2. This tool can generate highly customisable overviews for maps using meshes, entities and/or materials, by assigning them to specific Selection Sets.

It can also be used in either a Material based workflow, or a Selection Set based workflow, supporting meshes or props in any setups.


  1. Download the latest version here: https://radargenerator.github.io/


Download and run RadGen, in the top left click on File -> New. Browse to the folder where your .vmap file is located, and select it. This will create a new RadGen project file (.radgen) next to your .vmap file. This will also copy the RadGen textures into the addon the map is located in.

You can use these two workflows in order to add map meshes and props to your radar:

  1. Material based workflow
  2. Selection Set based workflow
Note.pngNote:These workflows can be used interchangeably, and at the same time. There are no configuration changes needed to work in either way.

Mesh entities including Buyzones, Bombsites and Rescue Zones, are drawn by default, however special materials for these are also included for special cases.

To generate the radar, click the 'Generate Radar' button on the bottom of the settings panel in RadGen.

RadGen Mesh Types

Name Description Description
Path Accessible path areas. The accessible ground areas the player can walk on.
Cover Cover. The cover in the level, displayed on top of paths.
Overlap Accessible overlapping ground areas. The accessible path areas the player can walk on that are above a radgen_path area in the same overview level.
Remove Inaccessible path areas. The inaccessible path areas. Stops the overview including anything in this area. A workaround to messy meshwork.
Buyzone Buyzones. The Buyzones, these are usually picked up automatically from the map entity but a special material also exists.
Bombsite Bombsites. The Bombsites, these are usually picked up automatically from the map entity but a special material also exists.
RescueZone Rescue Zones. The Rescue Zones, these are usually picked up automatically from the map entity but a special material also exists.

Workflow 1 (Material based)

Unless in a RadGen selection set, RadGen will only display mesh faces with a RadGen texture applied to them. These include Path, Cover, Overlap, Remove, Bombsite, Buyzone, and Rescue Zone.

You can apply the textures to any face of a mesh.


These are the materials that can be used with the Material based workflow.

Image Material name Description
RadGen Path.png radgen/path Displays a Path.
RadGen Cover.png radgen/cover Displays Cover.
RadGen Overlap.png radgen/overlap Displays an Overlap.
RadGen Remove.png radgen/remove Pixels under Remove geometry will not be rendered
RadGen Bombsite.png radgen/bombsite Defines a volume as a Bombsite.
RadGen Buyzone.png radgen/buyzone Defines a volume as a Buyzone.
RadGen Rescue Zone.png radgen/rescue_zone Defines a volume as a Rescue Zone.

Workflow 2 (Selection Set based)

You can also use the same workflow as TAR and JERC (CS:GO auto radar tools), avoiding the need of using the RadGen materials, and allowing you to use your already placed meshes for the overview.

Most objects can be added to a selection set, for example: props, meshes, and mesh entities.

Currently, only object selection sets are supported, face and edge selection sets with not work.

Selection Sets

Name Description Description
radgen_path Accessible path areas. The accessible ground areas the player can walk on.
radgen_cover Cover. The cover in the level, displayed on top of paths.
radgen_overlap Accessible overlapping ground areas. The accessible path areas the player can walk on that are above a radgen_path area in the same overview level.
radgen_remove Inaccessible path areas. The inaccessible path areas. Stops the overview including anything in this area. A workaround to messy meshwork.

See also