Template talk:Portal series

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Is this really the new template?

We have multiple "Series" templates. Half-Life 2Half-Life 2: DeathmatchHalf-Life 2: Lost CoastHalf-Life 2: Episode OneHalf-Life 2: Episode Two (hl2series), Left 4 Dead series (l4dseries), Counter-Strike: SourceCounter-Strike: Global Offensive (csseries), Portal series (portalseries) without a space in the name.
Why is the old portalseries template marked as deprecated, telling us that all of a sudden the new "portal series" template with a space in the name only one single icon is supposed to be the new one?
It would be way better to keep the old one with both icons and make sure the icons are on the same height, as opposed to making a new template that suddenly does not adhere to the naming convention anymore.
--MrFunreal (talk) 10:15, 10 January 2025 (PST)