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is a point entity available in Half-Life: Alyx. It is used to force the HLVR player to speak.
- Name (targetname) <string>
- The targetname that other entities refer to this entity by.
- Entity Scripts (vscripts) <scriptlist> (in all games since
- Space delimited list of VScript files (without file extension) that are executed after all entities have spawned. The scripts are all executed in the same script scope, later ones overwriting any identical variables and functions.
- Parent (parentname) <targetname>
- Specifies a movement parent. An entity will maintain its initial offset from its parent. An attachment point can be added to the end of the name, separated by a comma.
- Parent Model Bone/Attachment Name (parentAttachment) <parentAttachment>
- The name of the bone or attachment to attach to on the entity's parent in the movement hierarchy. Use !bonemerge to use bone-merge style attachment.
- Model Attachment position offset (origin) <vector>
- Offset in the local space of the parent model's attachment/bone to use in hierarchy. Not used if you are not using parent attachment.
- Model Attachment angular offset (angles) <angle>
- Angular offset in the local space of the parent model's attachment/bone to use in hierarchy. Not used if you are not using parent attachment.
- Model Attachment scale (scales) <vector>
- Scale in the local space of the parent model's attachment/bone to use in hierarchy. Not used if you are not using parent attachment.
- Use Model Attachment Offset (useLocalOffset) <boolean>
- Whether to respect the specified local offset when doing the initial hierarchical attachment to its parent.
- SpeakConcept <string>
- Speak the desired concept. Optional string can be used to specify temp contexts for this speak (context1:value1)
- InterruptSpeech
- If the player is speaking, wait for the next interrupt point in the current scene, and then stop talking and cancel the scene.
- CancelSpeech
- If the player is speaking, stop talking and cancel the speech scene.
- AddContext <string>
- Adds context (context1:value1,context2:value2).
- RemoveContext <string>
- Remove context (contextname).
- ClearContext
- Clear all context.
- SilencePlayer <boolean>
- Silence the player.