List of shader parameters
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Note:This page is nowhere near complete and many parameters are yet to be added
Note:Pararameter groups are listed based on named relevance rather than all the parameters that can affect it since one parameter could influence a whole range of other parameters
Warning:Many of these parameters either, do not work, have weird functions, or used to work because of the purposes of the completeness of this list
This page serves the purpose of being an exhaustive list of all shader parameters for material creators

Todo: Add parameter descriptions
List of Parameters
- Transparency
- $a_b_halfwidth
- $a_b_noise
- $a_s_halfwidth
- $a_s_noise
- $a_t_halfwidth
- $a_threshold
- $abstmp
- $animatedtextureframenumvar
- $animatedtextureframerate
- $animatedtexturevar
- $bluramount
- $blurtexture
- $bottommaterial
- $brightness
- $cheapwaterenddistance
- $cheapwaterstartdistance
- $clientshader
- $cloudalphatexture
- $cloudscale
- $color
- $comparez
- $crackmaterial
- $dummyvar
- $env_cubemap //sets certain properties to use ingame cubemaps eg. $envmap env_cubemap]]
- $eyeorigin
- $eyeup
- $fadeoutonsilhouette
- $falloffamount
- $falloffdistance
- $falloffoffset
- $fbtexture
- $fixedfunction
- $fogcolor
- $fogenable
- $fogend
- $fogstart
- $forcecheap
- $forceexpensive
- $forward
- $frametexture
- $fresnelreflection
- $glassenvmap
- $glassenvmaptint
- $gradienttexture
- $halfwidth
- $ignorevertexcolors
- $illumfactor
- $j_b_halfwidth
- $j_b_noise
- $j_basescale
- $j_s_halfwidth
- $j_s_noise
- $j_t_halfwidth
- $j_threshold
- $leakamount
- $leakcolor
- $leakforce
- $leaknoise
- $lights
- $maskscale
- $maxlight
- $mean
- $micros
- $micros_frame
- $micros_transform
- $minlight
- $mod2x
- $modelmaterial
- multipass 1 //in glasswindowbreak070a : guess that it allows decals or multiple textures to overlay on it.
- $nocompress
- $nocull
- $noisechoice
- $noscale
- $one
- $passcount
- $polyoffset
- $pulserate
- $scale
- $shaderprop
- $spriteframe
- $spriteorientation
- $spriteorigin
- $spriterendermode
- $subdivsize
- $tempvec
- $tex2offset
- $tex2scale
- $texoffset
- $texscale
- $time
- $tooltexture
- $unlitfactor
- $usebumpmap
- $usingpixelshader
- $waterdepth
- $wave
- $wetbrightnessfactor
- $writeZ
- $xo_b_halfwidth
- $xo_b_noise
- $xo_s_halfwidth
- $xo_s_noise
- $xo_t_halfwidth
- $xo_threshold
- $zero