List of L4D2 Soundscapes
Here is a list of 352 soundscapes for use in Left 4 Dead 2.The game also contains all of
Left 4 Dead soundscapes. An easy way of testing them is to use the playsoundscape console command, which includes limited searching for soundscape names so you shouldn't have to print out a copy of this list for reference.
Soundscapes with 'util' in the name are intended for inclusion in other, full soundscapes. While they should work without problems in-game, they generally aren't nearly as varied or deep as the resulting composites. Others have positional sounds which will be played at certain locations specified in the env_soundscape entity's properties. If these locations are not given, the sounds will not be heard.
campaign1 (Dead Center)
Name | Description | DSP | Position Number | Position Description |
fire.debris.metal | Somewhat distant metal crashes and straining, with the occasional sound of burning. This soundscape should be used with others, as the sound cuts in and out. | 1 | ||
fire.debris.wood | Similar to the above, except with the sounds of wood collapsing and breaking instead of metal. | 1 | ||
fire.debris.junk | Similar to the above, except with the sounds of generic rubble, glass and rocks(?) moving and falling around. | 1 | ||
structure.groans | Pretty self-explanatory, occasional sounds of metal eerily groaning and straining. This soundscape should be used with others, as the sound cuts in and out. | 1 | ||
mall.randomverbs | Very distant, echoing sounds of something small falling over. | 1 | ||
c1m1.spawn | Constant soundscape of rooftop winds, distant birds and cicadas, and a raging fire not too far away. | 1 | ||
c1m1.stairwell | Generic wind-humming, maybe from an AC or a vent. | 1 | || | Similar to the above, except the humming is quieter and there's a very frequent sound of wood/junk breaking and falling. | 1 | || | A loud, raging fire with metal groaning and breaking. | 1 | || | High winds, birds and cicadas, and a very close raging fire. | 19 | ||
c1m1.hotelroom.2ndfloor | Very loud blazing inferno with wood breaking and rubble collapsing. | 1 | ||
c1m1.storeroom.2ndfloor | Similar to the above, except the fire is slightly quieter and the metal groaning is louder. | 1 | ||
c1m1.elevator.2ndfloor | Similar to the above, except the fire is even quieter and the metal straining is closer. | 1 | || | Quiet and distant raging fire. | 1 | ||
c1m1.hotelexterior.2ndfloor | Very close and frequent bird calls and cicadas, with the same high winds as before - probably in a windy, forested area. | 1 | || | Nothing but a very loud fire and metal collapsing. | 1 | || | A relatively quieter fire, but the debris sounds are more frequent, varied and louder (but not very loud) - everything between glass, debris and metal. Probably only a few rooms away from the fire. | 1 | ||
c1m1.saferoom | Distant fire with a fluorescent/generator hum nearby, and metal groaning/debris breaking somewhere close. | 1 | ||
c1m2.spawn | Somewhat quiet fluorescent/generator hum with a faint wind outside the door. No fire or debris, somehow. | 1 | ||
c1m2.exterior.01 | Noisy birds and cicadas right above the player, with faint gusts of wind blowing by. Very soothing. Could be used for anything between a small wooded area or a lively subtropical forest. | 1 | ||
c1m2.stairwell | Identical to c1m1.stairwell .
1 | ||
c1m2.streetalley | Similar to c1m2.exterior.01, except the birds and cicadas are muffled, quiet and echo-y, and the faint wind is louder. | 1 | ||
c1m2.exterior.02 | Similar to c1m2.exterior.01, but the faint wind is quieter - almost not even there. Just birds and cicadas. | 1 | ||
c1m2.exterior.03 | Similar to the above, except the wildlife is quiet and more distant. | 1 | ||
c1m2.interior.01 | Generic sound of air moving through a room, maybe from an AC unit or an open door. Very (almost absurdly) boring, more so than the sound of air moving should be. | 1 | || | The humming of a cooler or fluorescent light, and an annoying fly at position 1. | 1 | ||
c1m2.safehouse | More air moving through a room, maybe some quiet machinery like a vending machine nearby. | 1 | ||
c1m3.spawn | Even more air moving through a room, except with a fly at position 1. | 1 | ||
c1m3.mall.interior1 | More moving air, but louder and with a humming, like from an AC vent. Also some occasional, distant sounds like doors closing, small things falling down, etc. | 1 | ||
c1m3.mall.interior2 | Similar to above, but the humming is gone completely and the air is lower-pitched and deeper. | 1 | ||
c1m3.mall.hallway | Even more moving air. Identical to "c1m1.stairwell", except more "open", like in a bigger room. | 1 | || | Looping 2-second sound of fluorescent humming, or maybe an old monitor humming. | 1 | ||
c1m3.safehouse | Identical to c1m2.safehouse .
1 | ||
c1m4.spawn | Identical to above, except a little bit quieter. | 1 | ||
c1m4.atrium.hallway | More quietly moving air coming from a vent. | 1 | ||
c1m4.atrium.interior | Identical to c1m3.mall.interior2 .
1 | || | Similar to above,with constant humming of machinery like an elevator motor. | 1 |
campaign2 (Dark Carnival)
Name | Description | DSP | Position Number | Position Description |
c2m1.hiway.spawn | Cicadas in close proximity. | 1 | ||
c2m1.hotel.outdoors | More cicada sounds, distant wind. | 1 | ||
c2m1.hotel.indoors | Distant cicadas, room with echoing sounds. | 1 | ||
c2m1.parkinglot | Cicadas very close proximity, wind nearby. | 1 | ||
c2m1.ravine | Cicadas, crickets, frogs, flies, distant birds(?), identical to swamps.swamp_01 .
1 | ||
c2m1.saferoom | Distant cicadas, and echoing sounds. | 1 | ||
c2m2.spawn | Cicadas nearby, with echoing sounds. | 1 | ||
c2m2.fairgrounds.ext1 | Sound of cicadas nearby, Wind (distant) hitting a flagpole. | 1 | ||
c2m2.fairgrounds.ext2 | Identical to c2m2.fairgrounds.ext1 but with less wind.
1 | ||
c2m2.fairgrounds.interior.small | Very quiet buzzing sound, perhaps a light in an office or a bathroom. | 1 | || | Very quiet buzzing sound, distant echoing metal hitting something. | 1 | ||
c2m2.fairgrounds.interior.large | Quiet buzzing sound, air moving through a room. | 1 | || | very distant crickets or cicadas, frogs, and flies, identical to swamps.swamp_03 .
1 | ||
c2m2.safehouse | wood creaking. | 1 | ||
c2m3.spawn | Identical to c2m2.safehouse , but a very distant explosion
1 | ||
c2m3.tunneloflove | water, AC unit far away, metal creaking, air moving through a room or a hallway. | 1 | ||
c2m3.duct | Air moving through, feel of unease. | 1 | || | air moving through, metal scraping or creaking. | 1 | || | Silence. | 1 | ||
c2m3.pumproom | somewhat quiet fluorescent/generator hum with quiet water. | 1 | ||
c2m3.coaster.ext1 | Cicadas very close to proximity with wind. | 1 | ||
c2m3.coaster | Cicadas near proximity, wind nearby and wood and metal creaking. | 1 | ||
c2m3.coaster.tunnel | Cicadas nearby, wood creaking with a possible wind going through. | 1 | ||
c2m3.saferoom | Cicadas nearby with tiny gust of wind. | 1 | ||
c2m4.spawn | Identical to c2m3.saferoom
1 | ||
c2m4.exterior01 | Cicadas very close with gust of wind. | 1 | ||
c2m4.bumpercars | Nearby cicadas with metal creaking. | 1 | ||
c2m4.interior01 | Identical to .
1 | || | Wood creaking with rats squeaking, maybe flies nearby. | 1 | ||
c2m4.tunnel.ent | Hint of possible wind going through the room with a quiet machine hum. | 1 | ||
c2m4.saferoom | Cicadas nearby with quiet gust of wind. | 1 | ||
c2m5.spawn | Echo-y room with fluorescent light. | 1 | ||
c2m5.arena.underground | Sound of echo with quiet machine hum, maybe a vending machine. | 1 | ||
c2m5.arena | Distant metal hitting something, gust of wind, and crickets nearby. | 1 | ||
c2m5.arena.bathroom | Silence. | 1 |
campaign3 (Swamp Fever)
Name | Description | DSP | Position Number | Position Description |
c3m1.gasstationspawn | Cicadas and other critters. Probably night. Very calm. | 1 | ||
c3m1.gasstaionspawn | Bugged version of c3m1.gasstationspawn . The looping cicada sounds fade out after one second, but other critters sounds still play sometimes.
1 | ||
c3m1.houseinteriors | Identical to c3m1.gasstationspawn , but a little quieter.
1 | ||
c3m1.dock | Flies buzzing around very close, frogs in the distance, calm sill water, a few birds. Like a swamp. | 1 | ||
c3m1.openinterior | Cicadas, seagulls in the distance, distant gunfire and explosions. | 1 | ||
c3m1.plankswamp | Flies buzing around very close, a lot of frogs in near distance, steady stream of water, birds that make a odd noise. | 1 | ||
c3m1.saferoom | Medium big room or corridor, wind flowing calmly, water dripping in the far distance. | 1 | ||
c3m2.tunnelspawn | Identical to c3m1.saferoom , but quieter.
1 | ||
c3m2.swamp | A lot of frogs, a lot of flies, several cicadas, resting water, birds can be heard as well. | 1 | ||
c3m2.swamp02 | similar to c3m2.swamp bit with a very repetitive sound that i can only describe as loud creaking wood.
1 | ||
c3m2.swamp03 | Several flies, many more cicadas in the distance, loud frogs, barely audible calm water. | 1 | ||
c3m2.houseinterior | Cicadas, flies, distant frogs, creaking wood, very distant and dull explosion sound. | 1 | ||
c3m2.elevatedground | Very close low pitched humming noise, like a vending machine. Wood creaking loudly and often. | 1 | ||
c3m2.safehouse | Wood creaking, frogs and cicadas in the distance. also has low pitched humming noise. | 1 | ||
c3m3.housespawn | An awful lot of lies buzzing around very close and loudly, has creaking wood. | 1 | ||
c3m3.townoutside_01 | Loud cicadas and very close flies, occasional birds. Has sounds of metal banging. | 1 | ||
c3m3.houseinterior | Cicadas in the distance and creaking wood. | 1 | ||
c3m3.houseinterior_02 | Cicadas in the distance, loud flies, several frogs in the distance, very close wood creaking. | 1 | ||
c3m3.townoutside_02 | A lot of nearby frogs and cicadas, a few buzzing flies. Has calm water and occasional bird noises. | 1 | ||
c3m3.swamp | Many distant and a few close cicadas, a couple of frogs in nearby distance. | 1 | ||
c3m3.outside_dry | Like c3m1.gasstationspawn . Cicadas and other critters. Probably night. Very calm.
1 | ||
c3m3.safehouse | Starts with a few cicadas, after two seconds fades into indoor sound of low humming and wood creaking. | 1 | ||
c3m4.housespawn | Distant cicadas and a low humming noise, probably a vending maching or other simmilar machinery. | 1 | ||
c3m4.plantationoutside | Loud cicadas, standing waters, several woodland insects making noise. | 1 | ||
c3m4.houseinterior | Similar to c3m4.plantationoutside , but quieter with wood creaking sounds in the foreground.
1 | ||
c3m4.orchard_entrance | Distant cicadas, a lot of birds singing, maybe a rattlesnake rattling sometimes. | 1 | || | Only indoor sounds of creaking wood with a low humming noise in the background. | 1 | ||
c3m4.plantation_backyard | Cicadas and other insects, calm water, occasional singing birds. | 1 | ||
c3m4.plantation_dock | A lot of frogs nearby, a few cicadas, singing birds and calm water. | 1 |
campaign4 (Hard Rain)
Name | Description | DSP | Position Number | Position Description |
milltown.emptystub | Silence/nothing. | 1 | ||
rain.hardsurface.soft.dynamic | Light rain hitting hard surface. | 1 | ||
rain.hardsurface.soft | Identical to the above but hitting other things. | 1 | || | Raining, not to hard or soft. | 1 | || | Rain hitting a hard surface from a gutter, quiet wind. | 1 | ||
rain.hardsurface.hard | Rain pouring down, maybe a storm, with possible wind. | 1 | ||
rain.water.soft | Light rain hitting water or some kind of body of water. | 1 | || | Rain hitting a body of water, maybe be a river. | 1 | ||
rain.water.hard | Rain poring down with sounds of wind. | 1 | ||
rain.interior.soft.dynamic | Light rain hitting roof or other, but loud. | 1 | ||
rain.interior.soft | Identical to the above but quiet. | 1 | || | Rain hitting roof or other, but loud. | 1 | || | Identical to the above but quiet. | 1 | || | Rain hitting the ground with an echo. | 1 | || | Identical to the above but quiet. | 1 | ||
rain.interiorverb.hard.dynamic | Rain (perhaps a storm) hitting the ground hard with echo. | 1 | ||
rain.interiorverb.hard | Identical to the above. | 1 | ||
distant.thunder | Distant thunder. | 1 | ||
storm.dynamic | Storm with very loud wind and whipping through trees. Possible distant thunder. | 1 | ||
storm.dynamic.mill | identical to above but less wind hitting trees. | 1 | ||
milltown.spawn | Cicadas nearby with water dripping and gust of wind. | 1 | ||
milltown.a.ext | occasionally cicadas nearby, gust of wind, birds, and water dripping. | 1 | ||
burgertank.interior | Cicadas, wind passing through, water dripping echo. | 1 | || | Identical to but rain hitting hard.
1 | ||
milltown.a.safehouse | Identical to the above but a bit louder. | 1 | ||
sugarmill.a.spawn | Different room sound but identical to the above. | 1 | ||
sugarmill.a.exterior | Idenctial to but a bit louder. Gust of wind and Cicadas.
1 | || | Rain or water droplets echoing with gust of wind. | 1 | || | Identical to but a bit louder, with a sound of machine hum or a an AC unit nearby.
1 | ||
sugarmill.a.pipeyard | Identical to with cicadas and wind.
1 | ||
sugarmill.a.pipeyard.transition | Identical to the above but quieter. | 1 | ||
sugarmill.a.courtyard | Identical to sugarmill.a.pipeyard .
1 | ||
sugarmill.a.trailerinterior | identical to but with a wind/air sound.
1 | || | Identical to the above | 1 | ||
sugarmill.a.mill | Identical to with cicadas.
1 | ||
sugarmill.a.cornfield | Identical to but with wind.
1 | || | Identical to with air/wind moving through.
1 | ||
sugarmill.b.spawn | Identical to the above but light rain. | 1 | || | Identical to the above but quieter. | 1 | ||
sugarmill.b.cornfield | Identical to storm.dynamic .
1 | ||
sugarmill.b.mill | loud Wind and wind whipping through room(s) and trees, with distant thunder. | 1 | || | Identical to but light rain.
1 | ||
sugarmill.b.trailerinterior | Identical to rain.water.hard .
1 | ||
sugarmill.b.courtyard | Storm with very loud wind and whipping through trees. Near to proximity thunder. | 1 | ||
sugarmill.b.pipeyard.transition | Identical to .
1 | ||
sugarmill.b.pipeyard | Identical to storm.dynamic .
1 | || | Identical to but quieter.
1 | || | Identical to rain.interiorverb.hard.dynamic .
1 | ||
sugarmill.b.exterior | Identical to storm.dynamic .
1 | ||
sugarmill.b.spawn | Rain hitting roof with air/wind going through the room. | 1 | ||
milltown.b.safehouse | Identical to the above. | 1 | ||
milltown.b.ext | Identical to storm.dynamic .
1 | || | Rain hitting roof, silence/quiet). | 1 | ||
burgertank.b.interior | Identical to burgertank.a.interior but more open.
1 | ||
milltown.b.spawn | Identical to storm.dynamic .
1 |
campaign5 (The Parish)
Name | Description | DSP | Position Number | Position Description |
c5m1.waterfront | Very close waves, seagulls. Like a shoreline. | 1 | ||
c5m1.waterfrontspawn | Same as above, but the waves are a bit quieter | 1 | || | Single fly, distraught woman weeping, audible breathing, creaking wood, pebble-sized debris crumbling and falling, cicadas, distant explosions and gunshots. | 1 | ||
c5m1.street | Cicadas, very audible gunshots and explosion in close proximity, jet planes in close distance, wind and occasional seagulls. | 1 | ||
c5m1.smallstore | Freezer aisle or fridge humming. | 1 | ||
c5m1.alley | Lots of cicadas and other such critters very close, wind howling through large areas, odd metal banging noise pretty close to player. | 1 | ||
c5m1.park | Wind rustling trees and bushes very close, very distant explosions and gunshots, occasional cicadas and one bird. | 1 | ||
c5m1.bathroom | Indoor area with wind flowing through, pretty obvious looping sound of what appears to be water gurgling through a pipe. | 1 | ||
c5m1.decon | Very close machine humming. | 1 | ||
c5m1.terminal | Large indoor area with wind flowing, occasional Loud metallic bangs and squeaking. | 1 | ||
c5m1.depot | Cicadas in close proximity, loud wind, a groaning metal structure, occasional gunshots and explosion in the far distance, jet planes flying sometimes. | 1 | ||
c5m1.highwayspawn | White noise, perhaps flowing air, accompanied by a obviously looping sound that is hard to describe. | 1 | ||
c5m2.highwayspawn | Identical to above. | 1 | ||
c5m2.junkyard | Crackling fire at soundscape origin, cicadas, wind over large open area, rustling trees, occasional jet planes in far and closer distance, distant gunshots and explosions | 1 | ||
c5m2.suburbanstreet | Wind, cicadas, distant explosions, gunshots and jet planes. | 1 | ||
c5m2.houseinterior | Machine humming, louder creaking wood, occasional banging noises that could be very distant explosions. | 1 | ||
c5m2.cornerstore | Identical to above. | 1 | ||
c5m2.burnedhouses | Wind over large area, occasional very close cicada, a few very distant explosions and gunshots. | 1 | ||
c5m2.tunnel | Burst pipe at soundscape origin (steam escaping), water flowing through pipes, wind going through corridors, occasional loud banging noises. | 1 | ||
c5m2.underground | Odd creepy ambience sound that is not natural and hard to describe. Accompanied by closer water droplets and distant constant water drops. | 1 | ||
c5m2.impoundlot | Cicadas and other such critters, wind, occasional jet planes flying in the distance, few distant explosions and gunshots | 1 | ||
c5m2.highway | Identical to above. | 1 | ||
c5m2.cemetery | Wind rustling through trees, occasional cicadas, crickets and birds. Accompanied by distant gunshots and explosions. | 1 | ||
c5m2.urbanstreet | Wind, closer occasional gunshots, explosions and jet planes. | 1 | ||
c5m2.storagespawn | Machine white noise, perhaps a freezer or AC unit. Odd, slightly annoying, background noise that plays for about five seconds and loops, very hard to describe. | 1 | ||
c5m3.storagespawn | Same as above but louder white noise. | 1 | ||
c5m3.courtyard | Wind, a lot of singing birds, occasional flies and metal banging noises. Scarce Distant gunshots and explosions. | 1 | ||
c5m3.smallstore | Fly at soundscape origin, a machine humming, perhaps a freezer. | 1 | || | Machine humming, distant cicadas, occasional distant gunshots, explosions and jet planes. | 1 | ||
c5m3.street | Wind, a lot of birds singing, distant explosions, gunshots and jets, some metal creaking in various locations. Sounds more like a forest, rather than a street as the name implies. | 1 | ||
c5m3.smallclub | Creepy background noise with pretty deep and audible bass in its background. Accompanied by wood creaking. | 1 | ||
c5m3.largeclub | Identical to above. | 1 | ||
c5m3.alley | Wind, several birds singing, loud metal structures banging almost every ten seconds. | 1 | ||
c5m3.hotelstairwell | Fly, wind in corridors, machine humming, creaking wood, occasional rather creepy breathing or perhaps even whispering, explosions, groaning structures and woman sobbing loudly. | 1 | ||
c5m3.hotelinterior | Identical to above. | 1 | ||
c5m3.apartmentshell | Identical to c5m3.hotelstairwell .
1 | ||
c5m3.apartment | Identical to c5m3.hotelstairwell .
1 | ||
c5m3.lot | Wind, several birds singing in close distance, occasional banging sounds of larger structures echoing of walls. | 1 | ||
c5m3.waterfront | Close cicadas, wind, waves in close distance, seagulls, distant explosions, gunshots and jets. | 1 | ||
c5m3.towerspawn | Similar to c5m2.storagespawn , but with quieter machine humming
1 | ||
c5m4.towerspawn | Close waves and seagulls, a large structure groaning. | 1 | ||
c5m4.bridgeoutside | Very close waves, seagulls, a large groaning structure and occasional foghorn noises in the very far distance. | 1 | ||
c5m4.dockfar | Very close waves with seagulls. | 1 | ||
c5m4.dock | Similar to above but quieter waves | 1 |
campaign6 (The Passing)
Name | Description | DSP | Position Number | Position Description |
util_debris | Silence, Distant debris. | 1 | ||
c6m1_spawn_river | Identical to storm.dynamic .
1 | ||
c6m1_building_interior | rain (bit quetly) hitting roof with air moving through the room. | 1 | ||
c6m1_outdoor_01 | Identical to storm.dynamic .
1 | ||
c6m1_tent_int | Rain hitting the tent. | 1 | || | rain hitting roof with air moving through the room. | 1 | ||
c6m1.safehouse | Identical to the above. | 1 | ||
c6m2.safehouse | Light rain hitting the roof with air moving through the room. | 1 | ||
c6m2_outdoor_01 | Rain hitting the ground with quiet wind. | 1 | ||
c6m2_outdoor_02 | Light rain Rain hitting the ground with quiet wind. | 1 | ||
c6m2_outdoor_03 | Identical to c6m2_outdoor_01 .
1 | ||
c6.truck.interior | Light rain hitting the roof. | 1 | || | Echo-y rain. | 1 | ||
c6m2_building_interior | Identical to c6m1_building_interior .
1 | ||
c6m2_building_interior_02 | Rain hitting the roof, silence. | 1 | ||
c6m2_underground_interior_01 | Echo room with rocks/bricks falling. | 1 | ||
c6m2_int.stairwell | Echo, wind gusts, distant and nearby metal stress, and distant water dripping. | 1 | ||
c6m2_int.water | Echo, wind gusts, occasionally nearby metal stress, and distant water dripping. | 1 | ||
c6m2_int.tunnel | Less echo, nearby metal stress, and very far water dripping. | 1 | ||
c6m2_water.tunnel | Echo and water echoing, maybe water dripping, metal stress, and wing gust. | 1 | ||
c6m3.port.spawn | Identical to c6m2.safehouse .
1 | ||
port.spawn.ext | Identical to .
1 | ||
port.patio.ext | Identical to rain.water.hard but quieter.
1 | ||
port.alcove | Identical to the above but quieter. | 1 | ||
port.waterfront | (Light) rain hitting the floor, possible river nearby, quiet wind. | 1 | ||
port.elevator.bottom | Rain hitting the roof, echo-y room/shaft. | 1 | ||
port.outdoor.general | Rain hitting the ground, possible gust of wind. | 1 | ||
port.building.interior | Identical to c6m1_building_interior but silence.
1 | ||
brick.bldg.interior | Rain hitting the roof, some kind of distinct plastic roof. | 1 | || | Rain echoing. | 1 | ||
sugarmill.b.spawn | Identical to sugarmill.a.spawn but queter.
1 |
Name | Description | DSP | Position Number | Position Description |
swamps.frogs_01 | 2 to 3 seconds of silence until frogs ribbit. | 1 | ||
swamps.frogs_02 | Frogs ribbiting. | 1 | ||
swamps.frogs_03 | 2 to 4 seconds of silence until a frog echoes a ribbit. | 1 | ||
swamps.frogs_04 | Frog ribbits. | 1 | ||
swamps.frogs_05 | Frog ribbits. | 1 | ||
swamps.frogs_06 | Frog ribbits. | 1 | ||
swamps.bullfrogs_01 | Bull frog Ribbits. | 1 | ||
swamps.flies | Flies passing by or on a dead animal corpse. | 1 | ||
swamps.gators | silence. | 1 | ||
swamps.gasstation | Nearby crickets, a calm night. | 1 | ||
swamps.dock | Crickets nearby, distant frogs, flies passing by, and water hitting the docks. | 1 | ||
swamps.plankswamp_01 | Flies very close by, quiet crickets, alligators nearby, distant frogs, and water. | 1 | ||
swamps.swamp_01 | Mostly frog sounds, flies passing by, alligators nearby, quiet water and distant crickets. | 1 | ||
swamps.swamp_02 | Identical to the above but with a bull frog sound. | 1 | ||
swamps.swamp_03 | Distant crickets and frogs, flies passing by, a calm night. | 1 | ||
swamps.shantyoutside | Crickets nearby, frogs a bit near to proximity. | 1 | ||
swamps.plantation_outside | Crickets close to proximity, distant frogs, and maybe a gust of wind. | 1 | ||
swamps.orchard | Crickets, nearby birds, distant frogs. | 1 | ||
rural2.combat_far_heavy | Distant gun shots. | |||
rural2.combat_far_medium | A bit nearby gunshots (all around?). | |||
rural2.combat_close_light | Near to proximity gun shots. |
Rural 2
Name | Description | DSP | Position Number | Position Description |
rural2.woods | Wind hitting the trees, very distant Crickets. | 1 | ||
rural2.woods3 | Wind passing by, Distant crickets. | 1 | ||
rural2.morning | Crickets nearby, possible animal sound, wind passing by. | 1 | ||
rural2.bridge | Identical to the above with crows, maybe a suspended wooden bridge swinging. | 1 | ||
rural2.smallbuilding | Nearby crickets, crows, and wind passing by outside, distant frogs. Air moving through the room. | 1 | ||
rural2.smallbuilding2 | Identical to the above but an echo-y room with floor squeaking. | 1 | ||
rural2.river | Wind and maybe a wave splashing by. | 1 | ||
rural2.caveclosed | Very echo-y cave with gust of wind, and (undefinable) very far metal hit or something rumbling(?). | 1 | ||
rural2.caveopen | distant frogs and gust of wind, rocks sliding. | 1 | ||
rural2.traintunnel | Rocks or bricks sliding or falling, a cricket nearby, and an echo. | 1 | ||
rural2.pumproom | Machine hum or a motor, and water hitting the pipes. | 1 | ||
rural2.bigroom | Wind or air moving through with a machine hum or a motor, water hitting something, maybe in a pipe. | 1 | ||
rural2.drainagebig | Echo room with water, metal groaning and gust of wind. | 1 | ||
rural2.drainagesmall | Echo room with occasionally water dripping, and metal groans. | 1 | ||
rural2.drainageopen | Identical to the above but less echo and distant crickets. | 1 | ||
rural2.trainyardentrance | Air moving through with metal creaking or groaning and something hitting. | 1 | ||
rural2.trainyardrespawn | Air moving through the room, and a quiet machine hum, maybe a vending machine. | 1 | ||
rural2.trainyardbuilding | Echo room with metal hitting something or creaking, rats squeaking. | 1 | ||
rural2.trainyardbuilding2 | Air moving through a room and metal hitting something. | 1 | ||
rural2.trainyardbuilding2window | Rats squeaking, air moving (loud) and maybe wind. | 1 | ||
rural2.trainyard | Distant crickets and wind. | 1 | ||
rural2.trainyard2 | Crickets nearby, crows, and (maybe gust) wind. | 1 | || | Crickets nearby with gust of wind, something swaying, maybe a sign and wood creaking. | 1 | || | Wind moving through the streets, something swinging or scraping, maybe an echo in the town? | 1 | ||
rural2.towninside | Air moving through a room, some kind of machine hum. | 1 | ||
rural2.townalley | Wind or gust of wind, Nearby explosion(s) and gun shots, rats squeaking. | 1 | ||
rural2.boatinterior | Crickets nearby, air moving in the room and wood creaking. | 1 | ||
rural2.boatexterior | Distant boat horn with seagulls, crickets nearby with water hitting the shore. | 1 | ||
rural2.shoreline | Crickets nearby and water hitting the shoreline (not splashing). | 1 | ||
rural2.town_02 | Crickets nearby and gust of wind, dog(s) barking and howling. | 1 | ||
rural2.shack | Distant crickets and animal sound, rats squeaking. | 1 | ||
rural2.combat_far_heavy | Distant gun shots and grenades or explosion. | |||
rural2.combat_far_medium | Identical to the above but less combat. | |||
rural2.combat_close_light | Identical to the above but nearby. |
Urban 2
Name | Description | DSP | Position Number | Position Description |
urban2.util_cicadas | Silence approximately 3 to 5 seconds and a cicada sound. | 1 | ||
urban2.util_grasshoppers | Identical to the above but grasshopper sound. | 1 | ||
urban2.utilbirdsgroup1 | Nearby birds. | 1 | ||
urban2.util_interiorslams | Distant slamming and a quick echoing through the room. | 1 | ||
urban2.util_metalslams | Nearby metal slamming and echoing through the room. | 1 | ||
urban2.util_metalslams 2 | Identical to the above but near. | 1 | ||
urban2.util_woodfloorsqueaks | Wooden floor squeaking. | 1 | ||
urban2.util_woodqueaks_new | Wood squeaking. | 1 | ||
urban2.util_windgust | Gust of wind passing by. | 1 | ||
urban2.util_distantcombat | Distant gun shots then silence for 3-5 seconds, repeats. | 1 | ||
urban2.util_distantexplosions | Distant explosions. | 1 | ||
urban2.util_rat_scratches | Rat scratching something. | 1 | ||
urban2.util_genericrooftop | Windy and (light) rain. | 1 | ||
urban2.util_genericexterior_from_interior_1 | Light rain and wind. | 1 | ||
urban2.util_genericexterior_from_interior_2 | Identical to the above but without wind. | 1 | ||
urban2.util_flies | Flies close by, perhaps on a dead body. | 1 | ||
urban2.util_steam | Steam, can be a broken pipe. | 1 | ||
urban2.util_pipes | Identical to the above but a bit quiet. | 1 | ||
urban2.rooftop_1b | Flies nearby, rain and distant gunshots and explosions and metal hitting something, and wind or a air moving through a room. | 1 | ||
urban2.rooftop_1b_interior | Echo room with light rain, wood creaking, in the distant metal hitting or creaking. | 1 | ||
urban2.rooftop_1b_interior2 | Identical to the above but maybe distant gunshots. | 1 | ||
urban2.underground_1 | Echo room with metal hitting something and fire nearby with flies. | 1 | ||
urban2.underground_2 | Identical to the above but distant metal hitting. | 1 | ||
urban2.underground_3 | Air moving through the room, fluorescent flicker with steam nearby and distant metal groaning/hitting. | 1 | ||
urban2.controlroom | Air moving through a room with a machine hum. | 1 | ||
urban2.warehouse_1 | Quiet air moving through a room with distant metal hitting something and groaning. | 1 | ||
urban2.steamtunnel | Echo room with metal groan and steam. | 1 | ||
urban2.boilerroom | Flies nearby with distant metal hit, and a boiler sound. | 1 | ||
urban2.hospital_interior | Lots of flies nearby in an echo room and distant metal squeaking. | 1 | ||
urban2.flies | Flies nearby. | 1 | ||
urban2.rooftop | Light rain and quiet wind with distant gunshots and explosions. | 1 | ||
urban2.junkyard | Fire nearby with crickets and wind, distant gunshots and explosions. | 1 | ||
urban2.street | Crickets nearby with guts of wind and distant gunshots and explosions. | 1 | ||
urban2.courtyard | Distant birds and metal groaning with wind. | 1 | ||
urban2.alley | Gust of wind with distant metal hitting, groaning, and squeaking with very distant cicadas, possible rope rattle. | 1 | ||
urban2.sewer | Echo room with occasional water dripping with gust of wind. | 1 | ||
urban2.pipetunnel | Less echo but occasional water dripping with quiet gust of wind. | 1 | ||
urban2.apartment | Air moving through a room with wood creaking and a very quiet fluorescent flicker, distant explosions. | 1 | ||
urban2.generatorroom_off | Air moving through a room with machine hum and distant metal squeaking. | 1 | ||
urban2.generatorroom | Air moving through a room with a generator on. | 1 | ||
urban2.respawn | Air moving through the room. | 1 | ||
urban2.rooftopspawn | Very windy (possible a small echo). | 1 | ||
urban2.hospitalspawn | Identical to the above | 1 | ||
urban2.spawnrain | (Maybe light) rain hitting the ground with nearby crows. | 1 | || | Air moving through a room with distant metal squeaking and maybe a quiet machine hum. | 1 | || | A little bit of an echo room with a machine hum. | 1 | ||
urban2.subway | Quiet echo room with nearby flies and distant metal groaning or hitting. | 1 | ||
urban2.pillarsroom | An echo room with a quiet gust of wind. | 1 | ||
urban2.conveniencestore | Silence but with a machine hum, maybe a freezer. | 1 | ||
urban2.warehouseoutside | (Maybe light) rain hitting the ground with gust of air. | 1 | ||
urban2.bathroom | Silence. | 1 | || | Wooden floor and wood creaking, air moving through a room with a quiet gust of wind. | 1 | ||
urban2.tankroom | Distant water dripping, rats squeaking. | 1 | ||
urban2.powerplant | A machine hum and a quiet buzz sound, maybe wires. | 1 | ||
urban2.powerplantinside | Possible echo, air moving through a room with a machine hum, distant metal groaning or squeaking. | 1 | ||
urban2.parkinggarage | Echo room with gust of wind. | 1 | ||
urban2.elevator | Echo room with distant and maybe nearby metal groans and squeaking. | 1 | || | Very windy with metal groaning or hitting something. | 1 | ||
urban2.finaleinside | Air moving through a room or wind, distant metal groaning, squeaking, and possibly hitting something. | 1 | ||
urban2.finaleoutside | Rain hitting the ground with metal groaning, very windy. | 1 | ||
urban2.finaleroof | Rain hitting the ground with wind, distant metal hitting something. | 1 | ||
urban2.cemetery | Distant crickets and wind. | 1 | ||
urban2.burnedhouse | Distant gunshots and explosion with a bit of wind and a cicada nearby. | 1 | ||
urban2.dock | A bit of wind, water hitting the dock and a distant seagull. | 1 | ||
urban2.dockfar | Water hitting the shore and wind, with distant seagulls. | 1 | ||
urban2.bridgeoutside | Identical to the above but with metal creaking and groaning. | 1 |
Environment articles: | |
Soundsystem | Soundscapes • Soundscripts • Soundcache • Sound Operators • Looping Sound • Music Composition Software • Hammer Sound Browser |
Choreography | Choreography Creation • Response System • Faceposer • Scene Implementation |