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Sound operators

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These are the root sound operators referenced in Portal 2. See scripts/sound_operator_stacks.txt and Soundscripts#Operator stacks for more details.

To chain operators together, values can be set to @prev_op_name.property_name to read a value. For vectors the names can be appended with an index in square brackets to set/get a specific value.

Todo: Make this more beginner-friendy?


	channel		CHAN_AUTO
	soundlevel	SNDLVL_105db
	volume		1.0
		wave		"vfx/light_flicker/light_flicker_end_01.wav"
		wave		"vfx/light_flicker/light_flicker_end_02.wav"
		wave		"vfx/light_flicker/light_flicker_end_03.wav"
		wave		"vfx/light_flicker/light_flicker_end_04.wav"

	soundentry_version 2

		start_stack // applied when the sound begins
			import_stack 	"P2_exclusion_time_blocker_start" // defined in scripts/sound_operator_stacks.txt

			// We are now extending/configuring P2_exclusion_time_blocker_start

			block_entries // prevents another sound from playing
				input_duration 0.25 // seconds to block for
				match_entry "World.LightFlickerEnd" // the sound entry to block
				match_entity false // only on the same entity that this sound is playing from?

Common properties

Whether the operator should run every time the stack is evaluated, or only the first time. Output values are presumable stored between executions in the latter case.
The operator will only run if this value is true (i.e. non-zero).
The result of the operator (if there is one). Accessed with @OperatorName.output.

There is also one special command that is not an operator:

Inserts another named stack into this one.

Operator list


Affect sound playback.


Finds currently playing sounds and stops the matching ones, optionally with a delay. Its essential properties are match_entry and/or match_sound to specify one or more sounds to stop.

Input Name Type Default Description
input_execute float 1.0 If set to a value smaller or equal to 0.0, no stopping is performed.
input_max_entries float 1.0 If set to x, stops as many matching sounds until there are less than x of them still playing. This usually does not include the new instance of the sound entry containing this operator: When used in a start_stack to stop instances of itself, setting this to n allows up to n+1 instances playing simultaneously.
Note.pngNote:The default value is 1, which stops all but one matches. Set to 0 to stop all matches.
input_stop_delay float 0.0 If some instance of a sound entry will be stopped, then with this delay in seconds.
match_entry string "" If this is not the empty string, matches only sounds that originate from a sound entry with this exact name (not case sensitive). If match_substring is set to true, matches all sounds whose sound entry name contains the specified string.
match_sound string "" If this is not the empty string, matches only sounds where the string of the path of their audio file equals the specified string (not case sensitive). For currently playing sounds, it's the path shown at the top right of the screen when snd_show 1 is set, which means that the string includes preceding sound characters as well as backslashes \ between directories (not forward slashes /).
If the property match_substring is true, all entries will be matched that contain this string in their path string.
match_substring bool false Alters the matches for both match_entry and match_sound. If set to false, those strings must be exactly equal. For example, if set to true, MyGun matches both sound entries and MyGun.reload (because both entries contain the sequence MyGun).
match_channel bool false If set to true, sounds are only matched if they are in the same channel (e. g. CHAN_STATIC) as this sound entry.
match_entity bool false If set to true, sound are only matched if they are coming from the same entity as this sound entry.
stop_this_entry bool false Whether this entry (the one containing the operator stack where this property appears) should be stopped. If true, this property is sufficient to target a sound to stop. This property appears only to be usable in an update_stack, probably because when the code for (pre)start_stack is executed, the sound itself doesn't yet exist and thus can't reference itself at that moment.
match_this_entry bool false Unknown. Maybe an unused duplicate of stop_this_entry? When using snd_sos_show_operator_start 1, match_this_entry is listed, but stop_this_entry is not.
stop_oldest bool true Affects the choice of playing sounds if multiple are matching but not all are to be stopped. If set to true/false, stops oldest/youngest (the ones that were started the earliest/latest).
invert_match bool false If set to true, stops all currently playing sounds except the matching sounds.
Output Name Type Description
output_entries_matching float The number of entries that matched the defined entry when this operator has finished execution.
Note.pngNote:This is an output, not an input. It cannot be set but instead be referenced in a subsequent operator using the value "@your_stop_entry_operator_name.output_entries_matching".
output_this_matches_index float Uncertain. It's an output so it'd be used in the same manner as output_entries_matching.


Plays another sound.

input_execute float If its value is greater than 0.0, this operation will execute. Default value is 1.0
input_start float If its value is greater than 0.0 the sound entry will start. Default value is 1.0
entry_name string The entry to play.
input_start_delay float Adds a delay before an instance is played.
input_maintain_seed float Greater than 0.0 will ensure that the rndwave selection is maintained.


Prevents new sounds from playing.

input_duration How long to suppress sounds for.
Confirm:In addition to normal duration, suppress only when this value is true?
match_entry Sound entry to suppress.
match_sound A raw WAV/MP3filename to match. Possibly deprecated?
match_substring Whether match_entry can be part of a larger string (e.g. "MyGun" matches, MyGun.reload).
match_channel Sound must have the same channel (e.g. CHAN_STATIC) as this one to match.
match_entity Sound must be coming from the same entity as this one.


Sends a value back to the sound system relating to the current entry.

input_float Takes a float value to send to the system.
input_vec3 Vector.
input_speakers Takes an array of floats to send to the system, each to do with a certain speaker. Use only with the speakers output.
output string Says what value should be altered. Legal values are:
speakers Use in update_stacks only. Adjusts the volume of each speaker according to values given by input_speakers.
pitch Use in update_stacks only. Adjusts the playback pitch of the sound to the value given with input_float.
dsp Use in update_stacks only. Adjusts the DSP of the sound to the value given with input_float.
delay Use in start_stacks only. Waits for the number of seconds specified in input_float before starting the sound. A negative value results in it starting the sound that many seconds into the WAV file instead of at the beginning.
block_start Use in start_stacks only. Prevents the sound from starting if the value given with input_float is non-zero.
mixlayer_trigger "Tell the mixlayer we're active" if the value given with input_float is non-zero.
Note.pngNote:A mixlayer allows you to modify properties (volume, level, dsp) of individual mixgroups within the active soundmixer. mixlayers can be found and created in soundmixers.txt.
Confirm:Use in update_stacks only. Tells the system to save and restore the state of the sound if the value given with input_float is non-zero.
stop_hold Use in update_stacks only.
Confirm:Prevents the sound from stopping if the value given with input_float is non-zero.
Confirm:Make the sound play in a certain direction?


Tests what platform the engine is running on.

pc bool Should the operator return true if running on this platform?
x360 bool
ps3 bool


See also:  Soundmixer, scripts\soundmixers.txt

Configures a mixlayer which allows you to modify properties (volume, level, dsp) of individual mixgroups within the active soundmixer. Mixlayers can be found and created in scripts\soundmixers.txt.

mixlayer string The layer to alter.
mixgroup string The sound group within the layer to alter.
field string Property of the group to alter.
input float


Generate or process numbers.

The result of these is stored in @name.output.


Produces a random number.

input_min float The lower bound for the random number.
input_max float The upper bound for the random number.
round_to_int bool Set to "true" or "false"(default). This makes the output a whole number.


Performs elementary maths operations with two values.

input1 float Operand A.
input2 float Operand B.
apply string Specifies the operation to perform:
add A + B
sub A − B
mult A × B
div A ÷ B. If B is ≤ 0, returns 0.0.
pow AB, raises A to the power of B.
mod A % B, the modulus. If B is ≤ 0, returns 0.0.
set A, ignores B.
invert Returns 1 − A, ignoring B.
invert_scale 1 + AB − B.
min Outputs the smallest of the two numbers.
max Outputs the largest of the two numbers.
less_than If A < B, outputs 1.0, else 0.0.
greater_than If A > B, outputs 1.0, else 0.0.
less_than_or_equal If A ≤ B, outputs 1.0, else 0.0.
greater_than_or_equal If A ≥ B, outputs 1.0, else 0.0.
equals If both are equal, outputs 1.0, else 0.0.[float tolerance?]
not_equal If both are different, outputs 1.0, else 0.0.


Does the same as math_float, but uses 12 inputs instead. All examples use mult.


float Operands 1-12.
apply string The operation to perform, see #math_float. For mult the output is input1 * input2 * ... * input12.


Executes an unary math function.

input1 float The argument to pass.
function string Specifies the function to call:
none Do nothing to the input.
round Round to the nearest whole number.
floor Round down to a whole number.
ceil Round up to a whole number.
fabs Compute the absolute value of the input.
sqrt Computes the square root of the input.
exp Computes e raised to the power of the input.
log Computes the natural logarithm of the input.
log10 Computes the logarithm base 10 of the input.
sin, cos, tan Computes the normal sin/cos/tan values. Angles are given in radians.
asin, acos, atan Computes the inverse of sin/cos/tan. Angles are given in radians.
sinh, cosh, tanh Computes the hyperbolic version of sin/cos/tan. Angles are given in radians.
normalize_trig bool If set to "true", rescales the output from (−1, +1) to (0, 1).


Selects one of two possible outputs.

input_switch float Chooses which of the other values is outputted.
input1 float The value to output if input_switch is 0.
input2 float The value to output if input_switch is 1.


Performs math operations with an array of (6?) volumes. To use a single float value as an input array consisting only of that value, do input2[*] 1.0 (which means input2 = [1,1,...,1]). This operator has the output named output which can serve as an input for the input_speakers attribute of #sys_output. The operator #calc_spatialize_speakers has the output named output which can serve as an input for this operator.

input1 float array [1,1,...,1]
input2 float array [1,1,...,1]
apply string The arithmetic operation to perform.
mult output[i] = input1[i] * input2[i]
max output[i] = max(input1[i], input2[i])
float 1.0 Another input value for a specific volume of the array. Note that these values don't need to be specified if the operation is mult and max since the default value of 1.0 results in a constant change in both cases.
Confirm:If this is true, then the occurrence of this operator at update_dialog_spatial (operator "speakers_limit", second to last) is weird.


Multinode Remapper. Found in sound_operator_stacks.txt of Insurgency Insurgency (2014) and Day of Infamy Day of Infamy.

step, linear
Value that is compared to X: if input = X1 then ouput = Y1, if input = X2 then ouput = Y2, etc.


Remaps a value from one range to another (identically to math_remap).
input <float>
The value to remap.
input_min <float>
input_max <float>
The smallest/largest value the input will be set to.
input_map_min <float>
When the input equals input_min, the output will be this value.
input_map_max <float>
When the input equals input_max, the output will be this value.
default_to_max <bool>
clamp_range <bool>


input <float>


Provide values from the engine.


Retrieve the value of a console variable.
The name of the console variable to read.


Checks if the given map_name matches the name of the map.


Collects the host/client time.


Collects information about the playing sound.
The entry to collect the information about
The time this sound has been playing for.
Warning.pngWarning:For looped sounds this won't reset when the sound starts a new loop, it will continue to count the time, resulting in it being bigger than the actual file length
-1 if playing, otherwise the time spent after being stopped.
The total length of the sound file this stack is playing.
  • Example operator stack to sync one track to another (including looping tracks), needs to be put in start_stacks in sound_operator_stacks.txt!
"synchronize_track" {

		"catch_entry" { // Used to catch the entry we're syncing to
			"operator" "get_entry_time"

		"sound_offset" { // We have to account for the multiple loops that can happen
			"operator" "math_float"
			"apply" "mod"
			"input1" "@catch_entry.output_entry_elapsed"  // Get the duration this sound has been playing for
			"input2" "@catch_entry.output_sound_duration" // % it by the total duration of the file we're playing from

		"invert_offset" { // We have to skip the duration, the delay paramater accepts negative values to do that
			"operator" "math_float"
			"apply" "mult"
			"input1" "-1"
			"input2" "@sound_offset.output"

		"whoosh" { // Skip the seconds to sync
			"operator" "sys_output"
			"output" "delay"
			"input_float" "@invert_offset.output"
		//"printvar1" { // Optional to print the offset to the console that we have calculated
		//	"operator" "util_print_float"
		//	"input" "@invert_offset.output"
  • Example usage in a soundscript:
"" {...} // A soundscript that is running in the background that we'll be syncing TO

"" { // We will be syncing this track to the upper one
// Of course you will have standard soundscript settings here

soundentry_version 2
operator_stacks {
    start_stack {
        import_stack synchronize_track

        catch_entry {
            entry "" // You have to set the name of the entry you're trying to synchronize to here


Collects a variety of information about the sound source.
Specify "entity" or "emitter" to choose which entity is checked. The emitter is the entity where the sound emmenates from, the entity is the entity which made it play.
game_multi_origin <bool>
input_source_index <float>
Below are the data points output by this operator: @my_get_source_info_operator.output_position, etc..
Returns the index of the source entity.
The position of the entity.
The rotation of the entity.
Only valid for the emitter.
The relevant values of the soundscript.
The number of sounds (including this one) produced by the entity.


Collects a variety of game-specific information about the player for specialised uses.
input_source_index <float>
output_position <vector3>
output_position_x <float>
output_position_y <float>
output_position_z <float>
output_angles <vector3>
output_velocity_vector <vector3>
output_velocity_vector_x <float>
output_velocity_vector_y <float>
output_velocity_vector_z <float>
output_velocity <float>
output_velocity_xy <float>


Collects a variety of game-specific information about an entity for specialised uses.
input_entity_index <float>
output_position <vector3>
output_position_x <float>
output_position_y <float>
output_position_z <float>
output_angles <vector3>
output_velocity_vector <vector3>
output_velocity_vector_x <float>
output_velocity_vector_y <float>
output_velocity_vector_z <float>
output_velocity <float>
output_velocity_xy <float>


Used to sync one sound entry to another.
syncpoint_list <string>
this_entry_syncpoints <bool>
input_min_time_to_next_sync <float>
input_max_time_to_next_sync <float>
match_entry <string>
Sound entry to match.
  • Example get_track_syncpoint
		// the start sync point for the file we are syncing to
			"operator" "get_track_syncpoint"
			"syncpoint_list" "syncpoints_1"
			"this_entry_syncpoints" "true"
			"operator" "get_track_syncpoint"
			"syncpoint_list" "syncpoints_1"
			"input_min_time_to_next_sync" 	"@this_entry_syncpoints.output_first_syncpoint"
			"input_max_time_to_next_sync" 	"1000"
			"match_entry" "DOTAMusic.BattleMusic"
		// output our resulting delay value
			"operator" "sys_output"
			"input_float" "@sync_track_syncpoints.output_time_to_next_syncpoint"
			"output" "delay"


Outputs the active soundmixer
mixgroup <string>
set_mixgroup_to_channel <bool>


Gets the value of an opvar created with the set_opvar_float operator.
opvar <string>


Change values in the engine.


Set a engine varaiable
convar <string>
input <float>


Create and set an opvar (operator varaible), to the value defined in input
opvar <string>
input <float>


Increments an opvar by the value of input.
opvar <string>
input <float>


Calculate pre-set algorithms.


Calculates the distance from this sound source (emitter/entity) to the listener.
The sound source's position. Generally the output (@get_info_op.output_position) of a get_source_info operation.
in2D <bool>
X/Y vectors only.
force_not_player_sound <bool>


Calculates the falloff of a sound based on the distance from the sound source (emitter/entity) to the listener and the multiplied output of the sound entries soundlevel and the level property value of its assigned mixgroup within the active soundmixer.
Sound source position. Generally the output of a calc_source_distance operation.
Sound source's level/attenuation. Generally the output of a multiplication operation of the sound entries soundlevel and the mixgroup level within the active soundmixer.


Same setup as calc_falloff. Scales the dsp level defined in the sound's assigned mixgroup within the active soundmixer based on distance.
Sound source position. Generally the output of a calc_source_distance operation.
Sound source's level/attenuation. Generally the output of a multiplication operation of the sound entries soundlevel and the mixgroup level within the active soundmixer.
Note.pngNote:The output of this operation is then multipled by the dsp property value (@get_soundmixer_op.output_dsp) of the assigned mixgroup within the active soundmixer, with the output then being input to a sys_output dsp operation.


Calculates speaker volumes for a spatial sound, i. e. a sound that is emitted from some coordinates in the world as opposed to a sound that "plays everywhere". This operator has an output named output which is an array of float volumes suitable as an input for #math_speakers.

input_position Vector The location where the sound emitted from.
input_radius float The radius of a sphere around the input position. If the listener's distance to the sound source is...
  • ... smaller than about half of the radius, the L/R volume levels are equal, no matter where the listener looks ("plays everywhere").
  • ... larger than the radius, the sound is entirely directional (volume 0 on one side if looking 90° to the sound source).
  • ... between the above two, the volume levels are blended appropriately.
input_distance float The distance from the input_position at which the listener currently is.
input_rear_stereo_scale float A factor to multiply the rear volumes with.[confirm]
float Seen in CS:GO (e. g. update_default) where all occurrences are set to the two values 23 and 24, and never combined with input_radius.


Performs audio occlusion calculations.
Generally the output (@get_info_op.output_position) of a get_source_info operation.


Generally the output (@get_info_op.output_angles) of a get_source_info operation.



Displays a float in the console, along with the name of this operator.
The floating point value to show.


input_index <float>
input_entry_count <float>
Output the corresponding input position: a value of 1.0 output input_position_1.
input_position_0 <vector3>
input_position_1 <vector3>
input_position_2 <vector3>
input_position_3 <vector3>
input_position_4 <vector3>
input_position_5 <vector3>
input_position_6 <vector3>
input_position_7 <vector3>
output_position <vector3>
output_max_index <float>




syncpoint_list <string>
PlacementTip.pngExample:This code is in theoperator_stackscode block within the Sound Entry of the containing sound script, not insound_operator_stacks.txt
		"start_point" "0.353"
		"end_point" "38"
		"track_name" "main"
		"priority" "1"
		"priority_override" "true"
				"1"	"2.533"
				"2" "5.066"
				"3"	"7.599"
				"4" "10.132"
				"5" "12.665"
				"6" "15.198"
				"7" "17.731"
				"8" "20.264"
				"9" "22.797"
				"10" "25.33"
				"11" "27.863"
				"12" "30.396"
				"13" "32.929"
				"14" "35.462"
				"15" "38"
		"operator" "track_queue"
		"syncpoint_list" "syncpoints_1"


autoqueue_entry_at_end_point <string>
Sound Entry to auto queue.




Note.pngNote:All four occurrences in sound_operator_stacks.txt/Portal 2 are commented out:
// this calculates the loudest volume of the ss clients
// "volume_acc_ss_max"
// {
	// "operator" "op_accumulate_ss_float"
	// "input" "volume_apply_occlusion.output"
	// "iterate_operator" "occlusion"
// }

