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Item suitcharger.png

item_suitcharger is a point entity available in Black Mesa Black Mesa. This is the HEV suit charger which gradually replenishes suit power on use, until empty or the suit is at full power.

PlacementTip.gifPlacement Tip:
  • Chargers are best placed with a height of around 48 units between the floor and the center of the recharger entity.
  • To ensure that the player will gain battery rather than lose it, place them in areas occluded from immediate danger, like constant enemy fire from helicopters or tanks. Consider however that, since the player is required to stare at the wall while they are using the charger, they can be used to create tension by placing them where an enemy might still reach the player. Note that chargers could also add good or bad stress to the player if they have to exterminate a load of enemies in a room which a health charger is placed before using it.
  • A suit charger will contain the same total charge regardless of the difficulty setting.
  • A normal suit charger (without any flags checked or cvars changed) will be able to discharge a total of 75 power points (30 in HL2DM).
  • A Citadel recharger will be able to discharge a total of 500 power points (200 in HL2DM), overcharging the HEV suit to a maximum of 200 power points, and while recharging it will also heal health.
  • Kleiner's recharger will be able to discharge a total of 25 power points, regardless of cvar settings.
  • A Citadel/Kleiner recharger combo (with both flags checked) will be able to discharge a total of 30 power points (since Kleiner's recharger is set to 25 power points no matter what, and a Citadel recharger rounds it up to the nearest 10), overcharging the HEV suit to a maximum of 200 power points, and while recharging it will also heal (a total of 15) health for free.
  • Players can change weapons while charging. Confirmed with Half-Life 2: Deathmatch Half-Life 2: Deathmatch.
  • Players can fire any weapon while charging. Confirmed with Half-Life 2: Deathmatch Half-Life 2: Deathmatch.
  • Players can reload weapons while charging. Confirmed with Half-Life 2: Deathmatch Half-Life 2: Deathmatch.
  • Players can't use it without the suit. Deny. Confirmed with Half-Life 2 Half-Life 2.
  • Players can't use it past the limit. Deny. Confirmed with Half-Life 2 Half-Life 2.
  • If you create a map for Black Mesa Black Mesa there player is not HEV/PCV guy - use sk_charger_suit_maxarmor 0 cvar to prevent charger use.


  •  [8192] : Citadel recharger
  •  [16384] : Kleiner's recharger


Name (targetname) <string>
The name that other entities refer to this entity by, via Inputs/Outputs or other keyvalues (e.g. parentname or target).
Also displayed in Hammer's 2D views and Entity Report.
Deathmatch recharge delay (dmdelay) <integer>
Charge (charge) <float> (only in Black Mesa)
How full the charger should be (0 - 100)
Force Skin (skintype) <choices> (only in Black Mesa)
Determines model that the charger will use, dirty or clean.
  • 0: None
  • 1: Clean
  • 2: Dirty


SetCharge <float> !FGD
Set charge and total charge to a specific amount. (Not in Black Mesa)
Note.pngNote:Float values cause the model to change, but charge received is rounded down.
Note.pngNote:Despite this input not being in the stock FGD, it is used once by Valve, in ep1_citadel_03.
Sets charge to maximum. (Not in Black Mesa)
Fill <float> (only in Black Mesa) !FGD
Fills the charger with specified number if the charger is empty.
Enable <void> (only in Black Mesa)
Allows to use, sets skin 0, turns light on.
Disable <void> (only in Black Mesa)
Prevents to use, sets skin 1, turns light off.


Fired once for every single point of power given to the suit. This means it will not fire when the charger is depleted or when the suit is at full power. (Not in Black Mesa)
Fired when the "charge left" reaches 50% of its max. (Not in Black Mesa)
Fired when the charger is empty.
Fired when player gets recharged to the max. (Not in Black Mesa)
Fired when the player tries to +use the charger. Cut in Black Mesa Black Mesa.
OnUse  (only in Black Mesa)
Fired when the player tries to +use the charger.
OnTurnOff  (only in Black Mesa) !FGD
Fires on disable.
OnTurnOn  (only in Black Mesa) !FGD
Fires on enable.


Cvar/CommandParameters or default valueDescriptorEffect
sk_suitcharger75 (HL2), 30 Half-Life 2: Deathmatch Half-Life 2: DeathmatchArbitrary numberTotal charge of suit points on a normal charger.
sk_suitcharger_citadel500 (HL2), 200 Half-Life 2: Deathmatch Half-Life 2: DeathmatchArbitrary numberTotal charge of suit points on a citadel charger.
sk_suitcharger_citadel_maxarmor200Arbitrary numberMaximum suit charge obtainable from a citadel charger.
cl_suitcharg_light_col_r0 Black Mesa Black MesaArbitrary numberRed color value for dynamic light from suit chargers.
cl_suitcharg_light_col_g255 Black Mesa Black MesaArbitrary numberGreen color value for dynamic light from suit chargers.
cl_suitcharg_light_col_b255 Black Mesa Black MesaArbitrary numberBlue color value for dynamic light from suit chargers.
cl_suitcharg_light_intensity32 Black Mesa Black MesaArbitrary numberIntensity value for dynamic light from suit chargers.
cl_suitcharg_light_on1 Black Mesa Black MesaArbitrary numberSets state of dynamic light spawn by suit chargers. 0 - disallow to spawn, 1 - allow to spawn.
cl_suitcharg_light_range64 Black Mesa Black MesaArbitrary numberRange value for dynamic light from suit chargers.
cl_suitcharg_light_debug0 Black Mesa Black MesaArbitrary numberSets debug state of suit chargers light.
sk_charger_suit_maxarmor100 Black Mesa Black MesaArbitrary numberIf amount of player's armor exceeds number specified in this cvar - player will not be able to charge from suit chargers.
sk_charger_suit_rate1 Black Mesa Black MesaArbitrary numberSets charging speed from suit chargers.
sk_charger_refill_delay 15 Black Mesa Black MesaArbitrary numberDelay before refill for suit and health chargers in seconds. Multiplayer only.

See also