Category:Half-Life series mods and fangames

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This page attempts to list all Half-Life fangames, as well as game-style mods set in the Half-Life franchise.

Icon-Important.pngImportant:Mods for Half-Life games which are not explicitly based in the Half-Life multiverse (ex: Natural Selection)should not be included.
Mods for non-Half-Life games which are explicitly based in the Half-Life multiverse (ex: Lambda Wars) should be listed.
  • A fangame is a standalone game, with no dependencies upon another game's binaries or assets.
  • A mod is an unofficial addon for a game that relies upon its binaries and often assets.
  • A standalone mod is a mod that can be downloaded with the base game's assets and binaries included.
Title Type Year Engine
Sven Co-op Sven Co-op Fangame (formerly mod) 1999 GoldSrc
Black Mesa Black Mesa Fangame (formerly mod) 2020 Source 2013
Hunt Down the Freeman Hunt Down the Freeman Fangame 2018 Source 2013 Multiplayer
Lambda Wars Lambda Wars Standalone mod 2017 Alien Swarm engine branch
Half-Life: Before Mod 2009 GoldSrc
Half-Life 2: Year Long Alarm Standalone mod 2012 Source 2013 Singleplayer
Entropy : Zero Entropy : Zero Standalone mod 2017 Source 2013 Singleplayer
Entropy : Zero 2 Entropy : Zero 2 Standalone mod 2022 Source 2013 Singleplayer
Swelter Standalone mod 2023 Source 2013 Singleplayer
Codename: Loop Codename: Loop Fangame TBA Unity