
UNTRANSLATED string "this is a" see Template:This is a/strings

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Permet de jouer un son unique ou en boucle (ne fonctionne plus sous CSS). Les mp3 en hautes qualitées (44100Hz) sont reconnu, mais ne fonctionne pas sous l'explorateur de son sous hammer. Cette entitée ne fonctionne pas avec le DSP.

Les sons émis sont localisé la ou se situe l'entité, et diminue avec la distance. Cette entités à une zone d'écoute au dela vous n'entendrez plus le son.
Use it to play and control a soundscript sound, a raw .wav sample or a single scripted sentence . In case of a scripted sentence you have to replace the path and filename with "!", followed by the sentence name.
- Note : Cette entité n'est plus destiné à être utilisée pour les sons environementaux. Utilisé pour cela la nouvelle entitée env_soundscape . Ambient_generic est largement conservé pour jouer les son uniques, trigger avec par exemple un logic_timer ou les musics.
Bugs de son en boucle
Ce problème de son en boucle instoppable peut être corrigé en incluant ceci dans votre mods .
- 1 - Play everywhere
- le son est joué avec toutes les encientes au volume choisis. Le DSP ne l'influe pas.
- 16 - Start Silent
- La map démarre sans jouer le son. Activer par défault.
Template:Dictionary/Bug/fr:Les sons en boucle qui n'on pas ce flag cocher ne démareront pas. [todo tested in ?]
- 32 - Is NOT Looped
- Il est impotant de bien choisir la valeur ici ou le son ne démarera pas ou ne stopera pas.
- Name (targetname) <targetname >
- The name that other entities refer to this entity by, via Inputs/Outputs or other keyvalues (e.g.
Also displayed in Hammer's 2D views and Entity Report.See also: Generic Keyvalues, Inputs and Outputs available to all entities
- message
- <sound> Name of the GameSound entry for the sound to play. Also supports raw .wav filenames and sentence scripts.
- health (Volume)
- <integer:0-10> Sound volume, expressed as a range from 0 to 10, where 10 is the loudest. Defaults to 10.
- preset
Literal Value Dynamic Preset 0 None 1 Huge Machine 2 Big Machine 3 Machine 4 Slow Fade in 5 Fade in 6 Quick Fade in 7 Slow Pulse 8 Pulse 9 Quick pulse 10 Slow Oscillator 11 Oscillator 12 Quick Oscillator 13 Grunge pitch 14 Very low pitch 15 Low pitch 16 High pitch 17 Very high pitch 18 Screaming pitch 19 Oscillate spinup/down 20 Pulse spinup/down 21 Random pitch 22 Random pitch fast 23 Incremental Spinup 24 Alien 25 Bizzare 26 Planet X 27 Haunted
- volstart
- <integer> Volume to start fading in at.
- fadein [deprecated]
- <integer> Fade in time (0-100)
- fadeout [deprecated]
- <integer> Fade out time (0-100)
- fadeinsecs (no translation
- <integer:0-100> How long to fade in for.
- fadeoutsecs (no translation
- <integer:0-100> How long to fade out for. Will delay any StopSound inputs to allow for the fade.
- pitch
- <integer:1-255> Sound pitch, expressed as a range from 1 to 255, where 100 is the sound's default pitch.
- pitchstart
- <integer:1-255> Pitch to begin spinning up at.
- spinup (Spin up time)
- <integer:0-100>. Analogous to fadeinsecs, but affecting pitch.
- spindown (Spin down time)
- <integer:0-100>. Analogous to fadeoutsecs, but affecting pitch.
- lfotype
- <integer> LFO type
Literal Value LFO type 0 Off 1 Square Wave (alternate between low and high) 2 Triangle Wave (sharper transitions) 3 Random
- lforate (LFO rate)
- <integer:0-1000> How frequently the LFO effect repeats itself.
- lfomodpitch (LFO modulation - pitch)
- <integer:0-100>, affects the sound pitch or vibrato. Higher numbers change the pitch more - warbling singers use little, police sirens use a lot.
- lfomodvol (LFO modulation - volume)
- <integer:0-100> Affects the volume of the sound, causing it to "pulse." Similar to tremolo.
- cspinup (Incremental Spinup Count)
- <integer> Appears to be a method for increasing pitch in time with ToggleSound inputs, but:
- radius (Max Audible Distance)
- <string> Maximum distance at which this sound is audible.
- SourceEntityName
- <targetname > If an entity is specified, sound will come from this named entity instead of the location of ambient_generic. If the target is an NPC capable of lipsynching, and phoneme data is found within the sound, the target will lipsynch to it.
- Pitch <integer>
- Sets the sound pitch, expressed as a range from 1 to 255, where 100 is the sound's original pitch.
Template:Dictionary/Bug/fr:Pitch will play the sound without informing the rest of the entity. This makes looping sounds unstoppable! It is speculated that the input is supposed to change the pitch at which the ambient_generic plays its sound when prompted by other inputs, not play it by itself. [todo tested in ?]
- PlaySound
- Starts the sound.
- StopSound
- Stops a looping sound.
Note :Does not stop a non-looping sound. This is intentional, and can be changed with C++.
- ToggleSound
- Toggles a looping sound between playing and stopped. Behaves like PlaySound if the sound is unlooped.
- Volume <integer>
- Plays the sound at a volume from 0 to 10, where 10 is the loudest.
Template:Dictionary/Bug/fr:Volume will play the sound without informing the rest of the entity. This makes looping sounds unstoppable! It is speculated that the input is supposed to change the volume at which the ambient_generic plays its sound when prompted by other inputs, not play it by itself. [todo tested in ?]
- FadeIn <integer> (no translation
- Fades the sound up to full volume over a specified number of seconds, with a range from 0 to 100 seconds.
- FadeOut <integer> (no translation
- Fades the sound to silence over a specified number of seconds, with a range from 0 to 100 seconds.
Template:Dictionary/Bug/fr:Will bring the sound up to full volume (i.e. 10) before beginning to fade it. [todo tested in ?]
External links
- Setting up ambient_generics in Counter-Strike: Source using logic_auto - a substitute for creating a proper env_soundscape.