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team_control_point es un entidad de punto(en) disponible en Team Fortress 2 Team Fortress 2.


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El segundo team_control_point de la primera fase de cp_dustbowl.

Marca la ubicación donde debería haber un punto de control(en) con varias configuraciones específicas que determinan cómo se veran en el mapa, en el HUD y qué puntos debe capturar el equipo para que los siguientes estén disponibles, etc.

Por sí mismo, no tiene influencia en el juego, requiere un trigger_capture_area(en) para permitir su captura. También existen team_control_point_master(en) o team_control_point_round(en) en el mapa.

Note.pngNota:¡Hay un máximo de 8 puntos de control por mapa!

Valores clave

Name (targetname) <string(en)>
The name that other entities refer to this entity by, via Inputs/Outputs or other keyvalues (e.g. parentname or target).
Also displayed in Hammer's 2D views and Entity Report.
Véase también:  Generic Keyvalues, Inputs and Outputs available to all entities

Start locked (point_start_locked) <boolean(en)>
Locked means the point will not be available for capture until it is unlocked via its input.
Print Name (point_printname) <string(en)>
LOCALIZED name to print on the HUD.
Group Index (point_group) <integer(en)>
Used for grouping points together under a team_control_point_master (not using control point rounds).
Propietario por defecto (point_default_owner) <choices>
Propietario por defecto del punto de control.
  • 0 : Nadie
  • 2 : RED
  • 3 : BLU
Index (point_index) <integer(en)>
Index of this point (must be unique).
Tipo de aviso (point_warn_on_cap) <choices>
El tipo de aviso emitido al equipo que gobierna el punto cuando el equipo contrario lo captura. La voz «Hemos perdido el punto de control» seguirá reproduciéndose aunque el punto sea neutral o esté establecido en «Sin avisos».
  • 0 : Avisos normales
  • 1 : Aviso del último punto
  • 2 : Sin avisos
Warning sound (point_warn_sound) <string(en)>
Sound to be played when this point is being captured (if warn on capture is set).
Randomly set the owner on restart (random_owner_on_restart) <boolean(en)>
Randomly set the owner of this point during a full restart of the map. The ratio of default owners among the points with this flag will be kept when selecting random owners.
Time-based point value for RED. (team_timedpoints_2) <integer(en)>
Time-based point value for BLUE. (team_timedpoints_3) <integer(en)>
Reset Sound (team_capsound_0) <sound(en)>
Sound made when point resets.
Red Capture Sound (team_capsound_1) <sound(en)>
Sound made when RED captures.
Blue Capture Sound (team_capsound_2) <sound(en)>
Sound made when BLUE captures.
Reset model bodygroup (team_bodygroup_0) <integer(en)>
Control point model bodygroup used when point reverts to neutral state.
HUD icon neutral (team_icon_0) <string(en)>
HUD icon material when no one owns the point.
HUD icon RED (team_icon_2) <string(en)>
HUD icon material when RED owns the point.
HUD icon BLU (team_icon_3) <string(en)>
HUD icon material when BLU owns the point.
RED model bodygroup (team_bodygroup_1) <integer(en)>
Control point model bodygroup used when RED owns the point.
BLUE model bodygroup (team_bodygroup_2) <integer(en)>
Control point model bodygroup used when RED owns the point.
HUD overlay neutral (team_overlay_0) <material(en)>
HUD material that will overlay the icon when no one owns the point.
HUD overlay RED (team_overlay_2) <material(en)>
HUD material that will overlay the icon when RED owns the point.
HUD overlay BLUE (team_overlay_3) <material(en)>
HUD material that will overlay the icon when BLUE owns the point.
RED Previous Required Point 1 (team_previouspoint_2_0) <string(en)>
The name of a previous capture point that RED must own to be able to capture this point. If empty, the team must own all points preceding this one. Pointing to itself means no previous point required.
RED Previous Required Point 2 (team_previouspoint_2_1) <string(en)>
The name of a second previous capture point that RED must own to be abl!pe to capture this point.
RED Previous Required Point 3 (team_previouspoint_2_2) <string(en)>
The name of a third previous capture point that RED must own to be able to capture this point.
BLUE Previous Required Point 1 (team_previouspoint_3_0) <string(en)>
The name of a previous capture point that BLUE must own to be able to capture this point. If empty, the team must own all points preceding this one. Pointing to itself means no previous point required.
BLUE Previous Required Point 2 (team_previouspoint_3_1) <string(en)>
The name of a second previous capture point that BLUE must own to be able to capture this point.
BLUE Previous Required Point 3 (team_previouspoint_3_2) <string(en)>
The name of a third previous capture point that BLUE must own to be able to capture this point.
Start Disabled (StartDisabled) <boolean(en)>
Stay dormant until activated (with theEnableinput).


  • 1 : Oculta el punto en el HUD
  • 2 : Comienza con el modelo oculto
  • 4 : Desactivar sombra
  • 8 : Desactivar sonido


SetOwner <integer(en)>
Set the owner of the point.
Hide the control point model.
Show the control point model again.
SetLocked <integer(en)>
Lock the control point. 0 = unlocked, 1 = locked
SetUnlockTime <integer(en)>
This will automatically unlock the control point in the specified amound of time (seconds).
Fires theOnRoundStartOwnedByTeam1andOnRoundStartOwnedByTeam2outputs, then applies theStart Lockedkeyvalue's setting


Enable / Disable
Enable/disable this entity from performing its task. It might also disappear from view.


Enviado cuando pasa a ser RED.
Enviado cuando pasa a ser BLU.
Enviado cuando pasa a ser neutral.
Sent when a round is starting and the point is owned by RED.
Sent when a round is starting and the point is owned by BLUE.
Enviado cuando RED captura el punto.
Sent when BLUE capture this point.
Enviado cuando un punto se desbloquea.

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