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Xen portal.png

env_xen_portal is a point entity available in Black Mesa Black Mesa. This is xen portal that teleports xen fauna. Essentially, this is a duplicate of npc_maker, but with additional effects and abilities.

Represented by class CEnv_XenPortalMaker.

Note.pngNote:Will not spawn NPC if player or NPC blocks this entity. Ignores physics objects.
Icon-Bug.pngBug:Ignores crouched player, this may cause player to be crushed when this entity is activated.
Icon-Bug.pngBug:Xen portals that spawn NPCs don't push players in multiplayer.


Name (targetname) <string>
The name that other entities refer to this entity by, via Inputs/Outputs or other keyvalues (e.g. parentname or target).
Also displayed in Hammer's 2D views and Entity Report.
See also:  Generic Keyvalues, Inputs and Outputs available to all entities

Start Disabled (StartDisabled) <choices>
If No - xen portal will automatically spawn NPC on spawn.
  • 0: No
  • 1: Yes
ForceScheduleOnSpawn (forcescheduleonspawn) <string>
Name of NPC schedule that we want to play on spawn.
Entity To Ignore (ignoreentity) <targetname>
If set, an entity to ignore when checking if there's room to spawn.
Class name of spawned NPC (NPCType) <npcclass>
Class of all NPCs spawned by this entity.
Childrens' Name (NPCTargetname) <string>
Targetname of all NPCs spawned by this entity.
Childrens' Squad Name (NPCSquadname) <string>
Squad name of all NPCs spawned by this entity.
Childrens' Hint Group (NPCHintGroup) <string>
Hintgroup of all NPCs spawned by this entity.
Relationship (relationship) <string> !FGD
<string|targetname or classname> <string|disposition> <int|rank>

Changes whether spawned NPCs like or dislike certain others. Used like the ai_relationship entity, with all spawned NPCs as the subjects. This keyvalue is not included in Valve's FGDs.

Values for disposition are:
  • D_HT: Hate
  • D_FR: Fear
  • D_LI: Like
  • D_NU: Neutral
Weapons (additionalequipment) <choices>
What weapon each NPC should spawn with.
Note.pngNote:You still can write any weapon classname, but only these can be used by some NPCs. HECU marines will get random weapon from the list.
Portal Size (size) <choices>
Portal size we want to use. All versions showcased in this video.
  • 80: Default
    Note.pngNote:Same as Alien Slave.
  • 20: Small Headcrab
  • 40: Headcrab
  • 80: Alien Slave
  • 90: Houndeye
  • 100: Alien Grunt
  • 110: Bullsquid
Sound Name (sound) <sound>
Sound to use when portal is activated. Name of the GameSound entry for the sound to play. Also supports direct .wav filenames.
Leap Distance (jump_distance) <float>
Determines the max distance houndeye can jump out of the portal. Also works with npc_houndeye_knockback and npc_houndeye_suicide.
Leap Max Horizontal Speed (jump_hmaxspeed) <float>
Determines the max horizontal speed houndeye can jump out of the portal. Also works with npc_houndeye_knockback and npc_houndeye_suicide.
Minimum spawn delay (min_delay) <float>
Maximum spawn delay (max_delay) <float>


Num. of NPCs (MaxNPCCount) <integer>
Number of NPCs that will spawn before this spawner is exhausted.
Frequency (SpawnFrequency) <string>
How often (in seconds) a new NPC will be spawned. If set to -1, a new NPC will be made when the last NPC dies.
Max Live NPCs (MaxLiveChildren) <integer>
Maximum number of live children allowed at any one time (new ones will not be made until one dies). If set to -1, no limit is applied.


Fade Corpse : [16]

NPC corpse will disappear after a while.

Infinite Children : [32]

If checked - will able to spawn as many as we want.

Don't Spawn While Visible : [128]

If checked - portal will not activate while player is looking at it.

Always use radius spawn : [256]

This property works only with env_xen_portal_template.

Don't preload template models : [512]
No DLight : [32768]

Doesn't work in Black Mesa Black Mesa: Definitive Edition. Works in all game versions before 24 november 2017 year update.

Remove after portal fx has finished : [65536]

Confirm:Doesn't work.

No sound : [131072]
Jump out (Houndeye Only) : [262144]

Enable the leap properties if checked.

No Warp FX : [524288]

Confirm:Doesn't work.

Spawn flying crap : [1048576]

If unchecked - will cause env_xen_portal_template to spawn portal effects at origin of the entity, not in NPC spawn point.


StartPortal <void> !FGD
Activates portal. Copy of Spawn input.
InternalStartPortal <void> !FGD
Used by StartPortal/Spawn input for houndeyes to make them jump out. If used separately - it'll spawn NPC with no delay.
InternalFinishPortal <void> !FGD
Used by InternalStartPortal input. If used separately - it'll spawn NPC with no delay and xen portal effects.
Spawns an NPC.
Toggles the spawner enabled/disabled state.
Enables the spawner.
Disables the spawner.
AddMaxChildren <integer>
Adds to the number of NPCs that can spawn before the spawner is exhausted. If an exhausted spawner is given some children to spawn, it still wont begin spawning until it is re-enabled with the Enable input.
SetMaxChildren <integer>
Sets the number of NPCs that can spawn before the spawner is exhausted. If an exhausted spawner is given some children to spawn, it still won't begin spawning until it is re-enabled with the Enable input.
SetMaxLiveChildren <integer>
Sets the maximum number of NPCs that can be alive at any one time from this spawner.
SetSpawnFrequency <float>
Sets how often (in seconds) a new NPC will be spawned.
Enable <void>
Enable this entity.
Disable <void>
Disable this entity.


OnStartPortal <void>
Fires when portal is started.
OnFinishPortal <void>
Fires when NPC is spawned.
OnSpawnNPC <string>
Fired when an NPC is spawned. The activator is the NPC, and the string is the name of the NPC.
Fired when the spawned is exhausted (all children have been spawned).
Fired when the spawner is exhausted (all children have been spawned) and all spawned children have died.
Fired when all spawned children have died. This does not mean the spawned is exhausted, so a new child may be spawned any time after this (unless the maker is disabled).

Dedicated ConVars

Cvar/CommandParameters or default valueDescriptorEffect
cl_envportal_light_on1BoolThis toggles lighting from portals. With 1 it is enabled. With 0 it is disabled.
cl_envportal_light_col_R170IntegerRed color value for lighting from portals.
cl_envportal_light_col_G255IntegerGreen color value for lighting from portals.
cl_envportal_light_col_B80IntegerBlue color value for lighting from portals.
cl_envportal_light_intensity4000FloatIntensity value for lighting from portals.
cl_envportal_light_range512FloatRange value for lighting from portals.
cl_envportal_light_ttl1.25FloatTime to life value for lighting from portals.

See also