BSP (Source)/Static prop flags

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These flags are defined in 🖿public/gamebspfile.h. Any undefined flags are unused by the engine and can be used by custom VRAD compilers to define additional light baking parameters (in conjunction with a modified VBSP that can write those flags).


This is 8-bit (unsigned char) in all versions of the static prop lump except for Source 2013 Multiplayer, where it is 32-bit (signed int).

Bit Name Dev comment Description
0x01 STATIC_PROP_FLAG_FADES none Set by engine at runtime if the model fades out at a distance.
0x02 STATIC_PROP_USE_LIGHTING_ORIGIN none Set by engine at runtime if the model's lighting origin is different from its position in the world.
(in all games since Source 2007)
(removed since Portal 2)
computed at run time based on dx level Set by engine at runtime based upon mindxlevel and maxdxlevel. Does not work if set explicitly; set maxdxlevel to a low non-zero value such as 50 instead.
(in all games since Portal 2)[confirm]
N/A (source code not public) Set if disableflashlight is enabled.
(in all games since Source 2007)
none Set if ignorenormals is enabled.
0x10 STATIC_PROP_NO_SHADOW none Set if disableshadows is enabled.
(removed since Portal 2)
none Set if screenspacefade is enabled.
(in all games since Portal 2)
N/A (source code not public) Set if drawinfastreflection is enabled.
(in all games since Source 2006)
in vrad, compute lighting at lighting origin, not for each vertex Set if disablevertexlighting is enabled.
Contrary to the dev comment, this disables pre-baked lighting for the model altogether, making it lit the same way as CBaseAnimating props (ex: prop_dynamic).
(in all games since Source 2006)
disable self shadowing in vrad Set if disableselfshadowing is enabled.
(in all games since Source 2013 Multiplayer)(also in Garry's Mod)
whether we should do per-texel lightmaps in vrad. Set if generatelightmaps is disabled.
If VRAD is fed an older version of the static prop lump with 8-bit flags, this flag is treated as always being enabled (not generating lightmaps for any props).
This flag is only read by VRAD; the engine will load the the PPL file associated with a given prop regardless of this flag, provided STATIC_PROP_NO_PER_VERTEX_LIGHTING is disabled and the checksum in the PPL file matches the checksum found in specified MDL.
(only in Garry's Mod)
N/A (source code not public) Set if enablelightbounce is enabled.


Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Counter-Strike: Global Offensive's static prop lump adds an extra 32-bit (signed int) set of flags, most of which are unused.

Bit Name Description
0x00000001 STATIC_PROP_FLAGS_EX_DISABLE_SHADOW_DEPTH Set if disableshadowdepth is enabled.
0x00000002 STATIC_PROP_FLAGS_EX_DISABLE_CSM Automatically set at runtime
0x00000004 STATIC_PROP_FLAGS_EX_ENABLE_LIGHT_BOUNCE Set if enablelightbounce is enabled.

See also