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Character on left, VertexLitGeneric on right.

Character is a Vertex shader available in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. Shares most generic parameters of VertexLitGeneric. It takes advantage of mask textures to tune rimlighting, phong shading and other parameters.

Tip.pngTip:It might be a good idea to look at Valve vmts of new Player Models inside the vpk files, to get better understanding how to structure your Character shader vmt.

Supported Parameters

Textures & Masks

Diffuse mask.
Normal map.
Specular reflection mask.
Red channel - $rimlight mask
Green channel - Phong Albedo mask
Blue channel - $metalness mask
Alpha channel - $warpindex mask
Red channel - Shadow saturation mask
Green channel - Angle of Anisotropy,as if the mask value > 0.the mask value * 3.14159 to get angle .
Blue channel - $envmap light scale
Alpha channel - Retroreflectivity
Phong warp texture.
BlinnPhong&AmbientReflection fresnel mapping texture

Unique Envmap Parameters

Note.pngNote:In addition to all previous VertexLitGeneric parameters.
How much the surface's lightmap tints the specular reflection. A value between 0 (off) and 1 (no reflection with completely black lightmap) determines how much the reflection is tinted; values above 1 are permitted but seem to actually start inverting the effect.
Thresholds for the lightmap reflection tinting effect. Setting the minimum value higher increases the minimum light amount at which the reflection gets nerfed to nothing.

Unique Phong Parameters

Note.pngNote:In addition to all previous VertexLitGeneric parameters.
Phong albedo overbrightening factor.

Unique Rimlight Parameters

Note.pngNote:In addition to all previous VertexLitGeneric parameters.
Rimlight albedo overbrightening factor.
Color tint of the rimlight.
Controls the strength of fake rimlight that doesn't use ambient color (visible in pitch black).
Color of the fake rimlight.
Scale of the rimlight halo.
Default value [0.4 0.5 0.5 0.6] controls the blending between light levels.

Ambient Reflection Parameters

Note.pngNote: Ambient Reflection is similiar to rimlighting.
Controls the strength of ambient light on the model.
Color tint of the ambient reflections on the model.
[Todo] Default value [0 42 0]

Shadow Parameters

Extra boost for rimlight in shadow.
Controls the saturation of shadows.
Default value [0.4 0.5 0.5 0.6] controls shadow (color desaturation) blending between light to mid to dark levels.
Tints the color of shadows on the model. Uses [R G B A], alpha is shadow strength.
Controls the contrast of shadows.

Miscellaneous Parameters

Changes the hue of the model.
Metalness is just a negative multiply on the albedo.
Note.pngNote:Doesn't do anything if $masks1 is used.
Tell shader a float value as V coord of specular or fresnel warp texuture .
Note.pngNote:Doesn't do anything if $masks1 is used.
Controls how much anisotropic lighting tints the model.