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Walkbehind.png Hello I'm a mapper/modder/3d modeler/artist usually on the site looking up information and occasionally adding information regarding anything I could contribute (Whew!). If you need to contact me, feel free to post in the discussion.

You can contact also me Through one of these other sites as well

Steam Profile

YouTube Channel

TWP Profile

Mod DB Profile

Article Contributions

Hammer Menus

Engine Tools


Console Commands

Note.pngNote:If there is any questions or if somthing is vague in one of these articles. Don't hesitate! Say so in the discussion page.

Current Projects

VDC Related

Documentaion of the engine tools (Whatever is left to document)
Alternative Multi-Stop Elevator (Different solution to the current Multi-stop elevators tutorial)


We will announce our mod when ready to do so (When we get to Beta)
(Small Hint: Runs off the source engine)


I'm currently building a QC script generating tool to quickly and simply make qc files (as well as batch files) used for compiling models. It will also automatically create the directories you define for the model your working on. Setup is also easy. It automatically configures itself to your computer without a need to install it, giving anybody more flexibility. Bottom line, faster model creation with an easier tool. The QC Generator tool will support Source 2006 all the way to the latest valve game. It will also directly connect with the appropriate utilities that exists in within the source sdk/Authoring tools. I do plan to release it in the upcoming months once all of the kinks are worked out of it.

Let me know what features you would think would be helpful in making models easier!

QC Gen utility