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Icon-translate.png Available doc translations
Page history

Description & Usage

Note.pngNote:The Wikipedia icon pipe trick can also be used, but it will be less clear that the link goes to Wikipedia. See also: Help:Linking.

This template is a faster way to link to Wikipedia articles. Normally if you want to link to a Wikipedia article such as Wikipedia icon IMI Desert Eagle, you have to write the entire title twice [[w:IMI Desert Eagle|IMI Desert Eagle]] and it's a hassle. This template skips that step when the displayed text will be the same as the title of the article you are linking to, and it also adds a handy icon to make it clear to the reader that the link goes to Wikipedia, instead of somewhere internal.

To link to another language page of Wikipedia, use: {{Wiki|<lang-prefix>:ARTICLE}}, see the example below.

Note.pngNote:{{wikipedia}} and {{w}} redirect to {{wiki}}, so they're equivalent.


Parameter Description Example Preview
No Parameters Creates a link to Wikipedia Home page with language selection.
{{{1}}} Full name of the article on Wikipedia.
{{wiki|Valve Corporation}}
{{{2}}} Alternative name of the link.
{{wiki|Valve Corporation|Valve}}
{{wiki|es:Half-Life 2|HL2 (Spanish Wikipedia)}}
Wikipedia icon Valve
{{{section}}} The section to link to (also works with {{{2}}}).
{{wiki|Half-Life 2|section=Gameplay}}
Hide/shows the icon.
Values: show (default), hide
Wikipedia icon Wikipedia
Wikipedia icon 

See also

Cross-wiki link templates
Template Preview
Wikipedia icon Wikipedia
{{cow}} Combine overwiki icon.png Combine OverWiki
{{l4dwiki}} Left 4 Dead Wiki Left 4 Dead Wiki
{{pcgw}} Pcgw icon.png PCGamingWiki
{{portalwiki}} Portalwiki icon.png Portal Wiki
{{sboxwiki}} S&box icon.png S&Box Wiki
{{tfwiki}} Tfwiki favicon.png Team Fortress Wiki
{{twhl}} Twhl hammer emote.png TWHL Wiki
{{quakewiki}} Quake1-16px.png Quake Wiki
{{cswiki}} Counter-Strike Wiki Counter-Strike Wiki
Social media link templates
Template Preview
{{bluesky}} Bluesky Bluesky
{{discord}} Discord logo Discord
{{reddit}} Reddit logo Reddit
{{steam community}} Steam Community Steam Community
{{twitch}} Twitch logo Twitch
Logo for X X (Twitter)
{{youtube}} YouTube logo YouTube
Storefront link templates
Template Preview
{{steam store}} Steam Store Steam Store
Epic Games Store Epic Games Store
{{gplay}} Google Play Google Play
{{gog}} GOG.com GOG.com
{{ms store}}
(PC, Xbox One Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S)
Microsoft Store Microsoft Store
{{xbox store}}
(Xbox 360 Xbox 360)
Xbox Marketplace Xbox Marketplace
{{nintendo store}} Nintendo Store Nintendo Store
Other link templates
Template Preview
{{steam}} Steam Protocol
{{github}} GitHub GitHub
{{gamebanana}} ModDB GameBanana
{{moddb}} ModDB ModDB
{{rtsl}} rtsl RTSL
{{protondb}} ProtonDB ProtonDB
SteamDB SteamDB
Google Drive Google Drive

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