Template:External link templates

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If the pages have been created, purge the cache of this page to remove redlinks. Do the same for all pages that this template is used on.

Cross-wiki link templates
Template Preview Purge cache
Wikipedia icon Wikipedia Purge cache
{{cow}} Combine overwiki icon.png Combine OverWiki Purge cache
{{l4dwiki}} Left 4 Dead Wiki Left 4 Dead Wiki Purge cache
{{pcgw}} Pcgw icon.png PCGamingWiki Purge cache
{{portalwiki}} Portalwiki icon.png Portal Wiki Purge cache
{{sboxwiki}} S&box icon.png S&Box Wiki Purge cache
{{tfwiki}} Tfwiki favicon.png Team Fortress Wiki Purge cache
{{twhl}} Twhl hammer emote.png TWHL Wiki Purge cache
{{quakewiki}} Quake1-16px.png Quake Wiki Purge cache
{{cswiki}} Counter-Strike Wiki Counter-Strike Wiki Purge cache
Social media link templates
Template Preview Purge cache
{{bluesky}} Bluesky Bluesky Purge cache
{{discord}} Discord logo Discord Purge cache
{{reddit}} Reddit logo Reddit Purge cache
{{steam community}} Steam Community Steam Community Purge cache
{{twitch}} Twitch logo Twitch Purge cache
Logo for X X (Twitter) Purge cache
{{youtube}} YouTube logo YouTube Purge cache
Storefront link templates
Template Preview Purge cache
{{steam store}} Steam Store Steam Store Purge cache
Epic Games Store Epic Games Store Purge cache
{{gplay}} Google Play Google Play Purge cache
{{gog}} GOG.com GOG.com Purge cache
{{ms store}} Microsoft Store Microsoft Store Purge cache
{{nintendo store}} Nintendo Store Nintendo Store Purge cache
Other link templates
Template Preview Purge cache
{{steam}} Steam Protocol Purge cache
[email protected] Purge cache
{{github}} GitHub GitHub Purge cache
{{gamebanana}} ModDB GameBanana Purge cache
{{moddb}} ModDB ModDB Purge cache
{{rtsl}} rtsl RTSL Purge cache
{{protondb}} ProtonDB ProtonDB Purge cache
SteamDB SteamDB Purge cache
Google Drive Google Drive Purge cache

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