Alien Swarm: Reactive Drop/Scripting/Script Functions

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Squirrel This list contains the engine-related Squirrel classes, functions and variables available for VScript in Alien Swarm: Reactive Drop Alien Swarm: Reactive Drop.


Instance Type Description
Convars Convars Provides an interface to read and change the values of console variables.
Director CDirector Provides a limited interface to the Director.
Entities CEntities Provides access to currently spawned entities.
EntityOutputs CScriptEntityOutputs Allows reading entity output data.
g_ModeScript table Script scope for mode specific vscripts. Only available in Challenges.
InfoNodes CScriptInfoNodes Allows reading info_node data.
MissionChooser CASW_Mission_Chooser_VScript Provides an interface for querying campaigns, missions, and challenges on the server.
Deathmatch CASW_Deathmatch_VScript Allows challenge modes to modify deathmatch scores.
NetProps CNetPropManager Allows reading and updating the network properties of an entity.
ResponseCriteria CScriptResponseCriteria Allows reading the response criteria of an entity.
TempEnts CScriptTempEnts Allows creating Temporary Entities on clients.


Instance Type Description
_charsize_ integer
_floatsize_ integer
_intsize_ integer
_version_ string The version of squirrel.
_versionnumber_ integer The version of squirrel as an integer.
RAND_MAX integer



This is a script handle class for entities. All entities spawned have a script handle using this or one of its subclasses.

All script handles in-game are accessible from Entities. Entity Scripts can use self to access their own script handle.


Function Signature Description
__KeyValueFromInt bool __KeyValueFromInt(string key, int value) Sets an entity Keyvalue from an integer. This simply changes the value without executing any code that may be needed for the entity to process the KeyValue, so there may be unintended side effects.
__KeyValueFromFloat bool __KeyValueFromFloat(string key, float value) Sets an entity Keyvalue from a float. This simply changes the value without executing any code that may be needed for the entity to process the KeyValue, so there may be unintended side effects.
__KeyValueFromString bool __KeyValueFromString(string key, string value) Sets an entity Keyvalue from a string. This simply changes the value without executing any code that may be needed for the entity to process the KeyValue, so there may be unintended side effects.
__KeyValueFromVector bool __KeyValueFromVector(string key, Vector value) Sets an entity Keyvalue from a Vector. This simply changes the value without executing any code that may be needed for the entity to process the KeyValue, so there may be unintended side effects.
Activate void Activate() Activates the spawned entity.
ClearParent void ClearParent() Clears the entity's move parent.
ConnectOutput void ConnectOutput(string output, string function) Adds an I/O connection that will call the named function when the specified output fires.
DisconnectOutput void DisconnectOutput(string output, string function) Removes a connected script function from an I/O event.
Destroy void Destroy() Deletes the entity.
DispatchParticleEffect void DispatchParticleEffect(string name) Spawns a particle effect that follows the origin of this entity.
DispatchParticleEffectLink void DispatchParticleEffectLink(string name, handle otherEntity) Spawns a particle effect that follows the origin of this entity and has another entity's origin as control point 1.
DispatchParticleEffectCP1 void DispatchParticleEffectCP1(string name, Vector cp1) Spawns a particle effect at the origin of this entity with a specific offset for control point 1.
StopParticleEffect void StopParticleEffect(string name) Removes a particle effect from this entity by name.
StopParticleEffects void StopParticleEffects() Removes all particle effects from this entity.
EmitSound void EmitSound(string soundScript) Plays a sound from this entity.
EmitSoundTable void EmitSoundTable(string soundScript, table options) Plays a sound from this entity. Options that can be specified: caption (true or false), channel (one of the CHAN_ constants such as CHAN_AUTO), delay (number), origin (Vector), pitch (one of the PITCH_ constants such as PITCH_NORM or a number from 1 to 255), recipient (a player or character entity handle), soundlevel (one of the SNDLVL_ constants such as SNDLVL_GUNFIRE or a number of decibels - affects distance the sound can be heard from, not volume), volume (number from 0 to 1)
entindex int entindex() Returns the entity index.
EyePosition Vector EyePosition() Get vector to the eye position - absolute coordinates.
FirstMoveChild handle FirstMoveChild() [Todo]
GetAngles Vector GetAngles() Get the entity pitch, yaw, roll as a Vector object.
GetAngularVelocity Vector GetAngularVelocity() Get the local angular velocity - returns a Vector of pitch, yaw, roll.
GetBoundingMaxs Vector GetBoundingMaxs() Returns the maximum extent of the entity bounding box as a local vector.
GetBoundingMins Vector GetBoundingMins() Returns the maximum extent of the entity bounding box as a local vector.
GetCenter Vector GetCenter() Returns a local vector of the bounding box center.
GetClassname string GetClassname() Returns the entity class. This includes player.
GetContext string GetContext() Looks up a response context and returns it if available. May return string or null (if the context isn't found).
GetForwardVector Vector GetForwardVector() Get the forward vector of the entity.
GetHealth int GetHealth() Returns the current health.
GetKeyValue variable GetKeyValue(string key) Returns the entity's Keyvalue.
GetLeftVector Vector GetLeftVector() Get the left vector of the entity.
GetLocalAngles Vector GetLocalAngles() Get entity pitch, yaw, roll relative to the parent as a vector.
GetLocalOrigin Vector GetLocalOrigin() Returns the Entity position in the world relative to the parent as a vector.
GetMaxHealth int GetMaxHealth() Returns the maximum health.
GetModelKeyValues Keyvalues GetModelKeyValues() Returns the [$keyvalues] block of the entitys model as a #Keyvalues object. Note that this is not the keyvalues of the entity itself.
GetModelName string GetModelName() Returns the file name of the entitys model.
GetMoveParent CBaseEntity GetMoveParent() If in hierarchy, retrieves the entitys parent.
GetName string GetName() Returns the targetname of the entity.
GetOrigin Vector GetOrigin() Returns the Entity position in the world.
GetOwner handle GetOwner() Gets this entity's owner. (seems to only be useful if you have used SetOwner() previously on this entity, could be wrong)
GetPreTemplateName string GetPreTemplateName() Get the entity name stripped of template unique decoration.
GetRootMoveParent handle GetRootMoveParent() If in hierarchy, walks up the hierarchy to find the root parent.
GetScriptId string GetScriptId() Retrieve the unique identifier used to refer to the entity within the scripting system.
GetScriptScope handle GetScriptScope() Retrieve the table storing the Entity Script data associated with this entity.
GetSoundDuration float GetSoundDuration(string soundName, string actorModelName = "") Returns float duration of the sound. Takes soundname and optional actormodelname.
GetTeam int GetTeam() Returns the team number of an entity.
GetUpVector Vector GetUpVector() Get the up vector of the entity.
GetVelocity Vector GetVelocity() Returns a local velocity Vector.
IsAlien bool IsAlien() Whether the handle belongs to an alien class.
IsValid bool IsValid() Whether the handle belongs to a valid entity.
NextMovePeer handle NextMovePeer()
PrecacheModel int PrecacheModel(string modelPath) Precache a model after the map has loaded and return index of the model.
PrecacheSoundScript void PrecacheSoundScript(string soundScript) Precache a sound for later playing.
SetAbsOrigin void SetAbsOrigin(Vector position) Same as SetOrigin().
SetAngles void SetAngles(float pitch, float yaw, float roll) Set entity pitch, yaw, roll. Note that it doesn't take a Vector object.
SetAnglesVector void SetAnglesVector(Vector angles) Set entity pitch, yaw, roll from a vector.
SetAngularVelocity void SetAngularVelocity(float pitch, float yaw, float roll) Set the local angular velocity - takes float pitch, yaw, roll velocities.
SetCollisionGroup void SetCollisionGroup(int collisionGroup) Sets the entity's collision group.
SetContext void SetContext(string name, string value, float duration) Stores any key/value pair in this entity's dialog contexts. Value must be a string. Will last for duration (set 0 to mean 'forever').
SetForwardVector void SetForwardVector(Vector forwardVector) Set the orientation of the entity to have this forward vector.
SetHealth void SetHealth(int newHealth) Sets the current health.
SetLocalAngles void SetLocalAngles(float pitch, float yaw, float roll) Set entity pitch, yaw, roll relative to the parent. Note that it doesn't take a Vector object.
SetLocalOrigin void SetLocalOrigin(Vector position) Moves the entity to this global position vector relative to the parent.
SetMaxHealth void SetMaxHealth(int maxHealth) Sets a new maximum health.
SetModel void SetModel(string modelName) Changes the model of the entity. Does not Precache the model.
Todo: Check for side effects
SetName void SetName() Sets the targetname of the entity.
SetOrigin void SetOrigin(Vector position) Moves the entity to this global position vector.
SetOwner void SetOwner(handle owner) Sets this entity's owner.
SetParent void SetParent(CBaseEntity entity) Sets an entity as another entity's move parent.
SetSize void SetSize(Vector, Vector) [Todo]
SetTeam void SetTeam(int teamNumber) Instantly switches an entity's team.
SetVelocity void SetVelocity(Vector velocity) Gives the entity a new local velocity.
Spawn void Spawn() Spawns the entity into the game.
StopSound void StopSound(string soundName) Stop sound from entity.
TakeDamage void TakeDamage(float damage, int damageType, CBaseEntity attacker) Damages the entity.
TakeDamageParams void TakeDamageParams(handle inflictor, handle attacker, handle weapon, Vector vecDmgForce, Vector vecDmgPosition, float damage, int dmgType) Damages the entity, with additional parameters.
ValidateScriptScope bool ValidateScriptScope() Ensure that an entity's script scope has been created.


If one of these functions are declared in an Entity Script, the entity will run this function automatically in the appropriate situation.

Function Signature Description
InputInputName bool InputInputName() Called when the entity receives an input from the I/O system. The name of the function needs to be Input followed by the name of the input in CamelCase, for example InputFireUser1 for the FireUser1 input. When the function is called, the activating and calling entities Script Handles are written to the receiving entitys Script Scope in the activator and caller variables. The function needs to return a boolean value. Setting it to true allows the entity to process the input, while false cancels it.
OnPostSpawn void OnPostSpawn() Called immediately after the entity spawns. This could be used to have an entity register itself with a master script, or adjusting the entity parameters in a programmatic way.
Precache void Precache() Called after the script executes. Can be used to call precache functions for models and sounds on map load.


Extends CBaseEntity

Script handle class for animating entities such as props.


Function Signature Description
DispatchParticleEffectAttachment void DispatchParticleEffectAttachment(string name, string attachment) Spawn a particle effect that follows an attachment point of this entity.
DispatchParticleEffectAttachmentLink void DispatchParticleEffectAttachmentLink(string name, string attachment, handle otherEntity) Spawns a particle effect that follows an attachment point of this entity and has another entity's origin as control point 1.
GetAttachmentAngles Vector GetAttachmentAngles(int id) Get the attachment ID's angles as a pitch, yaw, roll vector.
GetAttachmentBone int GetAttachmentBone(int id) Gets the bone for an attachment.
GetAttachmentOrigin Vector GetAttachmentOrigin(int id) Get the attachment ID's origin vector.
GetBodygroup int GetBodygroup(int group) Get the bodygroup.
GetBodygroupName string GetBodygroupName(int group) Get the name of the bodygroup.
GetBodygroupPartName string GetBodygroupPartName(int group, int part) Get the part name of the bodygroup.
GetBoneAngles Vector GetBoneAngles(int bone_id) Get the bone id's angles.
GetBoneOrigin Vector GetBoneOrigin(int bone_id) Get the bone id's origin vector.
GetModelScale float GetModelScale() Get scale of entity's model.
GetSequence int GetSequence() Get the active sequence.
GetSequenceActivityName string GetSequenceActivityName(int sequence_id) Get the activity name of the sequence.
GetSequenceDuration float GetSequenceDuration(int sequence_id) Returns the duration in seconds of the passed sequence.
GetSequenceName string GetSequenceName(int sequence_id) Returns the name of the sequence.
IsSequenceFinished bool IsSequenceFinished() Ask whether the main sequence is done playing.
LookupActivity int LookupActivity(string activityName) Get the named activity ID.
LookupAttachment int LookupAttachment(string attachmentName) Get the named attachment ID.
LookupBone int LookupBone(string boneName) Get the named bone ID.
LookupSequence int LookupSequence(string sequenceName) Get the named sequence ID.
ResetSequence void ResetSequence(int sequence_id) Sets the active sequence, resetting the current cycle.
SetBodygroup void SetBodygroup(int groupIndex, int value) Sets the models bodygroup value by index.
Todo: How do you find the index?
SetModelScale void SetModelScale(float scale, float changeDuration) Sets the model's scale with change duration.
SetPoseParameter float SetPoseParameter(string name, float value) Set the specified pose parameter to the specified value.
SetSequence void SetSequence(int sequence_id) Sets the active sequence, keeping the current cycle.
StopAnimation void StopAnimation() Stop the current animation by setting playback rate to 0.0.


Extends CBaseAnimating


Function Signature Description
GetCurrentScene handle GetCurrentScene() Returns the instance of the oldest active scene entity (if any).
GetSceneByIndex handle GetSceneByIndex(int index) Returns the instance of the scene entity at the specified index.


Extends CBaseAnimating


Function Signature Description
GetNetworkIDString string GetNetworkIDString() Get the player's network (i.e. Steam) ID.
GetPlayerName string GetPlayerName() Get the players name.
GetPlayerUserID string GetPlayerUserID() Get the players userID.
IsNoclipping bool IsNoclipping() Returns true if the player is in noclip mode.


Extends CBasePlayer


Function Signature Description
FindPickerEntity CBaseEntity FindPickerEntity() Finds the nearest entity in front of the player.
GetCrosshairTracePos Vector GetCrosshairTracePos() Returns the world location directly beneath the player's crosshair.
GetMarine (Shared) CASW_Marine GetMarine() Returns the marine the player is commanding.
GetNPC (Shared) CBaseEntity GetNPC() Returns entity the player is inhabiting.
SetNPC void SetNPC(handle entity) Sets the player's inhabiting entity.
GetSpectatingNPC (Shared) CBaseEntity GetSpectatingNPC() Returns entity the player is spectating.
SetSpectatingNPC void SetSpectatingNPC(handle entity) Sets the player's spectating entity.
GetViewNPC (Shared) CBaseEntity GetViewNPC() Returns entity the player is spectating, else will return inhabiting entity.
ResurrectMarine CASW_Marine ResurrectMarine(Vector position, bool bEffect) Resurrect the marine.


Extends CBaseAnimating


Function Signature Description
RemoveAllAmmo void RemoveAllAmmo() Removes all ammo for the character.


Extends CBaseCombatCharacter


Function Signature Description
IsInhabited bool IsInhabited() Removes true if this character is being controlled by a player.
GetCommander CASW_Player GetCommander() Returns the player who "owns" this character, for example the player who is playing as a marine or who added a marine bot to the lobby.
SetControls void SetControls(int controls) Sets this character to use a specific control scheme. -1 = use asw_controls convar, 0 = first person, 1 = top-down, 2 = third person
SetFogController void SetFogController(entity) Force this character to use a specific env_fog_controller entity.
SetPostProcessController void SetPostProcessController(entity) Force this character to use a specific postprocess_controller entity.
SetColorCorrection void SetColorCorrection(entity) Force this character to use a specific color_correction entity.
SetTonemapController void SetTonemapController(entity) Force this character to use a specific env_tonemap_controller entity.
SetGlow void SetGlow(Vector color, float alpha, bool glowWhenOccluded, bool glowWhenUnoccluded, bool fullBloom) Make this character glow when occluded or when unoccluded. Does not affect cases where the character would glow due to built-in game logic.
ClearOrders void ClearOrders() Clear the alien's orders.
OrderMoveTo void OrderMoveTo(entity orderObject, bool ignoreMarines) Order the alien to chase an entity.
ChaseNearestMarine void ChaseNearestMarine() Order the alien to chase the nearest marine.
Extinguish void Extinguish() Put out a fire.
Ignite void Ignite(float duration) Set a character on fire.
Thaw void Thaw(float amount) Unfreeze this character.
Freeze void Freeze(float amount) Freeze this character.
ElectroStun void ElectroStun(float duration) Electrocute this character.
Wake void Wake() Wake up this character's AI.
SetSpawnZombineOnMarineKill void SetSpawnZombineOnMarineKill(bool spawnZombine) Sets this character to spawn a zombie marine if it kills a marine.
SetHealthBarColor void SetHealthBarColor(int r, int g, int b, int a) Sets the health bar color. Cheaper than spawning an asw_health_bar. Set alpha to 0 to disable the health bar.
SetHealthBarScale void SetHealthBarScale(float scale) Sets the health bar scale. Negative scales hide the health bar if the alien's health is full.
SetHealthBarOffset void SetHealthBarOffset(Vector offset) Sets the health bar offset in local space.


Extends CBaseEntity

Entity class for triggers.


Function Signature Description
Disable void Disable() Disable the trigger
Enable void Enable() Enable the trigger
IsTouching bool IsTouching(handle entity) Checks whether the passed entity is touching the trigger.
GetNumTouching int GetNumTouching() Returns the number of entities currently touching the trigger.
GetTouching handle GetTouching(int index) Returns an entity currently touching the trigger. If index is not from 0 to GetNumTouching() - 1, returns null.


Extends CASW_Inhabitable_NPC


Function Signature Description
AddSlowHeal void AddSlowHeal(int health, float healratescale, handle healer, handle weapon) Heals the marine. Medic and weapon can be null, those are used for stats.
BecomeInfested void BecomeInfested() Infests the marine.
CureInfestation void CureInfestation() Cures an infestation.
DropWeapon void DropWeapon(int slot) Makes the marine drop a weapon.
Extinguish void Extinguish() Extinguish a burning marine.
GetCommander CBasePlayer GetCommander() Get the player that owns the marine.
GetInventoryTable void GetInventoryTable(table) Fills the passed table with the marine's inventory.
GetInvTable table GetInvTable() -DEPRECATED- Returns a table of the marine's inventory data.
GetMarineName string GetMarineName() -DEPRECATED- Returns the translated marine name. This changes based on the host's game language.
GetMarineProfile int GetMarineProfile() Returns an integer representing which marine profile is in use. Constants are available: ASW_MARINE_PROFILE_SARGE, ASW_MARINE_PROFILE_WILDCAT, ASW_MARINE_PROFILE_FAITH, etc.
GiveAmmo void GiveAmmo(int amount, int ammoIndex) Gives the marine ammo for the specified ammo index.
GiveWeapon void GiveWeapon(string weaponName, int slot) Gives the marine a weapon.
Ignite void Ignite(float duration) Ignites the marine into flames.
IsInhabited bool IsInhabited() True if the marine is a player, false if the marine is a bot.
Knockdown void Knockdown(Vector velocity) Knocks down the marine with desired velocity.
OrderMoveTo void OrderMoveTo(float yaw, Vector position) Order an uninhabited marine to move to this position.
RemoveWeapon void RemoveWeapon(int slot) Removes a weapon from the marine.
SetKnockedOut void SetKnockedOut(bool knockedOut) Used to knock out and incapacitate a marine, or revive them.
Speak void Speak(string concept, float delay, string criteria) Makes the marine speak a response rules concept.
SwitchWeapon bool SwitchWeapon(int slot) Make the marine switch to a weapon.
SetMarineRolls void SetMarineRolls(bool bRolls) Send true to make a marine roll when the player presses the roll button, send false to make a marine jump (Changing asw_marine_rolls ConVar overrides all marines' roll/jump behavior).
SetSpawnZombineOnDeath void SetSpawnZombineOnDeath(bool bSpawn) Makes a zombine spawn when the marine dies.
SetColorCorrection void SetColorCorrection(handle entity) Force this character to use a specific color_correction.
SetFogController void SetFogController(handle entity) Force this character to use a specific env_fog_controller.
SetPostProcessController void SetPostProcessController(handle entity) Force this character to use a specific postprocess_controller.
SetTonemapController void SetTonemapController(handle entity) Force this character to use a specific env_tonemap_controller.

Example of how a script writer might set up the handles, with a table g_fx_t (For SetColorCorrection, SetFogController, SetPostProcessController, SetTonemapController functions usage).

function OnMissionStart()

g_fx_t <- {};

function InitFXTable()
// color corrections
	local cc_kvs_t = 
		// shouldnt be edited
		maxfalloff = -1
		spawnflags = 2
		// can be edited
		fadeOutDuration = 0.5
		filename = "scripts/colorcorrection/cc_std_sepia.raw"
	g_fx_t[ "cc_sepia" ] <- SpawnEntityFromTable( "color_correction", cc_kvs_t );
	cc_kvs_t[ "filename" ] = "scripts/colorcorrection/infested_green.raw";
	g_fx_t[ "cc_red" ] <- SpawnEntityFromTable( "color_correction", cc_kvs_t );
// fog controllers
	local fog_kvs_t =
		// shouldnt be edited
		fogenable = 1
		// can be edited
		foglerptime = 0
		fogstart = 500
		fogend = 2000
		fogcolor = "192 70 70"
		fogmaxdensity = 0.4
	g_fx_t[ "fog_red" ] <- SpawnEntityFromTable( "env_fog_controller", fog_kvs_t );
	fog_kvs_t[ "fogcolor" ] = "50 255 50";
	fog_kvs_t[ "fogstart" ] = 0;
	g_fx_t[ "fog_green" ] <- SpawnEntityFromTable( "env_fog_controller", fog_kvs_t );

// postprocess controllers
	local pp_kvs_t =
		// can be edited
		fadetime = 0.25
		localcontrastedgestrength = 3
		localcontraststrength = 3
		fadetoblackstrength = 0
		screenblurstrength = 0
		depthblurstrength = 0
		depthblurfocaldistance = 0
	g_fx_t[ "pp_contrast_high" ] <- SpawnEntityFromTable( "postprocess_controller", pp_kvs_t );
	pp_kvs_t[ "localcontrastedgestrength" ] = 0;
	pp_kvs_t[ "localcontraststrength" ] = 0;
	pp_kvs_t[ "fadetoblackstrength" ] = 0.5;
	pp_kvs_t[ "screenblurstrength" ] = 0.55;
	pp_kvs_t[ "depthblurstrength" ] = 0.2;
	pp_kvs_t[ "depthblurfocaldistance" ] = 0.9;
	g_fx_t[ "pp_blurry" ] <- SpawnEntityFromTable( "postprocess_controller", pp_kvs_t );

// tonemap controllers a little more tricky, have no keyvalues so we are playing with netprops
	local hTNMP = Entities.CreateByClassname( "env_tonemap_controller" );
	NetProps.SetPropBool( hTNMP, "m_bUseCustomAutoExposureMin", true );
	NetProps.SetPropBool( hTNMP, "m_bUseCustomAutoExposureMax", true );
	NetProps.SetPropBool( hTNMP, "m_bUseCustomManualTonemapRate", true );
	NetProps.SetPropFloat( hTNMP, "m_flCustomManualTonemapRate", 0.0 );
	NetProps.SetPropFloat( hTNMP, "m_flCustomAutoExposureMin", 0.0 );
	NetProps.SetPropFloat( hTNMP, "m_flCustomAutoExposureMax", 0.0 );
	g_fx_t[ "tnmp_dark" ] <- hTNMP;

Accessing the handles example:

function OnGameEvent_marine_infested( params )
	local hMarine = EntIndexToHScript( params[ "entindex" ] );
	hMarine.SetFogController( g_fx_t[ "fog_green" ] );
	hMarine.SetPostProcessController( g_fx_t[ "pp_blurry" ] );
	hMarine.SetTonemapController( g_fx_t[ "tnmp_dark" ] );

function OnGameEvent_marine_infested_cured( params )
	local hMarine = EntIndexToHScript( params[ "entindex" ] );
	hMarine.SetFogController( null );
	hMarine.SetPostProcessController( null );
	hMarine.SetTonemapController( null );


Extends CASW_Inhabitable_NPC


Function Signature Description
ChaseNearestMarine void ChaseNearestMarine() Order the alien to chase the nearest marine.
ClearOrders void ClearOrders() Clear the alien's orders.
ElectroStun void ElectroStun(float duration) Stuns the alien.
Extinguish void Extinguish() Extinguish a burning alien.
Freeze void Freeze(float freezeTime) Freezes the alien.
Ignite void Ignite(float duration) Ignites the alien into flames.
OrderMoveTo bool OrderMoveTo(handle entity, bool ignoreMarines) Order the alien to move to an entity handle, second parameter ignore marines.
Wake void Wake(bool bFireOutput) Wake up the alien, with option to fire output.
SetSpawnZombineOnMarineKill void SetSpawnZombineOnMarineKill(bool bSpawn) Makes a zombine spawn after killing a marine.


Extends CASW_Alien


Function Signature Description
JumpAttack void JumpAttack() Jump and attack something.


Extends CASW_Inhabitable_NPC


Function Signature Description
ChaseNearestMarine void ChaseNearestMarine() Order the buzzer to chase the nearest marine.
ClearOrders void ClearOrders() Clear the buzzer's orders.
ElectroStun void ElectroStun(float duration) Stuns the buzzer.
Extinguish void Extinguish() Extinguish a burning buzzer.
Freeze void Freeze(float freezeTime) Freezes the buzzer.
Ignite void Ignite(float duration) Ignites the buzzer into flames.
OrderMoveTo bool OrderMoveTo(handle entity, bool ignoreMarines) Order the buzzer to move to an entity handle, second parameter ignore marines.
Wake void Wake(bool bFireOutput) Wake up the buzzer, with option to fire output.


Extends CASW_Inhabitable_NPC


Function Signature Description
BecomeInfested void BecomeInfested() Infests the colonist.
CureInfestation void CureInfestation() Cures an infestation.
DropWeapon void DropWeapon() Makes the colonist drop a weapon.
Extinguish void Extinguish() Extinguish a burning colonist.
GiveWeapon void GiveWeapon(string weaponName) Gives the colonist a weapon.
Ignite void Ignite(float duration) Ignites the colonist into flames.
RemoveWeapon void RemoveWeapon() Removes a weapon from the colonist.


Extends CBaseAnimating


Function Signature Description
Clip1 int Clip1() Get the weapon's current primary clip. Note: also used to get the offhand item's count.
Clip2 int Clip2() Get the weapon's current secondary clip.
GetClips int GetClips() Get the amount of clips for weapon.
GetDefaultClip1 int GetDefaultClip1() Get the weapon's default primary clip. Note: also used to get the offhand item's default count.
GetDefaultClip2 int GetDefaultClip2() Get the weapon's default secondary clip.
GetMaxAmmo1 int GetMaxAmmo1() Get max primary ammo for weapon.
GetMaxAmmo2 int GetMaxAmmo2() Get max secondary ammo for weapon.
GetMaxClip1 int GetMaxClip1() Get max primary clip for weapon. Note: also used to get the offhand item's max count.
GetMaxClip2 int GetMaxClip2() Get max secondary clip for weapon.
GetMaxClips int GetMaxClips() Get max total clips for weapon.
SetClip1 void SetClip1(int amount) Set weapon's primary clip. Note: also used to set the offhand item's count.
SetClip2 void SetClip2(int amount) Set weapon's secondary clip.
SetClips void SetClips(int amount) Set weapon's total clips.


Extends CBaseAnimating


Function Signature Description
GetAmmo int GetAmmo() Get the sentry's current ammo.
GetMaxAmmo int GetMaxAmmo() Get the sentry's max allowed ammo.
GetSentryTop CASW_Sentry_Top GetSentryTop() Get a handle of the sentry's top.
SetAmmo void SetAmmo() Set the sentry's current ammo.


Extends CBaseAnimating


Function Signature Description
PreventFiringUntil void PreventFiringUntil(float nextFireTime) Prevents sentry from firing until the time set.


Extends CASW_Weapon


Function Signature Description
GetSentryAmmo int GetSentryAmmo() Returns the amount of ammo for the contained sentry.
SetSentryAmmo void SetSentryAmmo(int nAmmo) Changes the amount of ammo for the contained sentry.


Extends CBaseEntity


Function Signature Description
FindLink CAI_Link FindLink() Returns the node link or null if not found.
GetDestNode CAI_Node GetDestNode() Returns the node on the other end of the link.
GetSrcNode CAI_Node GetSrcNode() Returns the node that 'owns' this link.
IsLinkValid bool IsLinkValid() Returns true if the dynamic link has a corresponding node link.
TurnOff void TurnOff() Disables node link connections.
TurnOn void TurnOn() Enables node link connections.


This is a script handle class for node links.


Function Signature Description
GetAcceptedMoveTypes int GetAcceptedMoveTypes(int hullType) Get the Capability_T of motions acceptable for passed hull type.
GetDangerCount int GetDangerCount() Returns how many dangerous things are near this link.
GetDestNodeID int GetDestNodeID() Get the ID of the node on the other end of the link.
GetDynamicLink CAI_DynamicLink GetDynamicLink() Returns the info_node_link entity for this link or null if it doesn't exist.
GetLinkInfo int GetLinkInfo() Get other information about this link.
GetSrcNodeID int GetSrcNodeID() Get the ID of the node that 'owns' this link.
GetTimeStaleExpires float GetTimeStaleExpires() Returns the amount of time until this link is available again.
SetAcceptedMoveTypes void SetAcceptedMoveTypes(int hullType, int moveType) Set the Capability_T of motions acceptable for passed hull type.
SetDangerCount void SetDangerCount(int count) Sets how many dangerous things are near this link.
SetLinkInfo void SetLinkInfo(int info) Sets information about this link.
SetTimeStaleExpires void SetTimeStaleExpires(float duration) Sets the amount of time until this link is available again.


This is a script handle class for nodes.


Function Signature Description
AddLink void AddLink(CAI_Link link) Adds a link to this node.
ClearLinks void ClearLinks() Clears all links from node.
DebugDrawNode void DebugDrawNode(int r, int g, int b, float duration) Draw node as a box of the given color for x seconds.
GetId int GetId() Get node ID.
GetInfo int GetInfo() Get node info.
GetLink CAI_Link GetLink(int nodeID) Get link to dest node ID.
GetLinkByIndex CAI_Link GetLinkByIndex(int index) Get link by index.
GetOrigin Vector GetOrigin() Get node origin.
GetPosition Vector GetPosition(int hullType) Get hull specific position for a node.
GetType int GetType() Get node type.
GetYaw float GetYaw() Get node Yaw.
GetZone int GetZone() Get node zone.
IsLocked bool IsLocked() Returns true if node is locked.
Lock void Lock(float duration) Locks the node for x seconds.
NumLinks int NumLinks() Number of links for node.
RemoveLink void RemoveLink(CAI_Link link) Removes a link from this node.
SetInfo void SetInfo(int info) Set node info.
SetType void SetType(int type) Set node type.
SetZone void SetZone(int zone) Set node zone.
Unlock void Unlock() Unlocks the node.


Extends CBaseEntity

Script handle class for env_entity_maker.


Function Signature Description
SpawnEntity void SpawnEntity() Create an entity at the location of the maker
SpawnEntityAtEntityOrigin void SpawnEntityAtEntityOrigin(CBaseEntity entity) Create an entity at the location of a specified entity instance.
SpawnEntityAtLocation void SpawnEntityAtLocation(Vector origin, Vector orientation) Create an entity at a specified location and orientation, orientation is Euler angle in degrees (pitch, yaw, roll).
SpawnEntityAtNamedEntityOrigin void SpawnEntityAtNamedEntityOrigin(string targetName) Create an entity at the location of a named entity.


Extends CBaseEntity

Script handle class for point_template.


table PreSpawnInstance(string entityClass, string entityName)
If this is defined, it will be called right before the entity is created, and any KeyValues returned will be assigned to the entity.
function PreSpawnInstance( entityClass, entityName )
	local keyvalues =
   		rendercolor = "0 255 0"
   		targetname = "mySpawnedEntity"
	return keyvalues
void PostSpawn(table entities)
Called after the entities are spawned. A table with the handles of the spawned entities indexed by name is passed to the function. Could use this to connect outputs or do whatever needs to be done after the entity was created.
function PostSpawn( entities )
	foreach( name, handle in entities )
		printl( name + ": " + handle )


Extends CBaseEntity


Function Signature Description
AddBroadcastTeamTarget void AddBroadcastTeamTarget(int index) Adds a team (by index) to the broadcast list.
EstimateLength float EstimateLength() Returns length of this scene in seconds.
FindNamedEntity handle FindNamedEntity(string reference) given an entity reference, such as !target, get actual entity from scene object.
IsPaused bool IsPaused() If this scene is currently paused.
IsPlayingBack bool IsPlayingBack() If this scene is currently playing.
LoadSceneFromString bool LoadSceneFromString(string sceneName, string scene) Given a dummy scene name and a vcd string, load the scene.
RemoveBroadcastTeamTarget void RemoveBroadcastTeamTarget(int index) Removes a team (by index) from the broadcast list.


Extends CBaseEntity


Function Signature Description
GetFov int GetFov() Get cameras current Field Of View setting as integer.
SetFov void SetFov(int fov, float rate) Set cameras current FOV in integer degrees and FOV change rate as float.


Extends CBaseCombatCharacter


Function Signature Description
Disable void Disable() Disable the grenade.
Enable void Enable() Enable the grenade, different time setting like explosion time correctly adjusted after disable state.
EnableWithReset void EnableWithReset() Enable the grenade, different time setting like explosion time reset like grenade is newly created.
ReflectBack void ReflectBack() Reflect grenade preciselly to firer marine position if marine is alive, ReflectBackSimple used otherwise.
ReflectBackSimple void ReflectBackSimple() Reflect grenade near to initial fire position.
ReflectRandomly void ReflectRandomly() Reflect grenade to random porition.


void ScriptStartCameraShot(string shotType, handle sceneEntity, handle actor1, handle actor2, float duration)
Called from SceneEntity in response to a CChoreoEvent::CAMERA sent from a VCD. [Todo]


Game Instance: Director

Provides methods for reading information and forcing events in the AI Director.


Function Signature Description
FindHordePosition Vector FindHordePosition(bool north) Get a random position where a horde can spawn (returns null on fail).
GetAlienCount int GetAlienCount() Returns number of aliens currently spawned.
GetIntensity float GetIntensity(CBaseEntity marine) Get the intensity value for a marine.
GetMaxIntensity float GetMaxIntensity() Get the maximum intensity value for all living marines.
GetTimeToNextHorde float GetTimeToNextHorde() Get the current number of seconds until the director will try to spawn a horde.
IsOfflineGame bool IsOfflineGame() Return true if game is in single player.
IsSpawningHorde int IsSpawningHorde() Get the number of aliens remaining to spawn in the current horde.
MissionComplete void MissionComplete(bool completed) Completes the mission if true.
ResetIntensity void ResetIntensity(CBaseEntity marine) Reset the intensity value for a marine to zero.
ResetIntensityForAllMarines void ResetIntensityForAllMarines() Reset the intensity value for all marines to zero.
RestartMission void RestartMission() Restarts the mission.
SetTimeToNextHorde void SetTimeToNextHorde(float seconds) Force the horde countdown timer to be set to this number of seconds.
SpawnAlienAt handle SpawnAlienAt(string alienClass, Vector position, Vector angles) Spawn an alien by class name.
SpawnAlienBatch int SpawnAlienBatch(string alienClass, int aliens, Vector position, Vector angles) Spawn a group of aliens by class name.
SpawnAlienAuto bool SpawnAlienAuto(string alienClass) Spawn an alien automatically near the marines.
SpawnHordeSoon void SpawnHordeSoon() Queue a horde to spawn soon (the same logic as when a hack starts).
StartFinale void StartFinale() Spawn a horde every few seconds for the rest of the level.
StartHoldout void StartHoldout() Starts spawning a horde every few seconds until stopped.
StopHoldout void StopHoldout() Stops spawning hordes.
ValidSpawnPoint bool ValidSpawnPoint(Vector position, Vector mins, Vector maxs) Return true if the position is a valid spawn point.
GetMinNPCClassIndex int GetMinNPCClassIndex() Returns the minimum NPC class index. Class indexes that are negative cannot be used in spawners. -1 is reserved for "no class".
GetMaxNPCClassIndex int GetMaxNPCClassIndex() Returns the maximum NPC class index.
GetNPCClassName string GetNPCClassName(int index) Returns the NPC classname associated with a given index.
GetNPCClassIndex int GetNPCClassIndex(string classname) Returns the NPC class index associated with a given classname, or -1 if there is none.
GetNPCHordeSound string GetNPCHordeSound(int index) Returns the horde sound name for a given NPC class index. This can be used to roughly categorize enemies into factions.
GetNPCHullType int GetNPCHullType(int index) Returns the hull type (for example, HULL_MEDIUMBIG) of an NPC class.
GetNPCMins Vector GetNPCMins(int index) Returns the component-wise minimum coordinate on the given NPC class's hull. (For hull traces)
GetNPCMaxs Vector GetNPCMaxs(int index) Returns the component-wise maximum coordinate on the given NPC class's hull. (For hull traces)


Game Instance: Entities

An interface to find and iterate over the script handles for the entities in play.

To iterate over a set of entities, pass null to the previous argument in the appropriate method to start an iteration, or reference to a previously found entity to continue a search.


Function Signature Description
CreateByClassname handle CreateByClassname(string class) Creates an entity by class name.
FindByClassname handle FindByClassname(handle previous, string class) Find entities by class name.
FindByClassnameNearest handle FindByClassnameNearest(string class, Vector origin, float radius) Find the entity with the given class name nearest to the specified point.
FindByClassnameWithin handle FindByClassnameWithin(handle previous, string class, Vector origin, float radius) Find entities by class name within a radius.
FindByModel handle FindByModel(handle previous, string filename) Find entities by model name.
FindByName handle FindByName(handle previous, string name) Find entities by name.
FindByNameNearest handle FindByNameNearest(string name, Vector origin, float radius) Find entities by name nearest to a point.
FindByNameWithin handle FindByNameWithin(handle previous, string name, Vector origin, float radius) Find entities by name within a radius.
FindByTarget handle FindByTarget(handle previous, string targetname) Find entities by its target.
FindInSphere handle FindInSphere(handle previous, Vector origin, float radius) Find entities within a radius.
First handle First() Begin an iteration over the list of entities.
Next handle Next(handle previous) Continue an iteration over the list of entities, providing reference to a previously found entity.
IsValid bool IsValid() Whether the handle belongs to a valid entity.


Game Instance: NetProps

Allows reading and updating the network properties of an entity.

If the entity has multiple netprops with the same name, the data table name can be prepended with a dot to specify which one to use (e.g. "m_Collision.m_nSolidType").

Warning.pngWarning:Each netprop has a set size in bits, exceeding the size may desync the clients from the server causing unpredictable behavior.


Function Signature Description
GetPropArraySize int GetPropArraySize(CBaseEntity entity, string propertyName) Returns the size of an netprop array, or -1.
GetPropBool bool GetPropBool(CBaseEntity entity, string propertyName) Reads a boolean valued netprop.
GetPropBoolArray bool GetPropBoolArray(CBaseEntity entity, string propertyName, int arrayElement) Reads a boolean valued netprop from an array.
GetPropEntity CBaseEntity GetPropEntity(CBaseEntity entity, string propertyName) Reads an EHANDLE valued netprop (21 bit integer). Returns the script handle of the entity.
GetPropEntityArray CBaseEntity GetPropEntityArray(CBaseEntity entity, string propertyName, int arrayElement) Reads an EHANDLE valued netprop (21 bit integer) from an array. Returns the script handle of the entity.
GetPropFloat float GetPropFloat(CBaseEntity entity, string propertyName) Reads a float valued netprop.
GetPropFloatArray float GetPropFloatArray(CBaseEntity entity, string propertyName, int arrayElement) Reads a float valued netprop from an array.
GetPropInfo void GetPropInfo(CBaseEntity entity, string propertyName, int arrayElement, table) Fills in a passed table with property info for the provided entity.
GetPropInt int GetPropInt(CBaseEntity entity, string propertyName) Reads an integer valued netprop.
GetPropIntArray int GetPropIntArray(CBaseEntity entity, string propertyName, int arrayElement) Reads an integer valued netprop from an array.
GetPropString string GetPropString(CBaseEntity entity, string propertyName) Reads an string valued netprop.
GetPropStringArray string GetPropStringArray(CBaseEntity entity, string propertyName, int arrayElement) Reads an string valued netprop from an array.
GetPropType string GetPropType(CBaseEntity entity, string propertyName) Returns the name of the netprop type as a string.
GetPropVector Vector GetPropVector(CBaseEntity entity, string propertyName) Reads a 3D vector valued netprop.
Todo:  Does it work for other dimensions too?
GetPropVectorArray Vector GetPropVectorArray(CBaseEntity entity, string propertyName, int arrayElement) Reads a 3D vector valued netprop from an array.
GetTable void GetTable(CBaseEntity entity, int propType, table) Fills in a passed table with all props of a specified type for the provided entity (set propType to 0 for SendTable or 1 for DataMap).
HasProp bool HasProp(CBaseEntity entity, string propertyName) Checks if a netprop exists.
SetPropBool void SetPropBool(CBaseEntity entity, string propertyName, bool value) Sets a netprop to the specified boolean.
SetPropBoolArray void SetPropBoolArray(CBaseEntity entity, string propertyName, bool value, int arrayElement) Sets a netprop from an array to the specified boolean.
SetPropEntity void SetPropEntity(CBaseEntity entity, string propertyName, CBaseEntity value) Sets an EHANDLE valued netprop (21 bit integer) to reference the specified entity.
SetPropEntityArray void SetPropEntityArray(CBaseEntity entity, string propertyName, CBaseEntity value, int arrayElement) Sets an EHANDLE valued netprop (21 bit integer) from an array to reference the specified entity.
SetPropFloat void SetPropFloat(CBaseEntity entity, string propertyName, float value) Sets a netprop to the specified float.
SetPropFloatArray void SetPropFloatArray(CBaseEntity entity, string propertyName, float value, int arrayElement) Sets a netprop from an array to the specified float.
SetPropInt void SetPropInt(CBaseEntity entity, string propertyName, int value) Sets a netprop to the specified integer.
SetPropIntArray void SetPropInt(CBaseEntity entity, string propertyName, int value, int arrayElement) Sets a netprop from an array to the specified integer.
SetPropString void SetPropString(CBaseEntity entity, string propertyName, string value) Sets a netprop to the specified string.
SetPropStringArray void SetPropStringArray(CBaseEntity entity, string propertyName, string value, int arrayElement) Sets a netprop from an array to the specified string.
SetPropVector void SetPropVector(CBaseEntity entity, string propertyName, Vector value) Sets a netprop to the specified vector.
SetPropVectorArray void SetPropVectorArray(CBaseEntity entity, string propertyName, Vector value, int arrayElement) Sets a netprop from an array to the specified vector.


Game Instance: InfoNodes

Allows reading info_node data.


Function Signature Description
CreateLink CAI_Link CreateLink(int srcID, int destID) Creates a new link from srcID to destID and returns the link.
GetAllNearestNodes int GetAllNearestNodes(CBaseEntity npc, Vector position, int maxNodes, table) Fills a passed in table of x nearest nodes to origin with optional npc parameter, and returns number of nodes found.
GetAllNodes void GetAllNodes(table) Fills a passed in table of all nodes.
GetNearestNodeToPoint CAI_Node GetNearestNodeToPoint(CBaseEntity npc, Vector position) Returns the node nearest to origin with optional npc parameter.
GetNumNodes int GetNumNodes() Returns the amount of info_nodes in the network array.
GetNodeOrigin Vector GetNodeOrigin(int nodeID) Returns the origin of the node.
GetNodePosition Vector GetNodePosition(int nodeID, int hull) Returns the hull specific origin of the node.
GetNodeType int GetNodeType(int nodeID) Returns the type of node.

Example of spawning stuff at random info_node origins.

for( local i = 0; i < 5; i++ )
	local node_id = RandomInt( 0, InfoNodes.GetNumNodes() - 1 );
	local node_type = InfoNodes.GetNodeType( node_id );
	if ( node_type != NODE_GROUND )
	local ammo = Entities.CreateByClassname( "asw_ammo_drop" );
	ammo.SetOrigin( InfoNodes.GetNodeOrigin( node_id ) );
	ammo.SetName( "info_node_ammospawn_" + i );
	//Director.SpawnAlienAt( "asw_shieldbug", InfoNodes.GetNodePosition( node_id, HULL_WIDE_SHORT ), Vector( 0, 0, 0 ) );


Game Instance: EntityOutputs

Allows reading entity output data.


Function Signature Description
AddOutput void AddOutput(handle entity, string outputName, string targetName, string inputName, string parameter, float delay, int timesToFire) Adds a new output to the entity.
GetNumElements int GetNumElements(handle entity, string outputName) Returns the number of array elements.
GetOutputTable void GetOutputTable(handle entity, string outputName, table, int arrayElement) Returns a table of output information.
GetValue variable GetValue(handle entity, string outputName) Returns the value of the output if it has one. (can be used to read math_counter OutValue)
HasAction bool HasAction(handle entity, string outputName) Returns true if an action exists for the output.
HasOutput bool HasOutput(handle entity, string outputName) Returns true if the output exists.
RemoveOutput void RemoveOutput(handle entity, string outputName, string targetName, string inputName, string parameter) Removes an output from the entity.

Example of looping through entity outputs.

ent <- null;
while( ent = Entities.FindByClassname(ent, "trigger_once") )
	if ( EntityOutputs.HasAction( ent, "OnTrigger" ) )
		local numElements = EntityOutputs.GetNumElements( ent, "OnTrigger" );
		for ( local i = 0; i < numElements; i++ )
			local tbl = {};
			EntityOutputs.GetOutputTable( ent, "OnTrigger", tbl, i );
			DeepPrintTable( tbl );


Game Instance: TempEnts

Allows creating Temporary Entities on clients.


Function Signature Description
Create void Create(handle player, string name, float delay, table) Queue a temp entity for transmission on a client from a passed table of SendProp data. Passing null for a player will playback Temp Entity on all clients.
GetNames void GetNames(string name, table) Fills in a passed table with the names of all temp entities
GetPropTypes void GetPropTypes(table) Fills in a passed table with all SendProps and their types for the temp entity.


Game Instance: Convars

Provides an interface for getting and setting convars on the server.


Function Signature Description
ExecuteConCommand void ExecuteConCommand(string cmd) Executes the convar command.
GetClientConvarValue string GetClientConvarValue(int entindex, string name) Returns the convar value for the entindex as a string. Only works with client convars with the FCVAR_USERINFO flag.
GetStr string GetStr(string name) Returns the convar as a string. May return null if no such convar.
GetFloat float GetFloat(string name) Returns the convar as a float. May return null if no such convar.
SetValue void SetValue(string name, value) Sets the value of the convar to a numeric value.
SetValueString void SetValueString(string name, string value) Sets the value of the convar to a string.


Game Instance: ResponseCriteria

Allows reading the response rules of an entity.


Function Signature Description
GetTable void GetTable(CBaseEntity entity, table) Returns a table of all criteria.
GetValue string GetValue(CBaseEntity entity, string criteriaName) Returns a string.
HasCriterion bool HasCriterion(CBaseEntity entity, string criteriaName) Returns true if the criterion exists.


Game Instance: MissionChooser

Provides an interface for querying campaigns, missions, and challenges on the server.


Function Signature Description
CountCampaigns int CountCampaigns() Returns the number of installed campaigns.
CountChallenges int CountChallenges() Returns the number of installed challenges.
CountMissions int CountMissions() Returns the number of installed missions.
GetCampaign table GetCampaign(int index) Creates a table containing campaign data for a campaign by index.
GetCampaignByName table GetCampaignByName(string name) Creates a table containing campaign data for a campaign by name.
GetChallenge table GetChallenge(int index) Creates a table containing challenge data for a challenge by index.
GetChallengeByName table GetChallengeByName(string name) Creates a table containing challenge data for a challenge by name.
GetCurrentCampaign table GetCurrentCampaign() Creates a table containing campaign data for the current campaign.
GetCurrentChallenge table GetCurrentChallenge() Creates a table containing challenge data for the current challenge.
GetCurrentMission table GetCurrentMission() Creates a table containing mission overview data for the current mission.
GetMission table GetMission(int index) Creates a table containing mission overview data for a mission by index.
GetMissionByName table GetMissionByName(string name) Creates a table containing mission overview data for a mission by name.


Game Instance: Deathmatch

Allows challenge modes to modify deathmatch scores.


Function Signature Description
ResetScores void ResetScores() Clears all scores.
GetKills int GetKills(handle marineOrResource) Returns a marine's kill count.
SetKills void SetKills(handle marineOrResource, int kills) Overrides a marine's kill count.
GetDeaths int GetKills(handle marineOrResource) Returns a marine's death count.
SetDeaths void SetDeaths(handle marineOrResource, int deaths) Overrides a marine's death count.
GetTeamScore int GetKills(int teamNumber) Returns a team's score. Team numbers are TEAM_ALPHA (2) for the yellow team and TEAM_BETA (3) for the blue team.
SetTeamScore void SetTeamScore(int teamNumber, int score) Overrides a team's score. Team numbers are TEAM_ALPHA (2) for the yellow team and TEAM_BETA (3) for the blue team.
CheckFragLimit bool CheckFragLimit(handle marineOrResource) Checks if a player or their team should win the match. Call this after modifying a team's score or a marine's kill count.
ResetKillingSpree void ResetKillingSpree(handle marineOrResource) Reset a marine's killing spree counter.
IncreaseKillingSpree void IncreaseKillingSpree(handle marineOrResource) Record a kill for a marine's killing spree counter.
GetKillingSpree int GetKillingSpree(handle marineOrResource) Get a marine's current killing spree counter. This is always 0 if rd_quake_sounds is 0.



Function Signature Description
GetPlayerSpeechDuration float GetPlayerSpeechDuration(int playerIndex) Returns the number of seconds the player has been continuously speaking.
IsPlayerSpeaking bool IsPlayerSpeaking(int playerIndex) Returns whether the player specified is speaking.
IsValid bool IsValid() Whether the handle belongs to a valid entity.


Classname of the entity: rd_hud_vscript.


Function Signature Description
LookupTexture (Client) int LookupTexture(string filename) Loads a vmt file for use in Paint. Should not be called while the Paint function is running. Instead, store the texture number and reuse it.
LookupFont (Client) int LookupFont(string name) Gets the ID of a font defined in SwarmSchemeNew.res. Examples of font names include Default, DefaultExtraLarge, DefaultVerySmall, DefaultBlur. Should not be called while the Paint function is running. Instead, store the font ID and reuse it.
GetFontTall (Client) int GetFontTall(int font) Returns the height in pixels of a font. Fast and safe to call from anywhere.
GetTextWide (Client) int GetTextWide(int font, string text) Returns the width in pixels of a string in a given font. Fast and safe to call from anywhere.
PaintText (Client) void PaintText(int x, int y, int r, int g, int b, int a, int font, string text) Draws a string to the screen in a given color and font, with the top-left corner x pixels from the left edge of the screen and y pixels from the top of the screen. Can only be called during Paint.
PaintRectangle (Client) void PaintRectangle(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, int r, int g, int b, int a) Draws a solid-color rectangle to the screen. Can only be called during Paint.
PaintRectangleFade (Client) void PaintRectangleFade(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, int r, int g, int b, int a0, int a1, int fadeStart, int fadeEnd, bool horizontal) Draws a solid-color rectangle with a gradient alpha channel. Can only be called during paint.
PaintTexturedRectangle (Client) void PaintTexturedRectangle(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, int r, int g, int b, int a, int texture) Draws a textured rectangle to the screen, multiplied by a color. Can only be called during paint.
PaintTexturedRectangleAdvanced (Client) void PaintTexturedRectangleAdvanced({int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, int r, int g, int b, int a0, int a1, int a2, int a3, float s0, float t0, float s1, float t1, float angle, int texture}) Takes a table and draws a rectangle to the screen. You can leave out fields from the table if you don't need them. Can only be called during paint.
PaintPolygon (Client) void PaintPolygon([{float x, float y, float s, float t}, ...], int r, int g, int b, int a, int texture) Draws an arbitrary convex polygon made up of at least three vertices defined by x,y (position) and s,t (texture) coordinates.
GetEntity (Shared) handle GetEntity(int index) Returns an entity stored in the data. Index must be 0.
GetInt (Shared) int GetInt(int index) Returns an integer stored in the data. Index can be from 0 to 63.
GetFloat (Shared) float GetFloat(int index) Returns a float stored in the data. Index can be from 0 to 31.
GetString (Shared) string GetString(int index) Returns a string stored in the data. Index must be 0.
SetEntity (Server) void SetEntity(int index, handle entity) Stores an entity handle in the data. Index must be 0.
SetInt (Server) void SetInt(int index, int value) Stores an integer in the data. Index can be from 0 to 63.
SetFloat (Server) void SetFloat(int index, float value) Stores a float in the data. Index can be from 0 to 31.
SetString (Server) void SetString(int index, string text) Stores a string of up to 255 bytes in the data. Index must be 0.

Set up the entity:

local hHud = Entities.CreateByClassname( "rd_hud_vscript" );
hHud.__KeyValueFromString( "client_vscript", "your_nut_file.nut" );

The client script should define two functions: OnUpdate and Paint.

OnUpdate is called on every client whenever the server changes the entity data, including immediately after the entity spawns on the client.

Paint is called on every client on every frame while the HUD is being drawn.

This entity can hold up to 64 integers, 32 floats, 1 string and 1 entity of data.

An example below on how to display marine's kill count when they kill an alien, for 2 seconds.

Your challenge's .nut file:

function OnGameplayStart()
	local hMarine = null;
	while ( hMarine = Entities.FindByClassname( hMarine, "asw_marine" ) )
		local hHud = Entities.CreateByClassname( "rd_hud_vscript" );
		hHud.__KeyValueFromString( "client_vscript", "your_nut_file.nut" );
		hHud.SetEntity( 0, hMarine );
		hHud.SetName( hMarine.GetName() + "_hud" );
		hMarine.GetScriptScope().nKillCount <- 0;

function OnGameEvent_alien_died( params )
	if ( !( "marine" in params ) )
	local hMarine = EntIndexToHScript( params["marine"] );
	if ( !hMarine || !hMarine.IsValid() )
	hMarine.GetScriptScope().nKillCount += 1;
	local hHud = Entities.FindByName( null, hMarine.GetName() + "_hud" );
	hHud.SetInt( 0, hMarine.GetScriptScope().nKillCount );
	hHud.SetFloat( 0, Time() );

Client script file for hud, in this case your_nut_file.nut:

	float 0 - time when last kill was performed

	int 0 - kill count
	entity 0 - marine

FONT_DEFAULTLARGE <- self.LookupFont( "DefaultLarge" );

function Paint()
	// if we are not playing or not spectating this marine, dont show his kill count
	if ( self.GetEntity(0) != GetLocalPlayer().GetViewNPC() )
	// if more than 2 seconds have passed since last kill, dont show the kill count
	if ( Time() - self.GetFloat(0) > 2.0 )
	self.PaintText( ScreenPosX( 0.5 ), ScreenPosY( 0.2 ), 200, 200, 200, 200, FONT_DEFAULTLARGE, self.GetInt(0).tostring() );

// pass in a value from 0.0 to 1.0, 0.0 means the left side of the screen, 1.0 means the right, 0.5 in the middle
function ScreenPosX( fFraction )
	return ScreenWidth() * fFraction;

// pass in a value from 0.0 to 1.0, 0.0 means the up side of the screen, 1.0 means the down, 0.5 in the middle
function ScreenPosY( fFraction )
	return ScreenHeight() * fFraction;

Some fonts (use LookupFont to get their IDs as they can change with game updates or Workshop mods):

  • DefaultVerySmall
  • DefaultVerySmallBlur
  • DefaultSmall
  • DefaultSmallBlur
  • DefaultSmallOutline
  • Default
  • DefaultBlur
  • DefaultShadowed
  • DefaultUnderline
  • DefaultMedium
  • DefaultMediumBlur
  • DefaultLarge
  • DefaultLargeBlur
  • DefaultBold
  • DefaultBoldBlur
  • DefaultExtraLarge
  • DefaultExtraLargeBlur
  • Countdown
  • CountdownBlur


Classname of the entity: rd_vgui_vscript. Supports all methods that rd_hud_vscript does, plus:


Function Signature Description
SendInput (Client) void SendInput(int value) Sends an input to the server. Inputs can be integers between ±16,777,215; larger values may result in floating point precision loss. Inputs will arrive on the server in order. Can only be called during the Control function.
CreateButton (Client) CRD_VGui_VScript_Button CreateButton() Creates a button that can be targeted by both mice and controllers. Do not create new buttons every frame; buttons exist for the lifetime of the rd_vgui_vscript entity. Instead, move or enable/disable buttons as needed.
GetInteracter (Shared) CASW_Inhabitable_NPC GetInteracter() Returns the character (usually marine) that is allowed to interact with this screen.
SetInteracter (Server) void SetInteracter(CASW_Inhabitable_NPC interacter) Sets which character (usually marine) is allowed to interact with this screen.

In addition to the callback functions for rd_hud_vscript, rd_vgui_vscript has the following callback functions:

Control(table) (Client)

The table contains:

  • bool mouse (is the player using the mouse to aim? otherwise controller)
  • bool keyboard (is the player using the keyboard to act/move? otherwise controller)
  • int button (the button code that was pressed)
  • bool mouse_left, mouse_right, key_left, key_right, key_up, key_down, key_space, key_enter, controller_left, controller_right, controller_up, controller_down, controller_a, controller_b (whether each button is held)
  • int mouse_x, mouse_y (mouse position on screen)
  • float move_x, move_y, look_x, look_y (controller stick positions)
  • CRD_VGui_VScript_Button focus (currently focused button on controller)

Input(integer) (Shared)

Called on both the client and the server when the client calls self.SendInput. The client can call SetInt, SetFloat, SetString, and SetEntity during this callback. Should only change data stored in the slots of the rd_vgui_vscript entity on the client as this function will be called repeatedly and only those values will be rolled back for prediction. When called on the client, it is followed by a call to the Update callback.



Function Signature Description
GetX int GetX() Returns the x coordinate of the left edge of the button, previously set by SetX, SetPos, or SetBounds.
GetY int GetY() Returns the y coordinate of the top edge of the button, previously set by SetY, SetPos, or SetBounds.
GetWide int GetWide() Returns the width of the button, previously set by SetWide, SetSize, or SetBounds.
GetTall int GetTall() Returns the height of the button, previously set by SetTall, SetSize, or SetBounds.
SetX void SetX(int x) Moves the button.
SetY void SetY(int y) Moves the button.
SetWide void SetWide(int wide) Resizes the button.
SetTall void SetTall(int tall) Resizes the button.
SetPos void SetPos(int x, int y) Shortcut for calling SetX and SetY.
SetSize void SetSize(int wide, int tall) Shortcut for calling SetWide and SetTall.
SetBounds void SetBounds(int x, int y, int wide, int tall) Shortcut for calling SetPos and SetSize.
SetEnabled void SetEnabled(bool enabled) Enables or disables the button. Disabled buttons cannot be focused by the controller and do not run callbacks.
SetOnClicked void SetOnClicked(function() callback) Sets a function to be called when the button is clicked with the mouse or activated with the controller. This callback counts as part of the Control function, meaning you can call self.SendInput during the callback.
SetOnCursorMoved void SetOnCursorMoved(function(int x, int y) callback) Sets a function to be called when the mouse is moved over the button. This callback counts as part of the Control function, meaning you can call self.SendInput during the callback.
SetOnCursorEntered void SetOnCursorEntered(function() callback) Sets a function to be called when the mouse is moved onto the button. This callback counts as part of the Control function, meaning you can call self.SendInput during the callback.
SetOnCursorExited void SetOnCursorExited(function() callback) Sets a function to be called when the mouse is moved off of the button. This callback counts as part of the Control function, meaning you can call self.SendInput during the callback.
SetOnMousePressed void SetOnMousePressed(function(bool right) callback) Sets a function to be called when a mouse button is pressed over the button. This callback counts as part of the Control function, meaning you can call self.SendInput during the callback.
SetOnMouseReleased void SetOnMouseReleased(function(bool right) callback) Sets a function to be called when a mouse button is released over the button. This callback counts as part of the Control function, meaning you can call self.SendInput during the callback.


Classname of the entity: rd_computer_vscript. Supports all methods that rd_vgui_vscript does, plus:


Function Signature Description
HackCompleted (Server) void HackCompleted() Call this function to complete the hack. No effect if this entity is not being used as the hack.
SetFastHackEndTime (Server) void SetFastHackEndTime(float time) Sets the deadline for the fast hack. In order for the fast hack to award stat progress and play the failed sound, the computer area must be set to have at least 6 tumblers. The hack must have been initialized, so the earliest this can be called is in the first call to OnOpened.
GetFastHackEndTime (Shared) float GetFastHackEndTime() Returns the deadline for the fast hack. The current time can be determined by calling Time().
GetHackStartTime (Shared) float GetHackStartTime() Returns the value of Time() when the hack started.
Back (Shared) void Back() Closes the screen, returning to the menu or exiting the computer.
SetHackProgress (Shared) void SetHackProgress(float progress) Sets the hack progress between 0 (just started) and 1 (ready to call HackCompleted). Can only be called during the Input callback.

In addition to the callback functions for rd_vgui_vscript, rd_computer_vscript has OnOpened and OnClosed callback functions on both the client and the server. The screen resolution is YRes(416) by YRes(312) rather than the usual XRes(640) by YRes(480).


Script handle representation of a models $keyvalues block. Sub keys are instances of the same class.


Function Signature Description
FindKey CScriptKeyValues FindKey(string keyName) Find a sub key by the key name.
GetFirstSubKey CScriptKeyValues GetFirstSubKey() Return the first sub key object.
GetKeyBool bool GetKeyBool(string keyName) Return the key value as a bool.
GetKeyFloat float GetKeyFloat(string keyName) Return the key value as a float.
GetKeyInt int GetKeyInt(string keyName) Return the key value as an integer.
GetKeyString string GetKeyString(string keyName) Return the key value as a string.
GetNextKey handle GetNextKey() Return the next neighbor key object to the one the method is called on.
IsKeyEmpty bool IsKeyEmpty(string keyName) Returns true if the named key has no value.
IsValid bool IsValid() Whether the handle belongs to a valid entity.
ReleaseKeyValues void ReleaseKeyValues() Releases the contents of the instance.


CCallChainer objects collect all functions with a matching prefix in a given scope, then inserts it all into the chains table with the prefix removed. All collected unprefixed functions can then be called in a chain using the class's Call() method, given the method's event argument matches the functions' name.

Whenever a CCallChainer object is created, a function named Dispatch followed by its given prefix will also be created, which the class binds the environment of its Call() method to.


Function Signature Description
constructor CCallChainer(string functionPrefix, table scope = null) Creates a CCallChainer object that'll collect functions that have a matching prefix in the given scope.
PostScriptExecute void PostScriptExecute() Search for all non-native functions with matching prefixes, then push them into the chains table.
Call bool Call(string event, any ...) Find an unprefixed function name in the chains table and call it with the given arguments.


Instance Type Description
chains table Contains names of unprefixed functions, each with an array of functions to call.
prefix string Prefix that functions should have to be added into the chains table. Set by the constructor.
scope table If set, seek functions in this scope instead. Set by the constructor.


Intended to be simpler to use than CCallChainer, the class CSimpleCallChainer holds only a single chain of functions inside an array instead of multiple inside a table. As such, its Call() method does not need a function's name.

This class is also used internally by these CBaseEntity hooks: Precache() and OnPostSpawn().


Function Signature Description
constructor CSimpleCallChainer(string functionPrefix, table scope = null, exactMatch = false) Creates a CSimpleCallChainer object that'll collect functions that have a matching prefix in the given scope, unless it seek for an exact name match.
PostScriptExecute void PostScriptExecute() Begin searching for all non-native functions with matching prefixes, then push them into the chain array.
Call bool Call(any ...) Call all functions inside the chain array with the given arguments.


Instance Type Description
chain array All functions to be called by the Call() method.
exactMatch bool If set, names of non-native functions and prefix must be an exact match. Set by the constructor.
prefix string Prefix that functions should have to be added into the chain array. Set by the constructor.
scope table If set, seek functions in this scope instead. Set by the constructor.


Late binding: allows a table to refer to parts of itself, it's children, it's owner, and then have the references fixed up after it's fully parsed.

// Usage:
lateBinder <- LateBinder();
lateBinder.Begin( this );

Test1 <-

Test2 <-
   FooFoo = "I'm foo foo"
   SubTable = { boo=[bah, "@Test2.FooFoo", "@Test1.Foo"], booboo2={one=bah, two="@Test2.FooFoo", three="@Test1.Foo"} }
   booboo=[bah, "@Test2.FooFoo", "@Test1.Foo"]
   booboo2={one=bah, two="@Test2.FooFoo", three="@Test1.Foo"}

delete lateBinder;

When End() is called, all of the unresolved symbols in the tables and arrays will be resolved, any left unresolved will become a string prepended with '~', which later code can deal with.


Function Signature Description


The built-in Squirrel class for regular expressions.


Function Signature Description
constructor regexp()
capture [table] capture(str, [start]) Returns an array of tables containing two indexes("begin" and "end")of the first match of the regular expression in the string str. An array entry is created for each captured sub expressions. If no match occurs returns null. The search starts from the index start of the string, if start is omitted the search starts from the beginning of the string.
match bool match(str) Returns a true if the regular expression matches the string str, otherwise returns false.
search table search(str, [start]) Returns a table containing two indexes("begin" and "end") of the first match of the regular expression in the string str, otherwise if no match occurs returns null. The search starts from the index start of the string, if start is omitted the search starts from the beginning of the string.


Squirrel equivalent of the C++ Vector class.

Three-dimensional vector.

Has overloaded arithmetic operations with both Vectors and scalar values.

Note.pngNote:Example declaration and manipulation of Vector


Function Signature Description
constructor Vector(float x, float y, float z) Creates a new vector with the specified Cartesian coordiantes.
Cross float Cross(Vector factor) The vector product of two vectors. Returns a vector orthogonal to the input vectors.
Dot float Dot(Vector factor) The scalar product of two vectors.
Length float Length() Magnitude of the vector.
LengthSqr float LengthSqr() The magnitude of the vector squared. Faster than the above method.
Length2D float Length2D() Returns the magnitude of the vector on the x-y plane.
Length2DSqr float Length2DSqr() Returns the square of the magnitude of the vector on the x-y plane. Faster than the above method.
Norm float Norm() Will return the vector length as a float. This function will also NORMALIZE the vector, the X, Y, and Z values will each be set to a number between -1 and 1. You can then multiply these values by, for example, 3000 to use the vector to set the velocity of something in game.
ToKVString string ToKVString() Returns a string without separations commas.


Instance Type Description
x float Cartesian X axis.
y float Cartesian Y axis.
z float Cartesian Z axis.


These hook functions are used by simply adding a function with the same name and arguments to the script, and are called back by the C++ code at the appropriate moments.


float OnTakeDamage_Alive_Any(CBaseEntity victim, CBaseEntity inflictor, CBaseEntity attacker, CBaseEntity weapon, float damage, int damageType, string ammoName): Adding a function with this name in the script causes C++ to call it on all OnTakeDamage_Alive events.

Returning "false" causes the damage to be stopped and nothing will be done to the target (though animation/bloodstains/decals will probably still happen, sorry about that).


void UserConsoleCommand(handle playerScript, arg): when a user does a <scripted_user_func argument> at console (or bound to a key) this function is called (if it exists). The playerscript is which players console it came from. You can pass strings or whatever, of course. So could do a switch statement off <arg> to give players special controls, etc.


void OnGameEvent_x(table params): A callback that is called when the game event x is fired. See scripts\gameevents.res and scripts\modeevents.res for valid events. The list of game events a script can listen for is available in the game's source code.


void OnMissionStart(): A callback that is called when MissionStart occurs.


void OnGameplayStart(): A callback that is called when all marines have spawned and players start to play.


void Update(): Update gets called much like a Think() function. If you return a float value the function will get called again in x seconds.


string OnReceivedTextMessage(CBaseEntity recipient, CBaseEntity sender, string message): Called when a player sends a text message into chat.

Sent message will be replaced by the returned string. If the return type is not a string, message is not sent. Note, the message parameter contains an end of line character. If you want to get rid of it, do message = message.slice( 0, message.len() - 1 )

Global functions

Printing and Drawing

Function Signature Description
ClientPrint void ClientPrint(CBasePlayer player, int destination, string message, ...) Print a client message. If you pass null instead of a valid player, the message will be sent to all clients. destination should be HUD_PRINTNOTIFY, HUD_PRINTCONSOLE, HUD_PRINTTALK, HUD_PRINTCENTER, or ASW_HUD_PRINTTALKANDCONSOLE. message will be looked up as a translation string and can contain %s1 through %s4 to reference extra string arguments passed after message.
TextColor string TextColor(int r, int g, int b) Returns a string which is reinterpreted into a color internally in the ClientPrint message string. Turns all the characters that come after the returned string into respective RGB color.
TextColorBlend string TextColorBlend(int r1, int g1, int b1, int r2, int g2, int b2) Returns a string which is reinterpreted into a color blend internally in the ClientPrint message string. Turns all the characters that come after the returned string into respective RGB color blend.
TextColorBlendInvert string TextColorBlendInvert(int r, int g, int b) Returns a string which is reinterpreted into a inverted color blend internally in the ClientPrint message string. Turns all the characters that come after the returned string into respective inverted RGB color blend.
TextColorBlend3 string TextColorBlend3(int r1, int g1, int b1, int r2, int g2, int b2, int r3, int g3, int b3) Returns a string which is reinterpreted into a triple color blend internally in the ClientPrint message string. Turns all the characters that come after the returned string into respective triple RGB color blend.
TextColorBlendCycle string TextColorBlendCycle(int transition_length, int r1, int g1, int b1, int r2, int g2, int b2) Returns a string which is reinterpreted into a color blend cycle internally in the ClientPrint message string. Turns all the characters that come after the returned string into respective RGB color blend cycle.
TextColorBlendSmoothCycle string TextColorBlendSmoothCycle(int transition_length, int r1, int g1, int b1, int r2, int g2, int b2) Returns a string which is reinterpreted into a smooth color blend cycle internally in the ClientPrint message string. Turns all the characters that come after the returned string into respective smooth RGB color blend cycle.
DebugDrawBox void DebugDrawBox(vector origin, vector min, vector max, int r, int g, int b, int alpha, float duration) Draw a debug overlay box.
DebugDrawLine void DebugDrawLine(Vector start, Vector end, int red, int green, int blue, bool zTest, float time) Draw a debug line between two points.
Msg void Msg(string message) Equivalent to print
print void print(string message) Prints the given message to the developer console.
printl void printl(string message) Prints the given message to the developer console just like print but also appends a newline.
Say void Say(CBasePlayer player, string message) Calling this will have the specified player send the message to chat.
ScreenHeight (Client) int ScreenHeight() Returns the height of the screen in pixels.
ScreenWidth (Client) int ScreenWidth() Returns the width of the screen in pixels.
ShowMessage void ShowMessage(string) Print a hud message on all clients.
Icon-Bug.pngBug:Non-functional  [todo tested in ?]
TryLocalize (Client) string TryLocalize(string text) If text is a valid translation key starting with #, returns the translated string. Otherwise, returns text as-is.
XRes (Client) float XRes(float x) Scales an X coordinate based on a 640 pixel wide screen.
YRes (Client) float YRes(float y) Scales a Y coordinate based on a 480 pixel tall screen.
__DumpScope void __DumpScope(int indentation, handle scope) Dumps contents of everything in the scope.


Function Signature Description
AddThinkToEnt void AddThinkToEnt(handle entity, string funcName) Adds a late bound think function to the C++ think tables for the obj.
Assert void Assert(bool value, string optional message) Test value and if not true, throws exception, optionally with message.
ChangeLevel void ChangeLevel(string mapname) Tell engine to change level.
CreateGrenadeCluster handle CreateGrenadeCluster(float damage, float radius, int clusters, Vector position, Vector angles, Vector velocity, Vector angVelocity) Create grenade cluster.
CreateProp handle CreateProp(string class, Vector origin, string model, int animation) Create a prop with the specified class and model. Both prop_physics, prop_dynamic as well as some other entity classes with models work. Does not precache the model.
Icon-Bug.pngBug:Does not initialize the physics of the prop.  [todo tested in ?]
CreateSceneEntity CSceneEntity CreateSceneEntity(string scene) Create a scene entity to play the specified scene .vcd file.
DisptchParticleEffect void DispatchParticleEffect(string name, Vector origin, Vector angles) Spawns a particle effect in the world.
DisptchParticleEffectCP1 void DispatchParticleEffectCP1(string name, Vector origin, Vector angles, Vector cp1) Spawns a particle effect in the world with a specific offset for control point 1.
DoIncludeScript bool DoIncludeScript(string filename, table scope) Execute a script with the script scope set to the specified table.
DoEntFire void DoEntFire(string target, string action, string value, float delay, handle activator, handle caller) Generate an entity I/O event. The caller argument takes a script handle, so it can be used with target set to !self to fire inputs to entities without usable targetnames.
DropFragGrenade handle DropFragGrenade(float damage, float grenadeRadius, Vector origin) Drops a frag grenade.
DropFreezeGrenade handle DropFreezeGrenade(float damage, float freezeAmount, float grenadeRadius, Vector origin) Drops a freeze grenade.
DropGasGrenade handle DropGasGrenade(float damage, float dmgInterval, float duration, float fuse, Vector origin) Drops a gas grenade. // new edit default: damge = 20 , damage per seconds = 0.3, duration = 30, fuse = 1 # radius being fix to 100 using covar asw_gas_grenade_cloud_width
DropIncendiaryGrenade handle DropIncendiaryGrenade(float damage, float grenadeRadius, Vector origin) Drops an incendiary grenade.
DropStunGrenade handle DropStunGrenade(float damage, float grenadeRadius, Vector origin) Drops a stun grenade.
EntFire function EntFire(string target, string action, string value, float delay = 0.0, handle activator = null) Generate an entity I/O event.
EntFireByHandle void EntFireByHandle(handle target, string action, string value, float delay, handle activator, handle caller) Generate an entity I/O event. The first parameter is an entity instance, so the handles of nameless or script generated entities can be passed easily.
EntIndexToHScript CBaseEntity EntIndexToHScript(int entIndex) Returns the script handle for the given entity index.
FadeClientVolume void FadeClientVolume(handle player, float fadePercent, float fadeOutSeconds, float holdTime, float fadeInSeconds) Fade out the client's volume level toward silence (or fadePercent).
FileToString string FileToString(string file) Reads a string from file. Returns the string from the file, empty string if no file or file is too big.
FindNearestNPC handle FindNearestNPC(Vector position, bool checkZCoordinate, float radius) Returns the nearest character (Marine, Colonist, or Alien) to the given coordinate.
FrameTime float FrameTime() Get the time spent on the server in the last frame
GamePause void GamePause(bool bPause) Pause or unpause the game.
GetClientXUID string GetClientXUID(handle player) Get the player's xuid (i.e. SteamID64).
GetDecalIndexForName int GetDecalIndexForName(string name) Get decal index from a string.
GetEffectIndex int GetEffectIndex(string name) Converts a previously precached effect into an index.
GetEffectNameFromIndex string GetEffectNameFromIndex(int index) Converts a previously precached effect index into a string.
GetFrameCount int GetFrameCount() Returns the engine's current frame count.
GetHullMaxs Vector GetHullMaxs(int hullType) Returns a Vector for the hull maxs.
GetHullMins Vector GetHullMins(int hullType) Returns a Vector for the hull mins.
GetLocalPlayer (Client) handle GetLocalPlayer() Returns the local C_ASW_Player.
GetListenServerHost handle GetListenServerHost() Get the host player on a listen server.
GetMapName string GetMapName() Get the name of the map.
GetModelIndex int GetModelIndex(string filename) Returns index of model by name.
GetParticleSystemIndex int GetParticleSystemIndex(string name) Converts a previously precached material into an index.
GetParticleSystemNameFromIndex string GetParticleSystemNameFromIndex(int index) Converts a previously precached material index into a string.
GetPlayerConnectionInfo void GetPlayerConnectionInfo(handle player, table) Returns a table containing the player's connection info.
GetPlayerFromUserID handle GetPlayerFromUserID(int ID) Given a user id, return the entity, or null.
IsAnniversaryWeek bool IsAnniversaryWeek() Returns true if it is the anniversary week of Alien Swarm: Reactive Drop.
IsDedicatedServer bool IsDedicatedServer() Returns true if this is a dedicated server.
IsModelPrecached bool IsModelPrecached(string modelname) Checks if the modelname is precached.
LocalTime void LocalTime(table) Fills in the passed table with the local system time.
PlaceDamageAmplifier handle PlaceDamageAmplifier(float duration, float grenadeRadius, Vector origin) Places a damage amplifier.
PlaceHealBeacon handle PlaceHealBeacon(float healAmount, float healthPerSecond, float infestationCureAmount, float duration, float grenadeRadius, Vector origin) Places a heal beacon. Default values for Faith / Bastille are : healAmount = 100 / 90, healthPerSecond = 3, infestationCureAmount = 0.75 / 0.25, duration = 20, grenadeRadius = 100
PlantIncendiaryMine handle PlantIncendiaryMine(Vector origin, Vector angles) Plants an incendiary mine.
PlantLaserMine handle PlantLaserMine(bool friendly, Vector origin, Vector angles) Plants a laser mine.
PlayerInstanceFromIndex CBasePlayer PlayerInstanceFromIndex(int index) Get a script handle of a player using the player index.
PrecacheEffect void PrecacheEffect(string name) Precaches an effect.
PrecacheModel int PrecacheModel(string filename) Precache a model and return index of the model.
PrecacheParticleSystem int PrecacheParticleSystem(string name) Precaches a particle material.
PrintHelp [Todo]
RandomFloat float RandomFloat() Generate a random floating point number.
RandomFloat float RandomFloat(float min, float max) Generate a random floating point number within a range, inclusive
RandomInt int RandomInt() Generate a random integer.
RandomInt int RandomInt(int min, int max) Generate a random integer within a range, inclusive
RetrieveNativeSignature void RetrieveNativeSignature(string or func) Name suggests it would print the calling format for a native function, but I can't get it to output anything other than <unnamed>
ScreenFade void ScreenFade(handle player, int red, int green, int blue, int alpha, float fadeTime, float fadeHold, int flags) Start a screenfade with the following parameters.
ScreenShake void ScreenShake(Vector vecCenter, float flAmplitude, float flFrequency, float flDuration, float flRadius, int eCommand, bool bAirShake) Start a screenshake with the following parameters.
SendToConsole void SendToConsole(string command) Send a string to the console as a command.
SendToServerConsole void SendToServerConsole(string) Send a string that gets executed on the server as a ServerCommand
SpawnEntityFromTable handle SpawnEntityFromTable(string name, handle keyvalues) Spawn entity from KeyValues in table - 'name' is entity name, rest are KeyValues for spawn.
StartStim void StartStim(float duration) Activates a stim pack for desired duration.
StopStim void StopStim() Stops any active stim pack.
StringToFile void StringToFile(string file, string string) Stores the string into the file.
Time float Time() Get the current server time
TraceLine float TraceLine(Vector, Vector, handle) given 2 points & ent to ignore, return fraction along line that hits world or models
TraceLineTable void TraceLineTable(table traceTable) Uses a configuration table to do a raytrace, puts return information into the table for return usage.
UniqueString function UniqueString(string) Generate a string guaranteed to be unique across the life of the script VM, with an optional root string. Useful for adding data to tables when not sure what keys are already in use in that table.

Useful Code

Delaying Code Execution

function DelayCodeExecution( string_code, delay )
	DoEntFire( "worldspawn", "RunScriptCode", string_code, delay, null, null );

Usage example, this code below prints each marine's health into console 5 seconds after they have spawned:

function OnGameplayStart()
	"local handle_marine = null; while ( ( handle_marine = Entities.FindByClassname( handle_marine, \"asw_marine\" ) ) != null ) { printl( handle_marine.GetMarineName() + \" health is \" + handle_marine.GetHealth() ); }",
	5.0 );

Note that if the code that you want to delay uses quotation marks, you have to add a '\' symbol before those quotation marks so that they would get parsed into the string.

Delaying a Function Call

Delays a function call, the function that gets delayed has to be in the same script scope.

function DelayFunctionCall( function_name, function_params, delay )
	if ( !this["self"] )
	// this[ function_name ]( function_params );
	EntFireByHandle( this["self"], "RunScriptCode", "this[\"" + function_name + "\"](" + function_params + ");", delay, null, null );

Usage examples:

function OnGameplayStart()
	DelayFunctionCall( "PrintToChat", "\"Hello, I was printed with a 3 second delay.\"", 3.0 );

function PrintToChat( message )
	ClientPrint( null, 3, message );
function OnGameplayStart()
	DelayFunctionCall( "SetMarineHealth", "50", 3.0 );

function SetMarineHealth( health )
	local handle_marine = null;
	while ( ( handle_marine = Entities.FindByClassname( handle_marine, "asw_marine" ) ) != null )
		handle_marine.SetHealth( health );

Note that the parameters have to be constants or indexes which are global to the scope.

See also