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당신이 찾고자 하는 내용인가요?
This page is about editing the VDC wiki. To learn about Source , mapping, modding, etc, read the Source SDK Documentation . For questions and answers, see the Source SDK Forums and the Source SDK FAQ .
This page is about editing the VDC wiki. To learn about Source , mapping, modding, etc, read the Source SDK Documentation . For questions and answers, see the Source SDK Forums and the Source SDK FAQ .
Newcomer's page editing links
- Welcome! A brief summary of the VDC
- How to edit VDC pages
- Information on cleaning up articles to reach a higher level of quality
- How to add images to articles
- Information on writing a profile page for a mod
- Deletion policy and how to mark something that needs to be deleted
Contributor's quick links
- VDC To Do list
- Templates
- Wikipedia: Table markup
- 특수 문서 목록
- Protected page
- Requests for page protection
Admin's quick links
Valve Developer Community editing resources
Valve 개발자 커뮤니티에 오신걸 환영합니다! 새로 오셧다면, 이 페이지의 몇몇 내용들을 확인해보세요:
- Valve Developer Community:About - VDC 와 이것의 목적을 간략하게 서술했습니다.
- Valve Developer Community:Community Portal - 당신이 VDC 에서 찾으실수 있는 무궁무진한 자료의 길로 안내합니다.
- A guide to how to edit, including wiki markup, templates, and style guidelines
- About images and how to insert them into articles
- Basic information on cleaning up problematic articles, and templates you can use to mark problems
- Information on stubs, which are very short articles that should be expanded by someone with the appropriate knowledge
- This page explains what images are and are not acceptable. Images which do not conform to policy will be deleted!
- Information on what types of articles are eligible for deletion, and how to mark the articles so they can be deleted by administrators.
- Protected pages are pages that can only be edited by administrators. Read more about protected pages and find out how to request a page be protected.
- Thinking about making a mod or an article about a mod? Don't make an article until you've read this page! It has guidelines on writing the article as well as policies about when articles are acceptable.
A simple editing tutorial is available at Help:Editing . Information on page cleanup is found at Help:Cleanup . Information on images and how to add them to articles is found at Help:Images . For ideas on some areas where you can contribute, check out the Wiki To Do List . Also, many useful functions are available from the list of Special Pages .
Wikipedia and MediaWiki resources
The VDC uses MediaWiki , an open source wiki engine licensed under the GNU GPL. The largest array of resources for learning how to use MediaWiki can be found at the largest wiki using the engine, Wikipedia.
- Wikipedia Help — main Wikipedia help menu
- Wikipedia: Tutorial — a series of introductionary articles, each page discusses one useful feature of the wiki software.
- Wikipedia: How to edit a page — comprehensive guide on editing MediaWiki sites, including markup details.
- Wikipedia FAQ — answers questions commonly asked about Wikipedia.
- Wikipedia: Contributing FAQ — answers questions commonly asked by contributors to Wikipedia.
- Wikipedia: Editing FAQ — answers the most common questions about editing Wikipedia.