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ent_create is a console command available in all Source Source games.

It creates an entity of the given type where the player is looking.

Note.pngNote:This command is flagged as a cheat in Black Mesa Black Mesa in all game modes.


Syntax: ent_create <entity name> <param 1 name> <param 1> <param 2 name> <param 2>...<param N name> <param N>

Note.pngNote:In games based on Portal 2 engine branch Portal 2 engine branch or Left 4 Dead engine branch Left 4 Dead engine branch it is not possible to set entity's keyvalues with this command, only <entity name> is accepted as argument.
Todo: When was this added and what games is it available in?
PlacementTip.pngWorkaround:Use addoutput input with ent_fire command to add keyvalues. (this won't always work as intended because certain keyvalues take effect only during the entity spawning)


  • ent_create player_speedmod; ent_fire player_speedmod ModifySpeed 3
    A handy way to make the player faster ingame, without needing to recompile the map or using host_timescale.
  • ent_create env_explosion targetname newexp iMagnitude 100; ent_fire newexp explode
    Spawns an explosion where the player looks and instantly triggers it too.
  • ent_create prop_dynamic model models/editor/playerstart.mdl modelscale 2
    Example of creating a prop. Alternatively, prop_dynamic_create can be used.
  • ent_create player_weaponstrip targetname pacifism; ent_fire pacifism strip
    A handy way to clear weapons ingame.


You can also pass flags to created entities like this: Syntax: ent_create <entity name> spawnflags <combo>

  • ent_create point_viewcontrol spawnflags 264 angles "0 0 90"
    creates a 90 flipped point_viewcontrol that does not start at/follow the player and has an infinite hold time. For an understanding of angles, see getpos.
Tip.pngTip:To find out the combo, create such an entity and edit its flags in Hammer, then disable SmartEdit and copy the spawnflags value.

See also